Vancouver Bridge Centre
Tel:   (604)267-2202
Addr:   2177 West 42nd Ave, Vancouver B.C., V6M 2B7

TGIF December 2008: Scores

1. IMPs. N-S vul.
S 8   H A J 7   D 10 8 7 5   C A K J 8 5  
West North East South  
3S 3NT Pass ?

Your call?

4NT 8 100
4S 3 60
5NT 2 50
Pass 2 40
4C 2 20
5C 0 0
6C 0 0
Moderator: After a three-level preempt, a 3NT overcall has a wide range. It could contain 15 to 21 HCP or even a long diamond suit with a stopper in the opponent's suit. Nearly half the panel bid 4NT, an invitation to slam.
Allan Falk: 4C. In SAYC, 4C is surely natural and forcing. Most experts, however, would play this as conventional, asking partner to describe which category of 3NT hand they hold.
Richard Freeman: 4S. I'll pass 4NT from partner and raise five of a suit to six.
The Sutherlins: 4NT. We don't have enough to insist on slam and too much to pass. Partner can suggest playing in a suit if he bids more.
The Coopers: 4S. We want to tell partner that we are slammish with the minor suits.
Eugene Chan: Pass. .. opposite aggressive partners. Quantitative 4NT otherwise. Since my partners bid too much (and underdeclare) PASS!
Mark Eddy: 4C. Possible slams are 6D 6NT 7D 7NT... pard has a running diamond suit, so we need to find out about that SA. I'll start with 4C and jump-Q 5H over a 4D response; if pard can't Q with 5S, I guess we'll land safely in 6D.
Stuart Carr: 4C. I sure hope this is Gerber. Will bid 6NT opposite 1 or 2 aces.
John Hurdle: 4S. I expect to raise partner's minor next. Would quit if partner signed off in 4NT.
Aidan Ballantyne: 4S. Straightforward slam try that should allow partner to make a good judgment.
Martin Henneberger: Pass. This is a terrible bidding question for a bidding contest when all the experts last month couldn't come to terms on the agreement and meaning of 4C in these auctions when pard bids 3NT. Some said Gerber, some Stayman, some natural. Pass by default.
David Schmidt: 4S. I am not willing to give up on a slam just yet but don't know what action to take.
Mike Hamilton: 4NT. 3NT is natural with a spade stopper and rates to hold Q-x-x in a strong hand with the heart fillers to produce 3-4 heart tricks and 5 club tricks. I raise quantitatively in case he is light. I have entries for leads if our contract needs a finesse.
Larry Meyer: 4C. Show slam interest and a club control.
David Breton: 4S. Suit oriented slam try, if partner next bids 4NT I will give up.
Julien Levesque: 4S. Opposite my pard's 3NT over a preempt, my most forcing bid stands to be 4S asking pard to further describe their hand. Pard rates to hold a long diamond suit.
Mike Roberts: 5NT. I'm driving to slam. This might avoid 6NT off the spade AK.
Paul Mcmullin: 4C. This BETTER be Gerber! (If he bids a confused 5C, I'll bid 6NT.)
Chris Buchanan: Pass. Bidding is far too often bad news. Partner holding spade values does not interest me in a minor slam.
Brian Zietman: 4S. We must get to slam so a cue bid seems to give the best option.
Chris Diamond: 4S. Popular answer is likely to be 4C but would like to show slam interest with a spade control, which almost has to be shortness. Allows us to get to a minor suit slam when pard's spade stopper is Qxx(x).
Tim Francis-Wright: 4NT. If partner has a minimum, then 4NT should still be safe and we may not make slam in clubs.

2. IMPs. Both vul.
S A Q J 8 4   H ---   D A K 6   C K J 9 6 4  
West North East South  
Pass Pass Pass 1S
2H 2S 3H 4H
Pass 5D Pass ?

Your call?

