Vancouver Bridge Centre
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Addr:   2177 West 42nd Ave, Vancouver B.C., V6M 2B7

TGIF March 2024: Scores

1. Matchpoints. E-W vul.
S A 9 6 5 4 3   H 5   D J 5 2   C K 5 3  
West North East South  
2H Pass Pass ?

Your call?

2S 15 100
Pass 1 60
Dbl 0 50
Moderator: Not even out-and-out bribes could entice panelists to find a call other than 2S.
Daniel Korbel: Pass. This will be unpopular, I'm sure, but my hand is bad and my poor partner won't appreciate it in 3NT doubled.
Zachary Grossack: 2S. Other choice is double. No passing! Partner likely has a trap pass (definitely has hearts and some high cards), but I don't have the right hand to defend.
Robert Sauve: 2S. Hope partner does not hang me.
Michael Dimich: 2S. I don't have enough to double but I have enough to bid 2S. Partner should realize if I had more high card I would Dbl.
Christopher Diamond: 2S. Guess double could be right but untangling anything but a pass will overstate values.
Larry Meyer: Pass. Probably can't stop in 2S, and I won't be happy if partner takes out my takeout double.
Allan Simon: 2S. Seems obvious.
Hendrik Sharples: 2S. All together now?
Paul McMullin: Pass. I think partner has a bunch of hearts and the missing points must be divided between North and East. Any action would be a huge gamble.
Bruce Rogoff: 2S. Seems normal. I'm too long in spades and too light in HCP to risk double.
Mike Roberts: 2S. Partner should give me a little leeway in balancing. I hope.
Perry Khakhar: 2S. I'm sure partner was hoping for double, but I can't with this hand.
John McAllister: Pass. Tough!
Louk Verhees: 2S. It could be partner is waiting, but I am not doubling. 2S may get us too high, but can't bring myself to pass.
Earle Fergusson: 2S. No second choice.

2. IMPs. E-W vul.
S A J 9 8 4   H ---   D A 9 8 4 3   C A 7 5  
West North East South  
2S 4S 5C ?

Your call?

Dbl 7 100
5D 6 90
5S 2 80
Pass 1 60
Moderator: Declare or defend? The edge goes to double.
Amber Lin: 5S. I'm judging based on a partner who usually has five spades, though for many modern partnerships, this is not the case at favourable vulnerability. Tangent: 5C should really be alerted if it is pass-or-correct.
Daniel Korbel: Dbl. . . and lead the DA.
Barry Rigal: 5D. After all, SK x x x x HQ x x x x DK x Cx is a fine slam.
Robert Sauve: 5D. Lead directing.
Michael Dimich: 5S. We have a 10+ card spade fit. If I had a few beers, I would bid 5H but I am sober at the moment.
David Waterman: Dbl. This is not a forcing auction.
Christopher Diamond: 5S. 4S could be a yarborough at this vulnerability. 5S could make and I can defend 6 of a suit.
Nicholas Adamski: 5H. Asking for a club control maybe?
Larry Meyer: 5S. Looks like there may be 11 tricks on a cross ruff.
Allan Simon: Pass. The 5-level belongs to the opposition.
Hendrik Sharples: 5H. Someone has to bid hearts on this auction.
Paul McMullin: 5D. Hopefully asking partner to upgrade his hand with honors in diamonds.
Bruce Rogoff: 5D. We might have an easy slam so I'll show my second suit. Regardless, bidding seems clear since I doubt vulnerable East is saving.
Mike Roberts: Dbl. I really should abstain. Is 5C clubs, or pass/correct? If P/C, I'd bid 5D.
Perry Khakhar: 5S. Seems about right. Their 'sacrifice' will have to be at the 6-level.
Louk Verhees: 5S. Assuming 5C is pass/correct. SK x x x x HQ x x x x Dx x Cx. We might make 5S and likely to beat them. Close call.
Earle Fergusson: 5S. Spade void for opps and minor singleton for pard. Both may make.
Bob Todd: 5D. Hopefully puts partner in the picture when they bid hearts.

3. Matchpoints. N-S vul.
S K Q 9 6 3   H 10 3   D ---   C Q J 10 9 4 3  
West North East South  
  2NT 3D ?

Your call?

