Vancouver Bridge Centre
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Addr:   2177 West 42nd Ave, Vancouver B.C., V6M 2B7

TGIF July 2023: Scores

1. IMPs. None vul.
S A Q   H Q   D A 4 2   C K Q 9 7 6 5 2  
West North East South  
  1D 2S 3C
3S Pass Pass ?

Your call?

4S 5 100
4NT 3 80
4C 2 70
5NT 2 70
Dbl 1 50
3NT 0 40
5C 0 30
4D 0 20
Moderator: The plurality vote for 4S, but with no clear direction.
Steve Weinstein: 4C. I'm more worried partner will pass a double than 4C.
Kerri Sanborn: 4S. Let's see whether I can get some support or a diamond rebid. At this point, the strain is a guess.
Zachary Grossack: 4NT. It sides the contract correctly and gets off the playing strength with reasonable accuracy.
Barry Rigal: 5NT. Let's play a slam in a minor. If partner has two or fewer spades, we surely rate to have a playable eight-card minor fit. Partner could still have a singleton club I suppose. Let's hope we don't play in the wrong minor facing 2-4-4-3.
Michael Dimich: 4NT. Giving partner a chance to bail with a bad hand and cooperate with a good hand.
Samuel Krikler: 4S. We may have a slam in clubs (or diamonds). A forcing bid is required.
Christopher Diamond: 4NT. Let him take it how he wants but I want to bid NT first.
Larry Meyer: 5C. Sounds like the opps have a fit, so we likely have one, too. Pard's opening strength should be sufficient for us to take 11 tricks.
Earle Fergusson: 4S. Spade control. Now let's find the right strain for slam. I'll raise either minor or try 6NT over hearts.
Allan Simon: 3NT. Partner's Pass suggests no extras. I try to avoid 'brilliancies' on board 1 of a long match.
Peter Qvist: 5NT. Pick a slam.
Paul McMullin: 4NT. Good Old Blackwood. (I hope!)
Hendrik Sharples: 3NT. Thanks Bob.
Perry Khakhar: Dbl. More flexible than any other action. Partner is most likely 2-4-5-2 or 2-4-6-1. Best to defend, but no reason to make a unilateral decision. Show the extra values and see what happens.
Kf Tung: 4D. Support diamonds, slam interest. Partner will be excited with HA CA DK.
Louk Verhees: 4C. Interesting problem. Your hand has so much potential. I feel the choice is between 4C and Dbl. Start with 4C and later 5NT pick-a-slam. Could still be a grand even.
Timothy Wright: 3NT. Might 6C make? Perhaps—but if I don't bid 3NT we won't get to play the most likely contract.

2. IMPs. E-W vul.
S ---   H K 8 7 4 2   D Q 6 4 2   C K 10 9 4  
West North East South  
  2NT Pass 3D (1)
Pass 3H Pass ?
(1) Hearts.

Your call?

3NT 7 100
4C 5 80
4D 1 70
4NT 0 20
5NT 0 20
Moderator: Much of the guesswork depends on how much stuff partner has in our void. The panel are near evenly split.
Janice Molson: 3NT. Another charming hand. As goofy as it sounds, I bid 3NT. Four of a minor shows slam interest, which I have if partner has weakish spades and a four-card minor. But there is no way to show both and my guessing is not so good.
Josh Donn: 4C. This is officially a slam try, not that we are completely worth it, but do I really have to explain what could go wrong with rebidding 3NT instead?
Michael Dimich: 4C. Searching for the making game and perhaps more.
Samuel Krikler: 3NT. 4C is ambiguous and the diamond suit is not good enough. We may miss a minor suit slam.
Christopher Diamond: 4C. If 3S showed shortness I'd bid it but otherwise this doesn't look like a NT hand.
Larry Meyer: 3NT. Offer pard a choice of games.
Joel Forssell: 4C. Cuebid.
Earle Fergusson: 4C. Let's find the strain while keeping slam in the picture.
Allan Simon: 3NT. I doubt we have the methods to locate a fit in a minor.
Paul McMullin: 4H. Is someone thinking of looking for 6 of a minor?
Hendrik Sharples: 3NT. Thanks Bob!
Perry Khakhar: 4C. One less Queen, and I take my chances in 3NT. But, a logical natural bidding sequence here.
Kf Tung: 4D. Natural. Usually you bid 5C or 6C on the next round and partner can choose correctly.
Louk Verhees: 4D. Cannot bid 3NT. Could be cold for 7 of a minor. However depending how you want to proceed you choose which minor you bid. It seems like you need a better diamond fit. The advantage of 4C is partner can make a move below 4. You can also go all out and bid all suits.
John McAllister: 3NT. Tough problem.
Timothy Wright: 3NT. I don't want to play partner for a perfect maximum.

