TGIF December 2024: Scores
1. Matchpoints. None vul.
10 7 6
A J 9 4 3
A K Q 4
West |
North |
East |
South |
| |
| |
| ? |
Your call?
Bid | Votes | Award
| 7
| 100
| 4
| 80
| 4
| 80
Moderator: The panel are roughly 50-50 on bidding versus passing.
Amber Lin: Pass. I don't know what's right, but I'll follow the matchpoint principle of trying to go plus versus the IMP principle of taking out insurance.
Daniel Korbel: 5 . I don't know what's right. Nobody does. Anything could be. But the biggest disasters lie with passing. I could live with passing because it's matchpoints, but never at IMPs.
Jill Meyers: 4NT. Modernly, double by North is takeout. If partner bids 5 , I may bid six; if partner bids 5 , I think I will pass.
Michael Dimich: Pass. Unless you get a toe tap that is the only bid you can make.
Larry Meyer: 5 . Bid out my shape as requested by partner.
Christopher Diamond: Pass. A stiff spade ain't enough to pull.
Paul McMullin: 5 . Partner is unlimited here, so it behooves me to keep the auction open.
Allan Simon: 5 . Anything else is wishful thinking.
Perry Khakhar: Pass. I've got enough quick tricks.
Kf Tung: Pass. Collect 100, 300 or hopefully 500.
Louk Verhees: Pass. It could be right or wrong to bid.
Hendrik Sharples: 5 . Fairly confident we can make 5 of a minor.
Mike Roberts: Pass. *shrug* Pre-empts work.
Bob Todd: Pass. Not sure why I would want to bid here?
2. Matchpoints. E-W vul.
Q 7
Q J 8 6 5
A K J 8
West |
North |
East |
South |
| |
| ? |
Your call?
Bid | Votes | Award
| 11
| 100
| 4
| 60
| 0
| 40
| 0
| 30
| 0
| 10
Moderator: With this quacky 16, the majority elect to pass.
Larry Cohen: 3NT. . . with confidence. Even with A K J x x x x, left-hand opponent isn't likely to bang them down.
Mel Colchamiro: Pass. At these colours, West almost for sure has the A K and my quack in spades is doubleton, so this hand ain't much to fight with. Best chance for a plus is right here. Did I mention that my long suit is headed by another quack?
Michael Dimich: Pass. Quack, Quack, Quack.
Larry Meyer: Pass. Partner's Pass and my 3 quack doubletons are suggesting that I defend.
Christopher Diamond: Pass. I suppose the brave might bid 3NT but hot against not they may just cash 7.
Stephen Vincent: Pass. How ugly can a 16 count get?
Paul McMullin: Pass. Defending with this poorly shaped, quacky 16 (14? is the Q worth anything?) seems right.
Allan Simon: Pass. My hand is too flat and too quacky.
Perry Khakhar: Pass. Crazy to bid! I must be getting old!
Kf Tung: Dbl. Usually it is a 18 total tricks situation. Double 3 . Partner will choose +200 or -100 and cannot be wrong.
Louk Verhees: 3NT. What a piece of junk. Maybe he doesn't lead a heart.
Hendrik Sharples: Pass. 3NT has some appeal, but not enough.
Mike Roberts: Pass. Obviously, I hate this. If EW weren't vul, I might shoot 3NT, but even if I dodge running hearts, we probably don't have enough tricks.
3. IMPs. None vul.
9 7
8 7 6
A J 10 5
K 10 4 3
West |
North |
East |
South |
| |
| |
| ? |
Your call?
Bid | Votes | Award
| 14
| 100
| 1
| 70
| 0
| 50
Moderator: The overwhelming majority bid what's in front of their nose.
Josh Donn: 2 . For one thing, this is strong enough to survive in case of a 4-3 fit. For another, if we may presume the opponents play support doubles (a necessary convention, in my view), then this might force the opponents into their own 4-3 fit, which would suit me fine.
Michael Dimich: 2 . I have enough to squeak out a bid.
Larry Meyer: 2 . Show a sign of life before the bidding gets higher.
Christopher Diamond: Dbl. We're probably losing this auction but I'd like to find a way to push them up a bit.