3S 12 100
4C 3 70
5NT 1 40
5D 0 30
4D 0 20
Dbl 0 20
Moderator: East's 3D took away our three-level notrump tools. Now what?
Steve Weinstein: 3S. Problem 1: Do I bid 3H or 3S to show spades? Without discussion, I'm guessing 3S. Problem 2: What do we do next? Fortunately, we weren't asked.
Josh Donn: 4C. I am forcing to slam with this hand after an opponent shows good diamonds. By bidding clubs first, partner can make a more intelligent decision later. Plus 4C is forcing, which can't be said with confidence about my various spade bids.
Aban S Gerrie: Dbl. Negative double.
Michael Dimich: 3S. Bridge Bulletin Standard 3S is forcing but the panel probably bid Criss/Cross where 3H=5+ spades.
Christopher Diamond: 3S. Start with 3S and see where it goes. But there's a smorgasbord available after his 3NT.
Nicholas Adamski: 3H. I play transfers on over interference.
Larry Meyer: 3S. Give priority to the major suit.
Allan Simon: 3S. The real problem will be my next bid!
Hendrik Sharples: 4D. Correcting 4H to 4S.
Paul McMullin: 5D. Will bid 6C over 5H. Is there a sensible way to bid this? Is 4H a transfer to spades here?
Bruce Rogoff: 4C. Willing to bet that 3N isn't our last making spot, so I'll bid out my shape and hope for the best.
Mike Roberts: 3S. I'm going to pass 3NT.
Perry Khakhar: Dbl. Double followed by 3S over the expected 3H. If partner bids 3NT instead, I plan on bidding 4C. 6C may be easier than 3NT.
Louk Verhees: 5NT. Choose between 6C and 6M the way I play it. Alternative: 3H transfer?!
Earle Fergusson: 6C. A practical option to the prosaic 4D.
Bob Todd: 4C. This hand has a lot of tricks. Starting here.

4. Matchpoints. None vul.
S A Q 6 2   H K Q 3   D K Q J 8 6 5   C ---  
West North East South  
1S Dbl Pass ?

Your call?

2S 10 100
3D 3 70
2NT 1 60
3NT 1 50
Pass 1 50
2D 0 10
Moderator: The panel majority game force despite the spades lurking behind them.
Jeff Meckstroth: 2S. Partner could have five hearts or we could very well belong in diamonds. So we will start with a cuebid and see what we learn.
Kerri Sanborn: 3D. I'm a little heavy for 3D, but anything else is misleading.
Michael Dimich: 2S. Start a game force auction and explore for slam.
Christopher Diamond: 2S. If this absolutely confirms hearts it's not a bad hill to die on. If he bids anything but hearts I'll try NT.
Nicholas Adamski: 2S. Show strength, unwillingness to bid clubs or hearts.
Larry Meyer: 3D. Tell partner about my suit and my strength while denying a 4-card heart suit.
Allan Simon: Pass. Every bid has obvious flaws, including this one.
Hendrik Sharples: 2NT. Perfect NT distribution.
Paul McMullin: 2S. Tell me more?
Bruce Rogoff: 2S. Must cue bid with this monster. I anticipate a nice smooth continuation of 3C - 3D.
Mike Roberts: 3D. This is going to be awkward if partner has 5 hearts, but I'm going to underbid a bit with the bad SQ.
Perry Khakhar: 3NT. With 2 stoppers and a long suit with extra values, I'll bid the most likely game.
Louk Verhees: 2S. Easy call in my opinion. Will follow with 3D.
Earle Fergusson: 2S. Set a game force then diamonds, happy if pard bids hearts.
Timothy Wright: 3D. My SQ is not really worth a full 2 points.
Bob Todd: 2S. Start by creating a game force. Expecting to get to 6D or ...?

5. Matchpoints. E-W vul.
S K 9   H J 9 7 6 4   D A 9 5 4   C A 5  
West North East South  
  Pass Pass 1H
2D Dbl Pass ?

Your call?