6D 9 100
6S 4 90
5H 3 60
5NT 1 20
6C 0 0
Moderator: You have a strong hand, and as the bidding proceeds, it starts looking stronger. Partner could have signed off in 4S, but he offered 5D. What is that?
August Boehm: 5H. It seems doubtful we can bid a slam, but I don't see any harm in trying. The problem was the premature 4H bid. A 4C bid would have alerted partner to upgrade a club fit.
Larry Cohen: 6S. Partner has shown life. He presumably has the SK and the CQ. We could belong in 6C, but he would probably take a 6C bid as a try for seven.
Steve Robinson: 6D. Not sure what 5D is, but if partner has long diamonds, we could make more tricks in that suit because hearts can be ruffed in the short (trump) hand.
Kerri Sanborn: 6D. Partner must have some good fitting cards and a diamond suit. With lots of hands partner could hold, I wouldn't want to play 6S, but 6D looks pretty good, for example: S10 3 2 H7 4 3 DQ J 10 7 3 CA Q.
Eugene Chan: 6D. I invited slam and partner confirmed interest.
Mark Eddy: 5H. I can't quite give up slam yet... all I need from pard is the SK and CQ.
John Hurdle: 6D. I hope this caters to whatever partner is up to.
Aidan Ballantyne: 6D. May even make a grand in diamonds but 6H now is too confusing. Playing in diamonds allows declarer a choice of spades or clubs as a secondary suit to develop tricks. Ruffing one or more hearts also creates extra tricks when diamonds are trumps.
Martin Henneberger: 5H. Partner's 5D is shortness as I am looking at the DA K. It also denies a club control. My 5H confirms no hearts losers and also not 2 club losers. Pard should bid 6 with the SK and CQ now.
Mike Hamilton: 5S. Partner didn’t cue-bid clubs. We may have 2 club losers, no matter how good the diamond fit, if he has club rags and the opening lead isn’t a club. At IMPs I sign off. Half the time I lose when slam makes and half the time I win when it doesn’t.
Stephen Ottridge: 5S. The clubs look vulnerable.
Larry Meyer: 6S. Accept pard's slam invitation - expect to lose 1 club trick.
David Breton: 6S. Because of the tap slam may depend on trumps breaking. It may also require dodging a club ruff and finding the CQ in dummy, heck you may even need the CT. My kind of odds.
Mike Roberts: 5H. Assuming diamond shortness opposite, this isn't so hot unless partner has the CQ. How else can I ask?
Bob Todd: 6C. Having forced this high I may as well give partner a 3 suit choice.
Paul Mcmullin: 6S. I don't know WHAT 5D was, but it had to be SOMEHOW forward going (4S should have been partner's big if he stretched to bid 2S earlier).
David Gordon: 6S. I was hoping to hear a 5C bid but this should be on a finesse at worst.
Chris Buchanan: 5H. I still can not bid 6 as I still need a spade card and CQ. Partner's singleton diamond gives me hope as long as there is no wasted heart values in partner's hand. 5H should indicate a ticket in clubs but still needing help outside of the reds.
Brian Zietman: 6S. What does partner's 5D mean? Void in diamonds? I would have bid 6S before not to give the opponents any more information.
Chris Diamond: 5H. Pard denied CA, but he could have CQ and SK, so I'll try 1 more time.
Tim Francis-Wright: 5S. Not the cue-bid I was looking for. Partner seems to be 4-4-0-5 without the CA.

3. IMPs. N-S vul.
S A Q 10 5 3   H K 10 6 5 2   D 10 7 2   C ---  
West North East South  
  1D 3C (1) ?
(1) At least 5-5 in clubs and a major.

Your call?

3S 8 100
Dbl 6 80
4C 1 70
Pass 2 50
3D 0 30
3H 0 0
Moderator: The opponent has five cards in one of your majors, but you can't tell which one. You have to act, however, because if you pass, the auction could end.
Barry Rigal: 3S. I'll bid both majors and see what happens, probably something ending in 00 for one side or the other.
Jill Meyers: Pass. I hate this problem. Please don't deal me these cards at the table. My second choice after pass is 3D.
Karen Walker: 3S. A negative double is way too dangerous and 4C would be a diamond raise. So I'm stuck with making natural bids in my long suits.
Brad Bart: 3S. It would be ideal if 4C was for both majors, but of course I am dreaming.
Eugene Chan: Dbl. Same action as if RHO bid unusual 2NT.
Mark Eddy: 3S. I think it's best to bid naturally in these situations.
John Hurdle: Dbl. Negative, because 3C is natural (ish). This is in contrast to the penalty orientation of doubles of artificial interventions.
Aidan Ballantyne: 3S. Perhaps will have opportunity to show hearts next or maybe raise diamonds. Double is ambiguous given the meaning of 3C. Probably they forgot their convention but I will try to bid out my hand rather than just angle for the director's adjustment.
Martin Henneberger: 3S. Will follow up with 4H unless pard raises spades. Overbidding with 5/5 and a fit for pard seems right. Passing or doubling certainly does not.
David Schmidt: 4C. This should ask partner to bid a major if he has one. If not, I can support a game in diamonds.
Mike Hamilton: 4C. On this auction, partner has to have a genuine suit. At least one major is breaking badly, but which one? Cue-bid your club control and hope West’s response helps clarify major-suit holdings. You can support game in diamonds or the mystery major.
Bonny Lee: Pass. Sounds like a bad trump break for either major game.
Larry Meyer: Dbl. Show values, plus at least one of RHO's suits under control.
David Breton: 4C. 4C will get you to your best fit and perhaps a big minus. But I like to bid all the time.
Mike Roberts: Dbl. It's an odd convention to defend against, but this is still a negative double, isn't it?
Paul Mcmullin: 3D. If 3D gets passed out, it will probably be the right contract, even WITH the apparent good placing of my major suit honors.
David Gordon: Dbl. Still a negative dbl of clubs.
Chris Buchanan: 3S. Natural.
Brian Zietman: Pass. Let's wait and see how this develops. Could be interesting. :)
Chris Diamond: Pass. Pass never wins in bidding contests, but I can't guarantee anything and 3D is high risk, low reward. If double were somehow negative I'd make it.
Tim Francis-Wright: 3S. Two can play at this 5-5 game!

