TGIF July 2008: Scores
1. IMPs. N-S vul.
9 6 3 2
7 5
K 10 2
K 9 8 4
West |
North |
East |
South |
| |
| |
| ? |
Your call?
Bid | Votes | Award
| 7
| 100
| 4
| 90
| 1
| 60
| 3
| 50
| 3
| 10
| 0
| 0
| 0
| 0
| 0
| 0
Moderator: Partner doubled and bid his own suit, showing a strong hand. You have modest useful values, but no convenient bid. Seven panelists double. They feel that is the most flexible call. Eight panelists look for game instead of risking minus 470 (when North does not read the double correctly).
Mike Lawrence: Dbl. I am unlikely to have a spade stack, but I can have mixed values. If partner passes, 2 doubled rates to be down two tricks.
Eugene Chan: Pass. Partner can take another call with a super moose. It puts a lot of pressure on partner but I have confidence he/she will make the right decision.
Joel Martineau: Dbl. Maximum values and minimum distribution for my prior action (2 rather than 1NT). All low-level doubles are forward going.
Stephen Vincent: 3. The absence of spade values is good: my kings should be working. East's sequence is a little odd.
David Walker: Dbl. Partner has a monster but I doubt we have game.
John Hurdle: Dbl. I must show positive values in the context of my limited previous action. I would pass and wait with a pure penalty double.
David Breton: 3. Clearly our hand. Vul at IMPs I always stretch and could very well try 4 but I don't want to get partner too exited. He's also Vul at IMPs and will bid game with any excuse.
Stephen Ottridge: Pass. You are VUL, why risk going higher?
Aidan Ballantyne: 3. Need to show values. Simplest approach to most likely game which is 4. Least of evils.
Martin Henneberger: 3. I have values and mild trump support. That's a raise to me.
Bonny Lee: Pass. Partner still has a chance to bid.
Larry Meyer: Dbl. Let pard know that it's our hand, but I don't have good trump support.
Chris Buchanan: Dbl. I like this as co-operative. I am near a maximum for my 2 call and hold prime controls. This double lets partner know I have some tickets for them.
Mike Roberts: Pass. If I had K T x x 9 x x, I'd double. I think this is forcing, though.
Perry Khakhar: 4. Bid what I think we can make. More interesting after they bid the expected 4! I plan on doubling. Should be a toll free number!
Bob Todd: 3. Tough problem. What to do if I pass and partner doubles... 3 or 4? May as well try 3 now.
David Gordon: 4. Partner should have a good suit. I could have bid 3 with more.
Cliff Gillis: 4. Dont make too many....I can hardly have a better dummy opposite a singleton spade at most.
Brian Zietman: 2NT. Partner is very strong and I have shown him I am weak. Now is my last opportunity to show him I am not so weak.
Chris Diamond: 3. Double could be right but the penalty if pard passes may not be enough if we've got a vul game.
Brian Zietman: Pass. I probably don't have a trick so partner is on his/her own.
2. Matchpoints. Both vul.
A K 6
A K Q 10 7 4
K 7 3
West |
North |
East |
South |
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| ? |
(1) Michaels cuebid (majors).
Your call?
Bid | Votes | Award
| 6
| 100
| 4
| 90
| 4
| 70
| 0
| 30
| 3
| 10
| 1
| 10
| 0
| 0
| 0
| 0
Moderator: Six experts cuebid 3. What does that mean?
Jill Meyers: 3. ... showing partner where I have a stopper and asks him to bid 3NT with hearts stopped.
Mike Lawrence: 3NT. I expect North to have five hearts, and I hope he has a tiny something to go with it.
Eugene Chan: Dbl. I'd try 2NT at IMPs.
David Walker: 3. The only way to decide between 4 or 5.
John Hurdle: 3. With two known suits against us, we bid the one we can handle if we are trying for 3NT.
David Breton: 2NT. 2NT should show a big hand, partner will know to raise unless he's got absolutely nothing. At IMPs I'd punt 3NT.
Stephen Ottridge: 4. Let them go to 4 and double.
Aidan Ballantyne: Dbl. Start by showing strength. Also I have support for other minor. A direct jump to 3NT could be embarrassing when down 1 and cold for 5 or 6 of a minor.
Martin Henneberger: 3. Interesting problem on agreements here. I play that when 2 suits are known a cue bid shows not asks, so I'm a 3 bidder. By inference this shows a good source of tricks in diamonds and a heart problem.
Bonny Lee: 2NT. East did not choose hearts, so partner may have some help there.
Larry Meyer: 3NT. 8 1/2 quick tricks, hoping for pard to have a useful card or two.
