TGIF May 2024: Scores
1. IMPs. Both vul.
A Q J 4
5 3
A K 10 4
K Q 7
West |
North |
East |
South |
| |
| |
| ? |
Your call?
Bid | Votes | Award
| 10
| 100
| 4
| 80
| 0
| 50
Moderator: This problem was contributed by our very own Michael Dimich. He faced this problem in a high stakes IMP game in the 1990s and felt that he had no bid, but it turned out that 3NT was cold. He send the problem to Eric Kokish, and he agreed that there was no bid. Thirty years later, the panel choose a daring 2NT.
Janice Molson: 2NT. No idea. 2NT? Not sure that's even natural. Perhaps it's 6-4 in the minors.
Steve Robinson: 2NT. I assume 2NT shows 18-19 balanced. Pard should have hearts stopped because he has length. Pard could have a very good hand but no way to show it. What would they bid over 2 holding: x x Q 10 x x x Q x x A x x?
Michael Dimich: Pass. Same bid as I made over 30 years ago. (Kokish agreed)
Larry Meyer: Pass. This balanced hand will work better on defense than offense.
David Waterman: Pass. Endplayed. Take the plus. If 3NT is making maybe partner has enough to reopen.
Christopher Diamond: Dbl. Sounds like pard has heart length and not much else, but I can't bring myself to sell out or bid NT.
Robert Sauve: Dbl. Hopefully pard can crack 3.
Allan Simon: Pass. Unfortunately, double is for takeout. Perhaps partner will balance with a double.
Paul McMullin: Pass. This could be our last plus score. Why bid again?
Bruce Rogoff: 2NT. Sounds like partner has hearts stopped, so this feels right. Have to do something with such a good hand, and I don't think double shows this.
Earle Fergusson: 2NT. Pard probably has 5-7 HCP. 3NT may make, and we're not getting rich in 2.
Hendrik Sharples: 2NT. Dbl isn't penalty and I can't pass, can I?
Kf Tung: Pass. Collect 100 with silence.
Louk Verhees: 2NT. It is a difficult hand, but you cannot be talked out of a vul game.
Timothy Wright: Dbl. With luck partner has a heart stop or two, but I cannot commit to notrump myself.
Perry Khakhar: 2NT. I realize how dangerous this is, but I don't want to miss a makeable 3NT vul at IMPs.
Ig Nieuwenhuis: Pass. Where would I want to play but here?
2. Matchpoints. N-S vul.
9 8 7 5
A K 10 9 2
8 7 5
West |
North |
East |
South |
| |
| |
| ? |
Your call?
Bid | Votes | Award
| 5
| 100
| 3
| 90
| 2
| 60
| 2
| 60
| 2
| 50
| 0
| 40
| 0
| 20
Moderator: The top score goes to those who direct a diamond lead. Some try a creative 3NT for that purpose.
Steve Weinstein: 3NT. Unfortunately, 4 forces us to the five level if partner wants to play in clubs, which scares me at this vulnerability and form of scoring. 3NT doesn't make sense as natural when they are in a game force; it should show diamonds with club support, allowing us to stop at the four level.
Mel Colchamiro: 4. I just gotta get partner off to a diamond lead. I presume that partner doesn't have much more than long clubs and I hope that if we have to, we can buy the contract at a reasonable level in the right suit. Because I passed the first time around, I should have some clubs, too.
Daniel Korbel: 4. Partner probably has seven clubs to come in here red versus white. We could even have a making 5 game: x x x x x x A K J x x x x, for example, if they don't lead trumps in time.
Barry Rigal: 3. Partner sure expected me to be on lead to 4, so his 3 on, e.g., x J x x x x x A K J x x x didn't seem so dangerous. I'll bid 3 as a game try and hope 4 doubled isn't too expensive. With the minors switched, 4 on A K 10 9 x for the lead would stand out, but I don't think 3NT here shows this, even if it should.
Michael Dimich: 3NT. Wake up! You want a diamond lead and if pard pulls to 4 you are one level lower than if you bid 4.
Larry Meyer: 4. My hand should take care of many of partner's losers in diamonds and hearts.
David Waterman: 3NT. I will accept my score of zero in the contest, but this is the right bid. It can't be natural so must show this hand, and will get partner thinking about a diamond lead.