4. IMPs. Both vul.
S A 2   H 10 8 7   D A Q 10 9   C 10 8 6 3  
West North East South  
    Pass Pass
1H 1S Pass ?

Your call?

1NT 7 100
2S 5 70
2H 3 40
2D 1 20
Pass 1 10
Moderator: You had some values, but no convenient bid. Should you raise with only two-card support? Should you bid 1NT without a stopper?
Grant Baze: 2S. I owe partner a bid, and 2S makes the most sense.
Betty Ann Kennedy: 1NT. This is an awkward hand with no good bid available.
Mike Lawrence: 1NT. I bid 1NT, but have full sympathy for those bidding 2S.
Jeff Meckstroth: 2H. I'm a spade short for my bid, but I have a great hand for partner.
Eugene Chan: 2S. Some panelists won't like my wimpy raise. (Remember, my partners overbid and underdeclare.)
Mark Eddy: 1NT. Stoppers are over-rated... it's always right to bid NT. :P
John Hurdle: 1NT. Too strong to pass, inadequate for other advances. Partner should not unilaterally raise to 3NT with a good hand and weak hearts.
Aidan Ballantyne: 1NT. These days this is almost like a semi-forcing notrump. Anyway, bidding notrump without a stopper always seems to get a good score in this contest. Cue bid is okay too.
Martin Henneberger: 2S. This hand is worth 1 bid unless pard can further encourage. A-x is like 3 small so a simple 2S raise is the best action for this hand.
David Schmidt: 2C. Pass is not an option so I'm stuck with a choice of bad bids.
Mike Hamilton: 2D. In a competitive auction, this is lead-directing. I have adequate spade support for a vulnerable overcall and my 2½ QT should prove useful on offence or defence. Let’s see what the next round of bidding brings.
Stephen Ottridge: 1NT. Let North decide on clubs or diamonds. If he has 6 spades that's ok too.
Bonny Lee: 2D. For lead purposes.
Larry Meyer: 2D. Quality of diamond suit is adequate compensation for only 4-card suit.
David Breton: 2S. The HCPs tell me to bid but if partner has a minimum I'd rather be in spades than diamonds.
Julien Levesque: 1NT. A bit cheeky without a stopper.
Mike Roberts: 2D. If I'm going to lie, I might as well get my lead director in.
Bob Todd: 2S. I'll put a club in my spades!
Paul Mcmullin: 2S. If 2S isn't a limit raise, then I'll call 2D, which should be forward-going and forcing.
David Gordon: 2D. Lesser of all evils. Give partner a chance.
Chris Buchanan: 2D. This sucks, but so does passing, raising or bidding NT.
Brian Zietman: 2D. Game is unlikely but I must give partner another bid.
Chris Diamond: 2S. I'd like to transfer to diamonds and rebid 2S, hardly perfect but at least it tells a story. Unfortunately I can't, so 2S..extra values, shorter trumps.
Tim Francis-Wright: 1NT. I am not wild about this, but it is right on point count, and it feels better than a raise to 2S on a doubleton and no ruffing value.

5. IMPs. None vul.
S A K 7   H 7 4 3   D J 10 9 8 7 6 5   C ---  
West North East South  
  1H Pass (1) ?
(1) If you respond 1NT, it is not forcing.

Your call?