Chris Buchanan: 3. SHOWING spades controlled and asking about hearts. When the opponents show 2-suits, show, don't ask.
Mike Roberts: 3. 3 would ask for spades, so doesn't this ask for a heart stopper?
Perry Khakhar: 3. May be partner can bid 3NT! I expect he has 4 hearts with a few scattered values. Otherwise, I guess we will have to play the dreaded 4 of a minor.
David Gordon: 3NT. Partner is marked with a heart suit.
Cliff Gillis: Dbl. I dont expect this to be passed. If pard bids 3, I will follow with 4.
Brian Zietman: 3. Partner do you have a stopper?
Janet Dunbar: 3NT. Partner has hearts covered.
Brian Zietman: 3. Asking for a stopper. I supply 8 tricks partner gives one -can always escape to diamonds.
3. IMPs. Both vul.
A Q J 8 7 3
K Q 4 3
A 4
West |
North |
East |
South |
| |
| |
| ? |
(1) One-round force.
Your call?
Bid | Votes | Award
| 8
| 100
| 7
| 70
| 3
| 20
| 0
| 0
| 0
| 0
Moderator: Almost half the panel are content to bid 2. They feel that if they survive this round of bidding, they will be better placed to get to the best contract.
Jill Meyers: 2. The hand is not quite good enough to jump shift. If partner corrects 2 to 2, I will bid 3 which shows a good 6-4 hand.
Mike Lawrence: 2. This is an awkward hand for standard bidding. Bidding 3 loses the heart suit and 3 overstates the hand.
Eugene Chan: 3. Strong invitation. Trump suit quality good enough to play opposite singleton or void.
Stephen Vincent: 3. Competition directors have been setting problems like this since time immemorial. There's no satisfactory answer.
David Walker: 4. I've heard enough.
John Hurdle: 2. No other call should be considered. I will advance to 3 if I get another chance because my trump quality is good.
David Breton: 2. Being optimistic is necessary here. Make the bid with the biggest pay-out instead of trying to minimize your loss.
Stephen Ottridge: 2. Looking for a heart fit first, then back to spades if not.
Aidan Ballantyne: 2. Slight underbid but keeps flexibility. Can rebid spades next depending on how auction goes.
Martin Henneberger: 2. This is a better hand than the 16 high card it represents. That being said I cannot game force with 3. That leaves 2, but possibly 3.
Bonny Lee: 2. ... wait for partner's second bid.
Larry Meyer: 2. Bid out my shape.
Chris Buchanan: 2. No need to jump around in this auction. If partner passes 2 it will be right.
Mike Roberts: 3. I just like this hand too much to bid just 2, and I refuse to give up on the heart suit by bidding 3.
Perry Khakhar: 3. 4 LTC makes this a strong jump shift. The worst part is that I am going to bid 4 over Partner's 3NT. I hope that I don't catch partner with K Q x x x x x K x!
Bob Todd: 2. This is why I play courtesy raises.
David Gordon: 2. Rebid spades at next opportunity to show good 6-4. Not enough for 3.
Cliff Gillis: 2. If pard has invitational values, he will oblige. If my spades were better I would go for 3.
Brian Zietman: 3. I never know whether to show my 4 card suit or repeat my 6 card suit, I will be interested to see the views of the experts.
Chris Diamond: 2. A tweener: too good for 2, not enough for 3, spades not good enough for 3 (but close). So 2 and hope I get another chance.
Brian Zietman: 3. Next time I rebid the spades.
4. IMPs. None vul.
Q 9 2
A K J 9 7
K 9 8
A 3
West |
North |
East |
South |
| |
| |
| |
| ? |
Your call?
Bid | Votes | Award
| 8
| 100
| 5
| 90
| 1
| 50
| 2
| 30
| 1
| 20
| 0
| 20
| 1
| 10
Moderator: Is North showing at least 5-5 distribution in the black suits, or was he stuck for a bid over your 2 cuebid?
Jill Meyers: 2NT. I will bid 2NT for the moment to see where partner is going. Partner's 2 bid did not show long clubs and spades, but rather inability to make another bid.
Mike Lawrence: 3. North's bidding sounds like 5-5, but he may not have it given that I pushed him into a corner. He could have a hand with four good spades and no other message he wanted to send (no diamond stopper, no heart fit).
Eugene Chan: 3. Best, cheapest, multi-purpose quasi cue bid. Partner should not pass!
Mark Eddy: 4NT. (I'm assuming this is some version of keycard.)
Stephen Vincent: 3NT. An underbid? Agreed. But you'll probably be in the right contract played from the right side. Another cue bid will just start a confused and tortured sequence. Partner's 2 is quite discouraging since he couldn't support hearts.
