Vancouver Bridge Centre
Address:   1825 West 16th Ave, Vancouver B.C.

TGIF January 2025: Scores

1. Board-a-Match. Both vul.
S A K 8 6 2   H 7 6 4   D Q 3 2   C J 8  
West North East South  
3C 3D 4C ?

Your call?

Dbl 12 100
4D 0 60
4S 0 60
5D 0 50
5C 0 40
Pass 0 20
Moderator: Congratulations to our very own Michael Dimich, who came 5th overall for IYC 2024 ACBL-Wide!
Steve Robinson: Dbl. . . responsive. I want to show my five spades. If I had six, I'd bid 4S directly. If partner bids 4H, I'll bid 4S and partner will know that I have only five spades and he won't pass without three. Otherwise, we'll get to 5D.
Michael Dimich: 4S. Plus 500 versus plus 620 or more.
Christopher Diamond: 4D. It'd be nice to get the spades in but see no way, except maybe an off shape negative Dbl.
Larry Meyer: 4D. Support with support.
Allan Simon: 4S. No guarantee but at BAM it's worth a shot.
Paul McMullin: 4S. This should imply diamond support.
Bruce Rogoff: Dbl. Planning to bid 4S over 4-red to offer a choice. We're risking a minus score, especially against frisky opponents who may have only 9 clubs, but I think it's worth overbidding a bit to find spades. Preempts are annoying!
Hendrik Sharples: 4D. If I bid 4D partner has spades; if I bid 4S RHO has 4 more spades then my partner.
Lars Erik Bergerud: Dbl. Responsive. 4S is most often wrong if you don't find pard with at least 3 spades. Pull 4H to 4S to describe the hand type as 5 spades and acceptable diamond support.
Kf Tung: 4S. 5 spades, 2 key cards, and can play 5D if partner wants to do so.
Louk Verhees: Dbl. Most flexible; correct 4H to 4S.

2. Matchpoints. Both vul.
S A J   H K 7 5 3   D K 6 3   C 9 5 3 2  
West North East South  
    Pass Pass
1H Dbl 2H ?

Your call?

Dbl 10 100
2NT 1 70
3NT 1 60
3C 0 30
Pass 0 30
Moderator: The vast majority double, angling to play 3 of a minor.
Kerri Sanborn: 2NT. My second choice is a responsive double.
Josh Donn: Dbl. . . pulling 2S to 3C. If partner has the singleton heart opponents are advertising and only four spades, as double implies, then we must have a fit in a minor.
Michael Dimich: Pass. If partner doubles again, they are going for a ride. If partner had a weak takeout double and passes you still might get 200.
Christopher Diamond: 2NT. Hate it, but I have too much to pass.
Larry Meyer: 2NT. Show my heart stopper and my lack of interest in spades.
Allan Simon: Dbl. Responsive. If it turns out bad I'll blame partner. The bid I really hate is 3NT. Sorry, Mr Hamman.
Paul McMullin: 2NT. I feel like I should show some values.
Bruce Rogoff: 2NT. Natural, I hope. Not ideal but seems the least flawed. If pard thinks it's takeout for minors that may not be a disaster.
Hendrik Sharples: 2NT. I hope bidding 2NT natural is still legal.
Lars Erik Bergerud: Pass. A defensive hand. The 3-level is far from safe and the opps will never compete wrongly at the 3-level here. Pass again if pard reopens with a double. If wrong, so be it.
Kf Tung: 2NT. This is our hand. 3N is on the horizon.
Louk Verhees: Dbl. Passing could easily be right.
Bob Todd: Dbl. Several unpleasant choices. I double and pull 2S to 3C. Maybe partner bids clubs or diamonds.
Gareth Birdsall: 3C. Assuming 2N is Leb, this shows extras.

3. IMPs. Both vul.
S K 6 5   H A J 10 8 3   D 9 8 4 3   C 7  
West North East South  
  1C Pass 1H
Pass 3C Pass ?

Your call?