3. Matchpoints. None vul.
S ---   H K 8 5   D K 9 5 4 3   C K Q 10 7 4  
West North East South  
4S Dbl (1) Pass 4NT (2)
Pass 5D Pass ?
(1) Takeout, convertible values.
(2) Two places to play.

Your call?

5S 9 100
6D 3 80
Pass 1 50
Moderator: Almost every panelist commits to slam. The majority try for the grand.
Larry Cohen: 5S. Just a guess. That's why they preempt. Might as well bid this instead of 6D in case pard can bid seven with, say, SJ x x HA Q J x DA Q x x CA x.
Barry Rigal: 6D. It's only matchpoints. I've been wrong before (and doubtless will be wrong again). If we go one down in slam facing SK x HQ J x x DA x x x CA x x, maybe they will make 4S doubled in the other rooms.
Michael Dimich: 5S. I was going to slam anyway so I may as well share some information.
Christopher Diamond: Pass. If I was going to bid more I'd have guessed it before.
Larry Meyer: Pass. Partner's lack of interest in clubs means my club holding may not be very useful.
Earle Fergusson: 6D. She will deliver at least 2 aces and the 2 key queens.
Allan Simon: 5S. This can't hurt on the way to 6D.
Paul McMullin: 6D. Sometimes you STAY preempted.
Hendrik Sharples: Pass. Guess I'm not bidding 3NT this time.
Perry Khakhar: Pass. Hope we didn't miss slam!
Kf Tung: 6D. Let opponents guess, including what to lead. 12 tricks are a favorite; 13th is the bonus you look for.
Louk Verhees: 5S. Where are all the spades? I am not passing. Can I bid 5S? I think so. Enough room.
Timothy Wright: 5NT. This should be pick-a-slam.

4. Matchpoints. Both vul.
S A K Q J 10 6   H A J   D K 9   C A Q 8  
West North East South  
    4H ?

Your call?

5S 4 100
4S 4 90
4NT 2 60
Dbl 2 60
6S 1 50
Moderator: A dead heat between 4S and 5S with this monster.
Mel Colchamiro: Dbl. . . because I don't know what else to do. If partner passes, so be it. And if partner removes to 5C or 5D, that shows 'cards' and length; I'll go to the hoop with 6NT.
Jeff Meckstroth: 4S. No way to look for slam and still stop, so I'll take the plus score.
Jill Meyers: 4NT. . . and then 5S. Partner could have a Yarborough and we could be going down in four for all I know.
Steve Robinson: 5S. If partner has the DA and the CK and some extras, he'll bid 6D and we'll get to seven.
Michael Dimich: Dbl. If partner has nothing they will pass and if they bid we will be in some slam.
Samuel Krikler: 6S. Hoping that pard has a high card in clubs or diamonds.
Christopher Diamond: 5S. Probably scoring zero but hoping it says 'bid 6 with a trick'.
Larry Meyer: 5H. Too strong to overcall or double.
Earle Fergusson: 5S. 4S is too little and 6S too much. He needs both minor cards or one with a stiff heart, and he will raise with those.
Allan Simon: 4S. This is my month for timidity.
Paul McMullin: 5S. Hopefully partner will advance if looking at any prime cards.
Hendrik Sharples: Dbl. Going to be hard to describe this hand.
Perry Khakhar: 4S. I have to play from my side to protect the minors. Might consider 5S, but 10 tricks could be tricky opposite a potential bust!
Kf Tung: 4S. 620 is more common than 630 or 650. 200 or 500 will be bad score.
Louk Verhees: 4S. Truly a tough problem at any form of scoring. The problem is you are not even certain to make 4S! Could Dbl and correct to 5S. Sometimes partner sits it. I take my loss.
Timothy Wright: 4S. I need several cards from partner to make slam and no good way to find about about them.

5. Matchpoints. E-W vul.
S A 10   H A K Q 8 7 5   D ---   C A 9 8 5 4  
West North East South  
  4D Pass ?

Your call?

