Vancouver Bridge Centre
Address:   1825 West 16th Ave, Vancouver B.C.

TGIF September 2024: Scores

1. IMPs. E-W vul.
S A 10 6   H K 8 7   D 10 2   C Q 8 6 5 2  
West North East South  
  1D Pass 1NT
2S 3C Pass ?

Your call?

3H 6 100
3S 3 80
Pass 3 70
3NT 1 50
4C 0 50
5C 1 50
Moderator: The panel majority cuebid (in a major) to support clubs.
Roger Lee: Pass. I don't expect this to be a popular response, but we don't have much safety at the four level opposite many of partner's hands. Obviously I'd bid if we were vulnerable.
Jill Meyers: 3H. This must be a cue for clubs. Partner can always bid 3S to keep the grope going. I don't want to unilaterally bid 3NT; partner can have something like: Sx HA x DK Q x x x CA K x x x. I would like my chances in 5C, but not so much in 3NT.
Zachary Grossack: 3S. I have a great hand for partner here. With a single spade stopper (though that 10 could be powerful in notrump), I will choose to highlight the fit rather than shut the auction down in 3NT. Pass is not an option.
Michael Dimich: 3S. Partner has a good hand to bid over 2S. You can show your great fit with clubs and the upper range of your 1NT bid.
Larry Meyer: 3NT. Partner has shown a little extra. 3NT could be more likely to make than 5C.
Christopher Diamond: 3NT. He could have a very good hand or just be bidding my known club support but, you know, Bob Hamman.
Stuart Carr: 3NT. May miss 6C.
Robert Sauve: 4C. Search for the safest game.
Perry Khakhar: 3NT. It might make!
Allan Simon: 3S. SA x x is probably more valuable in 5C (or even 6C) than in 3N, unless partner can bid 3N. At matchpoints I'd bid 3N.
Paul McMullin: Pass. I could see bidding if the HK was in the minors.
Lars Erik Bergerud: 3H. Showing values. Opener may just be competing knowing of a fit in either clubs or diamonds.
Kf Tung: 3S. One more step before committing to 3N.
Hendrik Sharples: 3S. Looking for slam of course.
Timothy Wright: 3NT. The Great Dealer gave us SA T 6 for a reason.
Bill Treble: 4S. Uncharted territory, but I think this shows a max 1NT with club support and controls in both major suits.

2. IMPs. N-S vul.
S 9   H A K 6   D A K 10 9 8 2   C K 8 7  
West North East South  
Pass 1NT Pass ?

Your call?

3S 7 100
2H 4 80
3D 3 70
2NT 0 60
3C 0 40
3NT 0 40
2C 0 30
2D 0 30
Moderator: Though all three main choices are descriptive, the top spot goes to the self-splinter.
Larry Cohen: 2H. Unfortunately, the follow-ups might be murky, but you didn't ask me about those.
Amber Lin: 3D. 3D feels a little low, but I don't like bidding notrump with a low singleton after my partner denies four in the suit.
Kerri Sanborn: 3S. . . a self-splinter raise to 3NT. After this, we have a few options for contracts. Bidding 2H is on the radar, but neglects clubs, which is a likely place to play.
Michael Dimich: 3S. I feel like Gollum felt when he saw the One Ring ... My Precious (self-splinter).
Larry Meyer: 3NT. Bid the most likely game.
Christopher Diamond: 2H. Closest to describing the hand. And saves space.
Robert Sauve: 3D. Does partner fit diamonds?
Perry Khakhar: 3NT. Let them find the right lead! Might still make 3NT if they do. I give up on the 6D slam with perfect cards.
Paul McMullin: 3D. Am I supposed to upvalue my hand because it is all primes?
Lars Erik Bergerud: 2H. Too much potential for a space consuming non-forcing 3D. We may belong in 3NT or game/slam in minor. Allows pard to bid notrump with spade stopper, 3C with club suit and 3D with support.
Kf Tung: 3NT. No need to invite.
Hendrik Sharples: 2H. I think it’s too good for 3D.
Bill Treble: 2H. I'll bid a suit I kind of have and await developments. This isn't quite a good enough hand for 3S, which I'd agree should be a splinter.
Bob Todd: 3D. No need to fake a reverse.

3. IMPs. E-W vul.
S ---   H K 10 9 5 4   D 6 5   C A Q J 10 5 2  
West North East South  
Pass Pass Pass ?

Your call?