3D 4 100
Pass 3 90
3H 2 80
3S 2 80
3NT 1 60
Moderator: This problem was posed to me by David Waterman. It caused such a stir amongst my friends, that I sent it to the ACBL to cause a stir there also. The panel's opinions were diverse to say the least. Thanks, David!
Amber Lin: 3D. . . a natural-ish 'punt' bid and game forcing. All bids over 3C are game forcing. I think 3S is more accurate because it implies diamond weakness, but I like that partner can still bid 3H over 3D and D9 8 4 3 isn't a bad stopper. Maybe it throws off the lead, too. I don't mind playing in hearts opposite honour-x with my nice interiors.
Daniel Korbel: 3S. I don't feel very good about this one. I doubt partner will raise me to 4S since he has denied holding four spades.
Larry Cohen: 3NT. If there are nine tricks in both clubs and notrump, I'll take the extra 490 points. If there are only eight, it will be the same minus 100.
August Boehm: 3H. 3D will elicit three-card heart support, but a decent heart doubleton makes 4H playable, e.g., SA Q x HQ x Dx x CA K x x x x, a minimum without a useful singleton diamond.
Zachary Grossack: Pass. Hard problem. I tend to go low on the jump rebids in a minor; here, I don't have a fitting card and only 8 points. I feel like in the modern era, 3NT goes down three a lot more than it makes with my cards. But it also depends on who's bidding that 3C. Bridge really is a situation-dependent game.
Michael Dimich: 3H. The suit is good enough to rebid so let partner make the next bid.
Christopher Diamond: 3D. Pushy to try to find a heart fit.
Larry Meyer: Pass. End the bidding on this misfit.
Allan Simon: 3NT. I expect this will be unanimous.
Paul McMullin: 3D. Hoping partner will show heart tolerance.
Bruce Rogoff: 3D. Just enough to keep the auction alive despite the potential misfit. Hoping for delayed heart support.
Hendrik Sharples: 3H. Partner can punt 3S. Is my spade card critical for 3NT?
Lars Erik Bergerud: 3D. Convenient. Pard will then choose between 3H, 3S and 3NT.
Kf Tung: 3D. Natural. Partner can bid to show more.
Louk Verhees: Pass. Depends a lot on style and agreements. Close call between pass and bidding 3D. Target game likely is 4H.

4. Matchpoints. Both vul.
S K Q   H A 8 5 3   D A J 10 9 8 5   C 3  
West North East South  
Pass 1H 2C ?

Your call?

3H 9 100
4C 2 60
4H 1 60
4D 0 30
2H 0 20
Moderator: The majority aim for the fairway with a 3H invite.
Jeff Meckstroth: 4H. Possibly an overbid, but I have a nice hand.
Barry Rigal: 3H. I am not sure this will be unanimous, but I suspect a majority will go for the middle course between the wild optimists driving to game or splintering, and going low.
Steve Robinson: 4C. With East bidding clubs, there's a very good chance that partner will have something in the other suits, even if he's weak: SJ x x x HK Q x x Dx x Cx x x has a play for 4H. If partner is thinking about slam, he can try with 4D (the artificial last train) and I will reject.
Michael Dimich: 3H. The 2C bid makes it more likely we have values in 3 suits. It also shuts out West if they have 5 spades and a club fit.
Christopher Diamond: 3H. Good playing strength.
Larry Meyer: 3C. Cue bid then support hearts to show 4-card trump support and slam interest.
Allan Simon: 3C. Too weak for 4C. 4H is wrong (IMHO) because I want to tell partner it is OUR hand so I can make a forcing pass if they sac in 5C.
Paul McMullin: 4C. Partner should upgrade any diamond honors.
Bruce Rogoff: 3H. Clearly short of splintering values, so this is enough.
Hendrik Sharples: 3C. I'd bid 4C at IMPs. Maybe I should here as well.
Lars Erik Bergerud: 3H. Too strong for 2H but not quite good enough for 4H or any forcing bids.
Kf Tung: 2H. 140, 170 or 620? Let's climb from 110.
Louk Verhees: 3H. Too light for a splinter. A touch heavy for 3H. Also style matters.
Bob Todd: 3H. 2H seems too little unless you have treatments.

5. IMPs. N-S vul.
S 3   H A 10 3   D A 10 8 3   C A 10 5 4 3  
West North East South  
  1C 3S ?

Your call?