Pass 13 100
2H 2 60
2NT 1 50
Moderator: The temptation for the magic 200 reigns supreme.
August Boehm: Pass. A swingy pass, hoping for +200 while risking -180. A second diamond trick looks more likely on defense via a black suit ruff than providing an extra stopper. The alternative 2NT without extra power or a likely source of tricks is no ice cream sundae.
Larry Cohen: 2H. I'm tempted to leave in another one, but this is too likely to make. Minus 180 will be a terrible score, so I am trying to just survive this board for now. As much as I hate rebidding this 'suit,' I am afraid that 2NT might get us into more trouble.
Robert Sauve: 2NT. Least of all evils.
Michael Dimich: 2NT. Partner is at the top of their range so I am hoping for SA x x x Hx x Dx x CK Q J x x.
Christopher Diamond: Pass. Since the last place I ever want to play is 2NT I'd be hoping he had enough to raise. If he has that maybe we can do OK against 2D although I know the lead is going to be from HK x because God hates me.
Larry Meyer: 2NT. Deny a 4-card spade suit while showing minimum opener and diamond stopper.
Allan Simon: 2NT. I refuse to rebid these hearts.
Hendrik Sharples: 2H. I want to go home now.
Paul McMullin: 2H. Aiming for the least damaging rebid here.
Bruce Rogoff: Pass. Considering partner's first seat favorable pass, and lack of a heart raise, he's quite likely to have at least a doubleton diamond. Let's go for blood, and hope his heart lead isn't fatal.
Mike Roberts: 2NT. I just don't think we've got the power to beat this, and we're not -200 yet.
Perry Khakhar: Pass. Hoping for the magic 200!
Louk Verhees: 2H. Tempting to pass and shoot for the moon, but I don't like autozeroes.
Earle Fergusson: Pass. No obvious fit and it is matchpoints.
Timothy Wright: Pass. Aiming for +200.
Bob Todd: Pass. Seems like a playable spot.

Panel's Answers

  1 2 3 4 5 Total
Mel Colchamiro 2S Dbl 3S 2S Pass 500
Roger Lee 2S Dbl 3S 2S Pass 500
August Boehm 2S 5D 3S 2S Pass 490
Zachary Grossack 2S 5D 3S 2S Pass 490
Steve Weinstein 2S 5S 3S 2S Pass 480
Jill Meyers 2S Dbl 4C 2S Pass 470
Kerri Sanborn 2S Dbl 3S 3D Pass 470
Jeff Meckstroth 2S Pass 3S 2S Pass 460
Janice Molson 2S 5D 4C 2S Pass 460
Steve Robinson 2S Dbl 3S 3NT Pass 450
Drew Becker 2S 5D 3S 2S 2NT 440
Barry Rigal 2S 5D 5NT 2S Pass 430
Daniel Korbel Pass Dbl 3S 3D Pass 430
Josh Donn 2S 5D 4C 3D Pass 430
Larry Cohen 2S Dbl 3S Pass 2H 410
Amber Lin 2S 5S 3S 2NT 2H 400

Local Heroes

    1 2 3 4 5 Total Points
1.    Larry Pocock 2S 5S 3S 2S Pass 480 104.13
1.    Christopher Diamond 2S 5S 3S 2S Pass 480 104.13
3.    Joel Martineau 2S Dbl 3S 3D Pass 470 50.58
3.    John Lenaghan 2S Dbl 3S 3D Pass 470 50.58
5.    Kai Zhou 2S 5D 3S 3D Pass 460 23.80
6.    Stephen Vincent Pass 5D 3S 2S Pass 450 18.42
6.    Pam Ottridge 2S 5S 3S 3D Pass 450 18.42
8.    Zoran Peca 2S 5D 3S 2S 2NT 440 14.88
9.    Michael Dimich 2S 5S 3S 2S 2NT 430 12.56
9.    Bonnie Burnell 2S 5S 3S 2S 2NT 430 12.56

World Leaders

    1 2 3 4 5 Total Points
1.    Shahar Zack (Israel) 2S 5D 3S 2S Pass 490 112.00
2.    Chris Galbraith (Canada) 2S 5D 3S 3D Pass 460 35.75
2.    Bob Todd (Canada) 2S 5D 4C 2S Pass 460 35.75
2.    Qiang Wu (China) 2S Dbl 3S 2S 2H 460 35.75
2.    John McAllister (United States) Pass Dbl 3S 2S Pass 460 35.75
2.    Leo Weniger (Canada) 2S 5D 4C 2S Pass 460 35.75
2.    John Mac Gregor (Canada) 2S 5D 4C 2S Pass 460 35.75
2.    Bruce Rogoff (Usa) 2S 5D 4C 2S Pass 460 35.75
9.    Timothy Wright (Usa) 2S 5S 3S 3D Pass 450 11.82
9.    Lilly Justman (United States) 2S Dbl 3S Pass Pass 450 11.82
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