David Walker: 6. Partner is backing-out with 2.
John Hurdle: 5NT. Partner, please pick a slam. Yes, we might be too high, if we have opened a rule of 20 special, but I like our chances if we get the right strain.
David Breton: 3. We may have a Moysian in spades but not sure yet, so I'll make him bid once more and decide which game is better.
Stephen Ottridge: 3NT. 4 spades, 2 hearts, 2 clubs and a diamond are enough tricks.
Aidan Ballantyne: 3. Blackwood in support of spades could be simplest and very effective but it's possible pard has only 4-card spades and was stuck for a bid; not yet sure I want to go by 3NT. Perhaps I'll bid that if pard bids 3.
Martin Henneberger: 2NT. I created a game force with 2 so 2NT allows clarification from pard. Spades by them could have been a default bid such as 4-2-3-4 hand with no diamond stopper or a real 5-6 in spades and clubs. 2NT will allow me to find out now.
Bond Liu: 4. ... hoping to hear 4 from partner.
Bonny Lee: 3. Will bid 3NT if partner insists on spades.
Larry Meyer: 4NT. If pard shows 2 key cards, then bid 6.
Chris Buchanan: 3. 2 is game forcing so I can simply raise spades at this point to set the suit for the inevitable key card follow-up.
Mike Roberts: 3. This is assuming, perhaps incorrectly, that 2 set up a game force. If partner is really 6-5 (5-5?), we must set trumps.
Perry Khakhar: 4NT. RKC for spades! Although Partner probably has a weak 5-5 in the blacks, it would take an exceptionally bad opener to not make a slam, and to go down in 5! (AKxxx x xx QJxxx?)
Paul Mcmullin: 3. My 4th suit had BETTER have been 'game forcing'.
David Gordon: 4NT. Partner is showing a 6 club - 5 spade hand. Find out keys on spades.
Roelof Van Lopik: 3. Asking for a half-stop in diamonds.
Sevgi Birol: 5. Jozefine.. if pard has two top honors, bid 6.
Birol GüVenç: 5. Jozefine.
Cliff Gillis: 3. This should be a slam try. Partner has advertised 6-5 at least but may be weak so we will go slowly.
Brian Zietman: 4NT. 6 or 6NT look a distinct possibility here.
Chris Diamond: 2NT. Does pard have 5 or just needed to find a bid? 2NT should be forcing and might get me somewhere.
Brian Zietman: 6. At matchpoints I would bid 6NT!
5. IMPs. Both vul.
Q 9 8 3
K J 3
A K 2
9 4 2
West |
North |
East |
South |
| |
| |
| ? |
Your call?
Bid | Votes | Award
| 10
| 100
| 8
| 90
| 0
| 50
| 0
| 0
Moderator: The panel split into two camps 4 and 4. For North's hand, see June contest, problem 1.
Jill Meyers: 4. Pass is tempting because there's no guarantee of game. On the other hand, we could be cold for slam.
Eugene Chan: 4. Straight forward statement of values and preferred game.
Stephen Vincent: Pass. Take the money.
David Walker: 4. Leaves the box open while acknowledging the value of the pre-empt.
John Hurdle: 4. Intending to continue with 4, as opposed to a direct 4 leap which might show more shape and less of a hand.
David Breton: Pass. I'd be more confident white vs red, we may be missing a laydown slam but with suits unlikely to break I'll take a plus.
Aidan Ballantyne: 4. A hair too much to bid 3 given vulnerability and form of scoring. 3 puts too much pressure on pard. I'll take the blame if wrong.
Martin Henneberger: 4. Can pard play me for this good a hand if I jump to 4? No. I will correct any red suit to 4 to suggest the best values a passer could have. They can now move confidently with A K x x A Q x x Q x x x 2.
Larry Meyer: 4. Show enough strength to open, deny club stopper, deny a strong suit.
Chris Buchanan: Pass. Tough decision, but I am going to try and collect my plus 300 a trick.
Mike Roberts: 4. Must bid game. Maybe following up with 4 shows a bad suit? I'll play a 4-3 spade fit anyway.
Perry Khakhar: 4. I like my hand, but not my shape. If we have a slam, partner is going to have to take charge.
David Gordon: 4. Show a good hand and correct 4 to 4.
Birol GüVenç: 4. Strong Q-bid.
Cliff Gillis: 4. Classic problem. Why didn't I double in the first place?
Brian Zietman: 4. I am very strong and a slam is a possibility here. I have good support for any suit and if partner is strong in clubs I need him to bid the NT.
Chris Diamond: 4. Probably 4 will win, but I hate all the ambiguities of that call and the expected follow ups.
Brian Zietman: 4. Partner, choose your game.