1H 7 100
1C 5 90
3C 2 70
Pass 0 60
Moderator: An opening bid problem. The panel choose their 5-card major.
Josh Donn: 1C. I will not pass out a hand when the right kind of fit produces an easy slam. If the opponents find a spade fit, maybe partner is there, licking his chops.
Steve Robinson: 1H. Opening 1C holding five hearts --- even if I have eight clubs --- is against my religion. If one opens 1C, how are they going to find their heart fit if partner responds 1S? I expect the other players to each have around 10 HCP, so why can't partner have: SQ J 10 x x HA x x DK x x Cx x, where 4H has play and the opponents won't do well in spades.
August Boehm: 3C. . . with 4H in reserve if opponents bid spades or partner calls 3NT. If they bid and make 4S, I'll be unhappy, but not shocked.
Michael Dimich: 1C. Oh, what to do! The Rule of Fifteen clashes with 6/5 come alive. All the hands have around 10 --- the bidding is going to skyrocket. Bid clubs first and after they overcall spades pray partner can make a negative double.
Larry Meyer: 1C. Hoping to be able to show both my suits in natural order, but can rebid clubs if I have to.
Christopher Diamond: 1C. Always a risk with low HCP and no spades but this just has too much playing strength to pass even with the lower major and lower minor. A preempt could lead to a silly result.
Robert Sauve: Pass. Will take a wash at IMPs.
Perry Khakhar: Pass. I'm really not ready to fight the boss suit with this hand.
Allan Simon: 1H. Hand is too weak to reverse, but too strong to pass out.
Paul McMullin: Pass. Some adventures are best left for others.
Lars Erik Bergerud: 1C. I'm not so comfortable with preference to hearts, e.g., when partner has 2-2 in my suits. However, must be weighed against the risk of losing a good heart contract by not opening 1H.
Kf Tung: 1H. For IMPs consider 4H or 5C, and start with 1H.
Hendrik Sharples: 1C. Passing out a 6-5 feels criminal, but whoever has spades we aren't going to like it. But even with just 10 HCP game is still possible. Let's hope it isn't 4S by the opponents.
Timothy Wright: 1C. I hope partner does not have the hand that opted not to bid 2S.
Bill Treble: 3C. If we have a heart fit, they have a spade fit. 1H is the other choice. I don't care for 1C because then I'll have to overbid to get the hearts in.
Joel Forssell: Pass. Not enough spades according to Plum Meredith.

4. IMPs. None vul.
S 10 7 4   H K 4   D A 10 9 8 5   C Q 6 3  
West North East South  
1S 2H Pass ?

Your call?

3H 11 100
2S 2 60
Pass 1 50
3D 0 30
4H 0 30
Moderator: The vast majority support with their HK x.
Barry Rigal: 3H. Not good enough for a cuebid raise, too good to pass.
Zachary Grossack: 2S. Direct overcalls on the two level are not to be taken lightly! It's a choice for me between 3H and 2S, but I want to let pard know I have good cards, perhaps for 3NT.
Michael Dimich: 3H. I want a heart lead if West wins the auction.
Larry Meyer: Pass. Partner is limited because he didn't double, so stop in a playable major suit part score.
Christopher Diamond: 3H. I need to bid something and everything else is worse.
Robert Sauve: 3H. Want a heart lead.
Perry Khakhar: Pass. We really don't have the values to make any constructive bids.
Allan Simon: 2S. Asking partner to tell me more.
Paul McMullin: 3H. I had a diamond mixed in with my hearts.
Lars Erik Bergerud: 3H. The 2H overcall is wide-ranging so I want 3 hearts for 2S and better diamonds for 3D.
Kf Tung: Pass. Partner cannot bid 1N, cannot double, no need to stretch.
Hendrik Sharples: 3H. Sorry pard, I had a spade in with my hearts.
Timothy Wright: 3H. I want to keep the bidding open but 3D looks wrong.
Bill Treble: 3H. I would pass at matchpoints, but IMO, we have to keep the bidding alive at IMPs.
Bob Todd: Pass. 3H is a second choice. Bad spade holding and unknown club value.

5. IMPs. Both vul.
S K 9   H A 10 8 7 4 2   D Q J 9   C 10 3  
West North East South  
Pass 1D 1S 2H
Pass 3C Pass ?

Your call?