Christopher Diamond: 4. If pard takes the push to 5 over 4 I won't be unhappy.
Allan Simon: 4. At IMPs I'd bid more to chase the game bonus.
Paul McMullin: Pass. I would venture 4 if the vulnerability was the other direction.
Bruce Rogoff: 3. Good club raise. I'd bid more at favorable, but here it's too dangerous: I don't wanna punish partner for throwing in a lead director.
Earle Fergusson: 4. Must be support and lead directional. A vul 3 should give 5 a good chance.
Hendrik Sharples: 4. Partner can work out I have short hearts.
Kf Tung: Pass. This is not your hand. Pass, defend with your best and you may get +50. If you bid you run the risk of −500, a bottom score.
Louk Verhees: 3NT. Maybe a bit adventurous? Partner doesn't need much to bid 3, so I let him know where I live.
Timothy Wright: 4. Supporting here makes sense at matchpoints.
Perry Khakhar: Pass. 50 point deck? Vulnerability is too crazy for any action like a 4 bid, so I will pass. I don't think Partner would appreciate −800.
Ig Nieuwenhuis: Pass. Better chance of going plus.
Bob Todd: 5. Who can make what?
3. Matchpoints. None vul.
K 7 4
A K 7 4
K Q J 7 4
West |
North |
East |
South |
| |
| |
| ? |
Your call?
Bid | Votes | Award
| 5
| 100
| 4
| 90
| 3
| 80
| 1
| 70
| 1
| 60
| 0
| 40
Moderator: A recurring theme of the IYC problems is the opportunity to pass partner's negative double.
Larry Cohen: Pass. We keep having this problem type. I keep passing and getting a bad score in IYC, but I know it is the right thing at the table.
Steve Robinson: 1. . . showing exactly three spades, because a jump to 2 shows four spades with 11-14 points. If you know that you have an 8-card fit, you want to make it difficult for the opponents to find their possible fit.
Zachary Grossack: 2NT. I feel like 2NT is the smallest misdeed. I have the wrong number of spades to pass 1 doubled. There's no good bid here, only misdescriptions.
Michael Dimich: 1. Maybe I can get a few ruffs in the short trump hand. Going low.
Larry Meyer: 1NT. Tell partner that I have hearts stopped, otherwise he will never consider being in notrump.
David Waterman: 2NT. There are hands where clubs play better, but concealment wins in the long run. Trying for the Moysian fit in spades is too swingy for my taste. I guess pard could bid a chunky spade suit on the way to 3NT.
Christopher Diamond: 2NT. I detest this but too good for 1NT, not good enough for a cue bid and I suspect the value bid of a Moysian 2 will get no support.
Robert Sauve: 1NT. Slight underbid, but partner has told us a lot. They have a limited hand and no 5 card spade suit.
Allan Simon: 2. Best choice, most descriptive. 1 is a close second.
Paul McMullin: 2. Hopefully pard will 'check-back' instead of jumping if he has enough for game.
Bruce Rogoff: 2NT. Right value bid with my source of tricks. Hopefully diamonds aren't a problem!
Earle Fergusson: 2NT. Close enough.
Hendrik Sharples: 1. Unappealing choices.
Kf Tung: 2NT. Invite. Partner will give you 3N with the cards you want.
Louk Verhees: 3. A classic problem. We discussed with Team Netherlands. They voted for 3.
Timothy Wright: 2. My hearts are not good enough to pass.
Perry Khakhar: 2. Low road for now. Partner may have 4-2-4-3 and a 5-count. See what develops.
Ig Nieuwenhuis: Pass. Uncertain game vs an almost certain plus. I like my chances.
4. IMPs. Both vul.
3 2
A K 7 6 5 4
A K 4
5 4
West |
North |
East |
South |
| |
| |
| ? |
Your call?
Bid | Votes | Award
| 6
| 100
| 3
| 80
| 3
| 70
| 2
| 60
| 0
| 40
Moderator: The panel agree that this is a forcing pass situation.
Kerri Sanborn: Pass. Then over 5 by partner, I bid 6 to try for the grand. I'm assuming partner is void, but I still have a great hand.
Jill Meyers: 6. I think my hand is good enough to bid 6, but I am afraid if I do that, maybe they will lead a club, the one suit I am a bit concerned about. So I am just going to bid 6.