Stephen Vincent: 2 . Really just hoping to push them up a level.
Paul McMullin: Pass. Close choice between Pass and Dbl. I want to hear more.
Allan Simon: 1NT. What am I missing?
Perry Khakhar: Pass. Is this quiz set up to see if I can pass throughout?
Kf Tung: 2 . Pave a way to compete over the latent 2 . At least they cannot play 1N.
Louk Verhees: 2 . Get the lead in.
Hendrik Sharples: 2 . Maybe 1NT would be better, don't feel strongly at IMPs.
Mike Roberts: 2 . 1NT is reasonable, but it doesn't feel like two passed hands should be playing 1NT.
4. Matchpoints. Both vul.
7 6 4
J 8 5 3
A K Q 7 6
West |
North |
East |
South |
| |
| ? |
Your call?
Bid | Votes | Award
| 12
| 100
| 2
| 70
| 0
| 50
| 1
| 50
| 0
| 30
Moderator: The majority jump directly to game, but a few choose alternate routes.
Kerri Sanborn: 3 . Top of range for sure, but I wasn't forcing to game before they bid. Still not.
Jill Meyers: Dbl. . . planning to follow up with 4 . My hand is too good to bid 4 or 3 and not quite good enough to cuebid.
Zachary Grossack: 4 . . . to show up to a minimum game force in this position, saving 4 to show 14+ with at least some slam possibility. With poor trumps but a good offensive hand, 4 seems just right.
Michael Dimich: 4 . You have enough to bid game.
Larry Meyer: 4 . My shortness in hearts and my quality suit in clubs should be enough for game. (Double if we are playing maximal doubles.)
Christopher Diamond: 4 . I'd like better spades but 3 isn't enough and everything else is flawed.
Paul McMullin: 4 . I elect to overbid with my singleton and outside source of tricks, and hope it does not backfire.
Allan Simon: 4 . . . to show a good spade raise and a heart control. The rest is up to partner.
Perry Khakhar: 4 . Finally, a bid. Probably not enough!
Kf Tung: Dbl. Good hand, stiff heart. The rest is yours, my dear.
Louk Verhees: 4 . Too strong for 3 and too weak for something else.
Hendrik Sharples: 3 . Should be unanimous. (haha)
Mike Roberts: 4 . Too much for 3 , but not enough for 4 (or 4 ). Double is ok, but leaves partner in the dark.
5. IMPs. None vul.
J 8 6
K 9 4
K 5
J 7 6 5 3
West |
North |
East |
South |
| |
| |
| |
| ? |
Your call?
Bid | Votes | Award
| 11
| 100
| 3
| 70
| 1
| 60
| 0
| 20
Moderator: The panel jump to 5 with their 'maximum'. Many complain they would have bid 4 on the previous round.
Steve Weinstein: 5 . I would have bid 4 last time to show my values, but I'll let the other panelists whine about that. Now that I'm forced to bid, I have way too much for 4 .
Mel Colchamiro: Pass. Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide. 4 on J x x x x? No thanks.
Jeff Meckstroth: 4 . Might belong higher, just depends on the quality of the fit.
Michael Dimich: 5 . You have a pretty good hand opposite your partner who made two take out doubles.
Larry Meyer: 4 . Takeout doubles should be taken out.
Christopher Diamond: 4 . Pathetic bid with a couple of useful cards but not enough for 5 . Close though and it's only a nonvul game.
Paul McMullin: 4 . I think 4 would land us in a 4-3 fit. Not sure where this should play, but 4 should show SOME values.
Allan Simon: 5 . Just a guess. I have the right values. I hope partner has some club fillers.
Perry Khakhar: 4 . Tempted to bid 5 . Not 4 . That would take taps in the wrong hand. But we are non-vulnerable and it's not worth the risk!
Kf Tung: 5 . I really have 5 clubs and 2 working kings!
Louk Verhees: 5 . I am never a passer. Too strong for 4 , maybe not strong enough for 5 .
Hendrik Sharples: 4 . I would have bid this immediately.
Mike Roberts: 5 . Pass might be ok at pairs, but is too risky at IMPs. x A Q x x A Q x x A Q x x — Where do you want to be?