2H 8 100
3H 4 80
2D 3 70
4H 1 50
1NT 1 30
3D 0 0
4C 0 0
Moderator: The big question here was: how many hearts to bid? Or maybe the pre-big question should've been: should we bid hearts at all?
The Colchamiros: 3H. We'll take the middle ground with a limit raise.
Eugene Chan: 4H. My 7 loser hand plus partner's 7 losers = game!
Mark Eddy: 1S. I'm glad 1NT isn't forcing? But I hope 1S is... this could play anywhere from 2H to 6H...
Gilbert Lambert: 2D. If 1NT is not forcing, 2D is not game force. This was a tough set! (*_*)
John Hurdle: 2D. Happy that partner won't expect full Two-over-One values. It's the right bid anyway.
Aidan Ballantyne: 2H. Perhaps I will get a chance to bid diamonds next, over their expected 3C intervention.
Martin Henneberger: 2H. Is this a trick question? Lol I have an 8 count 3 crappy trumps, no idea if my void is useful, what else?
Mike Hamilton: 2H. This hand has pluses and minuses depending on the bidding. I can provide 3-4 tricks in a heart contract so I’ll compete. If partner is solid in the red suits, we have a slam, but we’ll need at least one more round of bidding to find out.
Stephen Ottridge: 4H. North will like my 4 tricks.
Larry Meyer: 4H. Not much HCP, but great playing strength.
David Breton: 3H. With a control rich hand, it must be right to push at IMPS.
Mike Roberts: 1S. This IS forcing.
Bob Todd: 2H. Why would I respond 1NT?
Paul Mcmullin: 2D. The SA K is sorta wasted being in the short suit... if partner rebids 2H, I'll try 3H, but I'm planning 4H over any other call by partner.
David Gordon: 2D. If 1NT not forcing then 2D is not game force. Temporize with 2D and support hearts at cheapest level.
Chris Buchanan: 2H. 2H even if 1NT was forcing. I am not an advocate of raising on 3 rags, but partner will not be disappointed in my hand if they choose to bid further.
Brian Zietman: 4H. Not the classical hand for such a bid but I don't want to miss game here.
Chris Diamond: 2D. This hand is going to take some tricks, I just don't know how many. I will probably end up bidding game no matter what, but if by chance pard has a great diamond/heart fit maybe slam is on.
Tim Francis-Wright: 2D. With this sort of hand, shading the 2D call is worthwhile because returning to hearts implies a 3-card limit raise.
Susan Julius: 3C. Playing mini-splinters, the least lie might be 3C, given the spade strength.

Panel's Answers

  1 2 3 4 5 Total
Betty Ann Kennedy 4NT 6D Dbl 1NT 2H 480
Mike Lawrence 4NT 6D 3S 1NT 3H 480
Karen Walker 4NT 6D 3S 1NT 2D 470
Grant Baze 4NT 6D Dbl 2S 2H 450
Kerri Sanborn 4S 6D 3S 2S 2H 430
Larry Cohen 5NT 6S Dbl 1NT 2H 420
The Colchamiros 4NT 6S 3S 2H 3H 410
Barry Rigal 5NT 5H 3S 1NT 2H 410
Richard Freeman 4S 6D 3S 2S 2D 400
August Boehm 4NT 5H Dbl 2S 3H 390
Jill Meyers 4C 6D Pass 1NT 2H 370
Steve Robinson Pass 6D 3S 2H 3H 360
The Sutherlins 4NT 5H 4C 2S 4H 350
Allan Falk 4C 6D Pass 1NT 2D 340
Jeff Meckstroth 4NT 5NT Dbl 2H 2H 340
Bridge Buff Pass 6S 3S Pass 2H 340
The Coopers 4S 6S Dbl 2D 1NT 280

Local Heroes

    1 2 3 4 5 Total
1.    Rod Coote 4NT 6S Dbl 1NT 2H 470
2.    Eurydice Nours 4NT 5H 3S 1NT 2H 460
2.    Aidan Ballantyne 4S 6D 3S 1NT 2H 460
4.    John Hurdle 4S 6D Dbl 1NT 2D 410
5.    Brad Bart 4S 5H 3S 1NT 2D 390
6.    Gilbert Lambert 4NT 6S Dbl 2H 2D 380
6.    Susan Peters 4NT 6S 3S 2D 2D 380
6.    Yang Li 6NT 6D Dbl 1NT 2H 380
9.    Martin Henneberger Pass 5H 3S 2S 2H 370
9.    David Breton 4S 6S 4C 2S 3H 370

World Leaders

    1 2 3 4 5 Total
1.    Chris Galbraith (Canada) 4S 6D Dbl 1NT 2H 440
2.    Julien Levesque (Canada) 4S 6D Dbl 1NT 2D 410
3.    Tim Francis-Wright (Usa) 4NT 5S 3S 1NT 2D 370
4.    Chris Buchanan (Canada) Pass 5H 3S 2D 2H 320
5.    Chris Diamond (Canada) 4S 5H Pass 2S 2D 310
6.    Bob Todd (Canada) 4C 6C 3S 2S 2H 290
7.    Paul Mcmullin (Usa) 4C 6S 3D 2S 2D 280
7.    David Gordon (Canada) 4C 6S Dbl 2D 2D 280
9.    Brian Zietman (Israel) 4S 6S Pass 2D 4H 270
10.    Judi Carter (Canada) 4C 5S 4C 1NT 2D 260
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