Josh Donn: Dbl. If we get three rounds of diamonds played, they probably end up with five trump tricks. That's 1700 for us. Even if they get another trick in the wash, that is 1400. Slam is far from assured, so I will take the cash.
August Boehm: 6. 6 denies first-round control in either black suit (bypass principle), in case there is need for a further decision from partner.
Michael Dimich: Dbl. Partner could have excellent spades, 4 trumps and a diamond void. But West could have 7 diamonds, a heart void and good clubs.
Larry Meyer: Dbl. Tell partner that I prefer to defend on this hand, but partner is free to overrule me.
David Waterman: 6. Will pard know what to do with solid spades and the A? Maybe. I am not taking the punt myself. Pard did not bid the grand slam force.
Christopher Diamond: Pass. Seems too good for a discouraging double even with wastage in diamonds.
Robert Sauve: Dbl. Wasted diamond values.
Allan Simon: Dbl. My diamonds aren't going to pull their weight in 6. I'll take my +500 at IMPs.
Paul McMullin: 6. I do not know whose hand this is, but maybe if we are off an A-K, they will fail to cash them to start.
Bruce Rogoff: 6. I have no black control to show but I'm bidding slam anyway. Partner can take it from there.
Earle Fergusson: 6. Hopefully 2 club pitches on my diamonds will help and I do have great hearts.
Hendrik Sharples: Pass. Pass and pull seems right.
Kf Tung: Dbl. 6 is very close. Can they take 2 clubs? At the moment show your penalty option and partner will try one more step with A or K.
Louk Verhees: 5. Partner surely has a void it seems. Passing seems like an auto 5 bid. 5 allows partner to bid 6. Tough problem.
Timothy Wright: 5. I think North and East each has a red suit void.
Perry Khakhar: Dbl. If we are facing a shortness in diamonds, I have too much wasted and 2 quick losers in clubs. Forcing Pass would put partner in a tough position.
Ig Nieuwenhuis: 6. Unlikely partner eats all my black losers. Alternative: 6.
Bob Todd: Pass. . . then 6.
5. IMPs. None vul.
A J 8 5 4
6 3 2
A Q 8 5
West |
North |
East |
South |
| |
| |
| ? |
(1) Splinter bid showing diamond shortness.
Your call?
Bid | Votes | Award
| 10
| 100
| 4
| 70
| 0
| 30
| 0
| 30
| 0
| 20
| 0
| 20
Moderator: The panel majority trot out Ol' Black.
Jeff Meckstroth: Pass. I want to find out if partner is void and drive this hand to slam.
Josh Donn: 4NT. This hand is awesome opposite a diamond splinter. Maybe pass first to see if partner can show a diamond void is more accurate, but there are two problems: The opponents might bid 5 to block Blackwood or partner might sign off slowly and put me in an ethical bind. I would rather just keep it simple.
Michael Dimich: 4. It's easier for partner to evaluate our hand fit via 1430.
Larry Meyer: 4. Show slam interest and first round control of spades.
David Waterman: Pass. Hoping he can redouble.
Christopher Diamond: Pass. I assume a redouble by him is first round control so I'll allow him to show it to look for a grand or rule it out if he doesn't.
Joel Forssell: 4. Denying diamond cuebid and showing a spade cuebid and slam aspirations.
Allan Simon: 4. We're headed for at least 6, but if partner shows first round diamond control I plan to trot out the good old grand slam force.
Paul McMullin: 4. Is it a diamond VOID?
Bruce Rogoff: Pass. Thanks for the Double, now I can pass and see if partner redoubles. I'm moving over 4 anyway.
Earle Fergusson: 4NT. Key cards plus possible diamond void is good info.
Hendrik Sharples: 4. I'd bid 6 if I only had one call, but 7 isn't far fetched.
Kf Tung: 4NT. Check for keycards.
Louk Verhees: Pass. Hoping pard can XX. Going for slam anyway. Alternative is 4NT.
Perry Khakhar: 4. Blackwood will not uncover the K, this will.
Ig Nieuwenhuis: 4. Accepting the slam invite. Partner asking for keycards leaves most room.
Bob Todd: Pass. . . then 4.