3D 12 100
3S 2 70
3NT 0 50
3H 0 40
Moderator: The majority view is to take preference to diamonds.
Janice Molson: 3D. Maybe this times out well. I would have opened 2H, but now I have a perfect bid.
Mel Colchamiro: 3S. . . the most flexible way to try for game. The opponents not bidding more in spades makes me believe partner has a couple and therefore a stiff heart. Is hoping partner might have: Sx x Hx DA K x x x CA K x x x too much to ask for?
Michael Dimich: 3D. Your partner can cue bid spades or bid more of either minor or bid hearts with a doubleton.
Larry Meyer: 3D. Support with support.
Christopher Diamond: 3D. Sorry Bob but I'll describe and save space. Still time for 3NT.
Perry Khakhar: 3D. If partner has HK x, he will try it. Else we have shown full values for our hand.
Allan Simon: 3D. I am hard pressed to think of an alternative.
Paul McMullin: 3D. I had a heart mixed in with my diamonds.
Lars Erik Bergerud: 3S. 3D is nonforcing so I have to do more with this excellent max. 3S keeps all options open: Pass if 3NT; 4D if 4C; pard may suggest 4H but is probably short in hearts; and 4D raises to 5D.
Kf Tung: 3D. Pick diamonds. Partner can move on if appropriate.
Hendrik Sharples: 3D. Hope it's not too much.
Bill Treble: 3D. Support with support. Opener can bid 3H or 3S to keep a notrump or heart game in the picture.
Bob Todd: 3D. Third seat opener.

Panel's Answers

  1 2 3 4 5 Total
Barry Rigal 3H 3S 1H 3H 3D 500
Kerri Sanborn 3H 3S 1H 3H 3D 500
Janice Molson 3H 3S 1H 3H 3D 500
Steve Robinson Pass 3S 1H 3H 3D 470
Jill Meyers 3H 3D 1C 3H 3D 460
Daniel Korbel Pass 3S 1C 3H 3D 460
Josh Donn 3H 3D 1C 3H 3D 460
Jeff Meckstroth 3H 2H 1H 2S 3D 440
Roger Lee Pass 3S 1H 3H 3S 440
Mel Colchamiro 3S 2H 1H 3H 3S 430
August Boehm 3NT 3S 3C 3H 3D 420
Zachary Grossack 3S 2H 1C 2S 3D 410
Amber Lin 5C 3D 1C 3H 3D 410
Larry Cohen 3S 2H 3C Pass 3D 380

Local Heroes

    1 2 3 4 5 Total Points
1.    Michael Dimich 3S 3S 1C 3H 3D 470 101.50
2.    Brad Bart 4C 3S 1H 3H 3D 450 54.13
2.    Stephen Vincent 3S 2H 1C 3H 3D 450 54.13
2.    Jack Qi Pass 2H 1H 3H 3D 450 54.13
5.    Dave Gabel Pass 3D 1H 3H 3D 440 20.30
6.    Christopher Diamond 3NT 2H 1C 3H 3D 420 16.92
7.    Joel Martineau 3S 3C 1C 3H 3D 410 14.50
8.    Anssi Rantamaa 3S 3D 1H Pass 3D 400 12.69
9.    Kai Zhou 3S 3D 1C Pass 3D 390 10.71
9.    Larry Pocock 4C 2H Pass 3H 3D 390 10.71

World Leaders

    1 2 3 4 5 Total Points
1.    Gareth Birdsall (Uk) Pass 3S 1H 3H 3D 470 98.00
2.    John Mac Gregor (Canada) 3H 3S Pass 3H 3D 460 73.50
3.    Hendrik Sharples (Usa) 3S 2H 1C 3H 3D 450 41.65
3.    Tim Margolian (Canada) 3S 3D 1H 3H 3D 450 41.65
5.    Bob Kuz (Canada) 3S 3D 1C 3H 3D 440 17.97
5.    Lars Erik Bergerud (Norway) 3H 2H 1C 3H 3S 440 17.97
7.    Louk Verhees (Netherlands) 3H 2H 1C Pass 3D 420 14.00
8.    Timothy Wright (United States) 3NT 3D 1C 3H 3D 410 10.98
8.    Leo Weniger (Canada) 4C 3D 1C 3H 3D 410 10.98
8.    Shahar Zack (Israel) 5C 3S Pass 3H 3D 410 10.98
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