Dbl 7 100
4S 5 90
5C 0 50
4NT 0 40
4C 0 20
Moderator: Is this too much of the flexible double? The panel doesn't think so.
Janice Molson: Dbl. Seems like 3NT might be our best game. 4S is the only other choice.
Jeff Meckstroth: 4S. I want to emphasize that I have a great hand for clubs.
Michael Dimich: Dbl. You want to leave bidding options open for your opponents and your partner.
Christopher Diamond: Dbl. Lots of choices that could work out badly. Do I convert 4H to 5C?
Larry Meyer: 4S. Cue bid to show good trump support and force to game.
Allan Simon: 4S. I think that's what I would bid in real life.
Paul McMullin: 4D. I like my tens; direct 6C my second choice.
Bruce Rogoff: Dbl. Worried that 3NT might be the last making game, so I'm forced into an uncomfortable double. I'll correct 4H to 5C. 4S is tempting but that could turn out very badly when pard has only three clubs.
Hendrik Sharples: Dbl. Hope partner doesn't leave it in.
Lars Erik Bergerud: Dbl. I don't wont to abandon 3NT or a minor slam and I have a rescue in 5C in case pard bids 4H on a weak suit. Marty Bergen recommends 3NT before 4M when pard makes a negative double.
Kf Tung: 5C. Our game is 5C.
Louk Verhees: Dbl. Don't see a sensible other choice.

Panel's Answers

  1 2 3 4 5 Total
Mel Colchamiro Dbl Dbl 3D 3H Dbl 500
Amber Lin Dbl Dbl 3D 3H Dbl 500
Barry Rigal Dbl Dbl Pass 3H Dbl 490
Zachary Grossack Dbl Dbl Pass 3H Dbl 490
Janice Molson Dbl Dbl Pass 3H Dbl 490
August Boehm Dbl Dbl 3H 3H Dbl 480
Daniel Korbel Dbl Dbl 3S 3H 4S 470
Josh Donn Dbl Dbl 3S 3H 4S 470
Larry Cohen Dbl Dbl 3NT 3H Dbl 460
Jeff Meckstroth Dbl Dbl 3H 4H 4S 430
Kerri Sanborn Dbl 2NT 3D 4C 4S 420
Steve Robinson Dbl 3NT 3D 4C 4S 410

Local Heroes

    1 2 3 4 5 Total Points
1.    Kai Zhou Dbl Dbl 3S 4C Dbl 440 98.00
2.    Christopher Diamond 4D 2NT 3D 3H Dbl 430 61.25
2.    Joel Martineau 4S 2NT 3D 3H Dbl 430 61.25
4.    Larry Pocock 4S Dbl 3D 4H 4S 410 23.41
4.    Jack Qi Dbl Dbl 3D 2H 4S 410 23.41
4.    Robert Sauve 4D 2NT Pass 3H 4S 410 23.41
7.    Anssi Rantamaa 5D 2NT 3H 3H 4S 390 14.00
8.    Gary Gilraine 4S 2NT 3NT 3H 4S 380 11.57
8.    Aban S Gerrie 4D 2NT 3D 3H 5C 380 11.57
10.    Michael Dimich 4S Pass 3H 3H Dbl 370 8.96
10.    Alan Kemp-Gee 4D Dbl Pass 3H 4C 370 8.96
10.    Diana Mary Gamel 4D Dbl Pass 3H 4C 370 8.96

World Leaders

    1 2 3 4 5 Total Points
1.    Shahar Zack (Israel) Dbl Dbl 3D 3H Dbl 500 105.00
2.    Bob Todd (Canada) Dbl Dbl 3D 3H 4S 490 65.63
2.    Louk Verhees (Netherlands) Dbl Dbl Pass 3H Dbl 490 65.63
4.    Bob Kuz (Canada) Dbl Dbl 3H 3H 4S 470 28.88
4.    Bruce Rogoff (United States) Dbl 2NT 3D 3H Dbl 470 28.88
6.    Peter Qvist (Denmark) 4S 2NT 3D 3H Dbl 430 15.21
6.    Gareth Birdsall (Uk) Dbl 3C 3D 3H Dbl 430 15.21
6.    Lars Erik Bergerud (Norway) Dbl Pass 3D 3H Dbl 430 15.21
9.    Kevin Strangway (Canada) 4S 2NT 3H 3H Dbl 410 11.67
10.    Miro Kovacevic (Canada) 4S 2NT 3H 3H 4S 400 10.50
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