4H 11 100
5D 1 60
Pass 0 60
4NT 0 40
6D 1 40
Moderator: An near unanimous vote for 4H.
August Boehm: 4H. I wouldn't be shocked to find that pass or even 5D is best facing the likes of Sx x Hx DA J 9 8 x x x x Cx x, with no entry to the DA playing in a heart contract. But to suppress these hearts is more than flesh can bear.
Michael Dimich: 5D. If we were vulnerable, I would bid 6D. But we aren't and they are so I am giving partner some leeway.
Samuel Krikler: 4H. I will pass 5D.
Christopher Diamond: 4H. Maybe he can ruff a club.
Larry Meyer: 5D. Counting on partner to provide 6 diamond tricks to go with my 5 tops.
Earle Fergusson: 4H. . . and hope.
Allan Simon: 4H. This seems obvious, am I missing something?
Paul McMullin: 6D. Every bid is a guess.
Hendrik Sharples: 4NT. Though with some partners I'd pass and hope to make it.
Perry Khakhar: 6D. One loser trump suit?
Kf Tung: 5D. Your hand is a good dummy for 5D, even 6D. You will be rich in 5D-X, but you will be poor if you bid 4H now and then get doubled everywhere you run.
Louk Verhees: 4H. Cute one. A little bit about style. But I feel I am forced to bid 4H.
Timothy Wright: 4H. I know what Al Roth would say about these guess-what-to-do-after-the-preempt hands.

Panel's Answers

  1 2 3 4 5 Total
Jeff Meckstroth 4S 3NT 6D 4S 4H 470
Kerri Sanborn 4S 4C 5S 4S 4H 470
August Boehm Dbl 3NT 5S 5S 4H 450
Larry Cohen 4S 3NT 5S 6S 4H 450
Steve Weinstein 4C 4C 5S 5S 4H 450
Zachary Grossack 4NT 3NT 6D 4S 4H 450
Daniel Korbel 4C 4C 5S 4S 4H 440
Janice Molson 4NT 3NT 5S 4NT 4H 440
Mel Colchamiro 5NT 3NT 5S Dbl 4H 430
Jill Meyers 4S 3NT 5S 4NT 5D 420
Josh Donn 4S 4C 5S 5S 6D 420
Steve Robinson 4NT 4D Pass 5S 4H 400
Barry Rigal 5NT 4C 6D Dbl 4H 390

Local Heroes

    1 2 3 4 5 Total Points
1.    Rod Coote 4S 3NT 6D Dbl 4H 440 94.94
1.    Jack Qi 4NT 3NT 5S 5S 5D 440 94.94
3.    Kai Zhou 4C 3NT 5S Dbl 4H 430 54.25
4.    Brad Bart 4NT 4C 5S 5S 5D 420 37.97
5.    Alan Kemp-Gee 4C 3NT Pass 4S 4H 410 18.43
5.    Christopher Diamond 4NT 4C Pass 5S 4H 410 18.43
5.    John Lenaghan 4S 3NT 6D 4S 6D 410 18.43
8.    Jack Aaron 4C 3NT 6D 6S 4H 400 12.16
8.    Robert Sauve 4S 3NT 6D Dbl 5D 400 12.16
8.    Samuel Krikler 4S 3NT Pass 6S 4H 400 12.16

World Leaders

    1 2 3 4 5 Total Points
1.    Chris Galbraith (Canada) 4S 4C 5S 4S 4H 470 108.50
2.    Earle Fergusson (Canada) 4S 4C 6D 5S 4H 460 81.38
3.    John McAllister (United States) 4S 3NT 5S 6S 4H 450 54.25
4.    Qiang Wu (China) 4S 3NT 5S 5S 4NT 440 37.97
5.    Allan Simon (Canada) 3NT 3NT 5S 4S 4H 430 18.43
5.    Louk Verhees (Netherlands) 4C 4D 5S 4S 4H 430 18.43
5.    Shahar Zack (Israel) Dbl 4C 5S 5S 4H 430 18.43
8.    Bob Todd (Canada) 3NT 3NT 6D 4S 4H 410 12.81
8.    John Mac Gregor (Canada) 4C 3NT 5S 5S 6D 410 12.81
10.    Diane Bolton (Canada) 3NT 3NT 5S Dbl 4H 400 9.92
10.    Lars Erik Bergerud (Norway) 4D 4C 5S 5S 4H 400 9.92
10.    Miro Kovacevic (Canada) Dbl 4D 6D 5S 4H 400 9.92
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