Vancouver Bridge Centre
Address:   1825 West 16th Ave, Vancouver B.C.

TGIF June 2020: Scores

1. IMPs. E-W vul.
S ---   H K 6 2   D J 9 8 6 3 2   C Q 10 6 5  
West North East South  
Pass 1D 2S ?

Your call?

3D 9 100
4D 3 70
5D 3 70
3S 2 50
4S 2 50
Moderator: This month's guest panel are the members of the US junior teams. Enjoy!
Cornelius Duffie: 3S. I'm on a finesse for seven opposite: Sx x x x HA x DA K 10 x x CA J, so not forcing to game feels crazy. I could bid a direct 5D, but that doesn't get us to slam when it's right, and maybe more importantly, I won't know what to do if the auction continues (5S)-Pass-(Pass) to me.
Jonathan Yue: 4D. This hand should qualify as a mixed raise if there was no interference. It is too strong for 3D, which is a normal competitive raise. The strongest possible hand I can have (a limit raise) is covered by 3S.
Marley Cedrone: 5D. I choose 5D because we have a 9- or 10-card fit in diamonds. If it doesn't make, it's only minus 50 or 100 because we are not vulnerable. It looks like the opponents may have a very large spade fit, so they could be on for 4S.
Brandon Ge: 4S. I think 4S describes the hand better because it shows the shortness. Slam is entirely possible, and it seems pard has a very strong hand, something like Sx x x x HA Q x DA K x x CA J.
Michael Haas: 3D. The problem is how many diamonds to bid. I think that 3D, although a misdescription of my shape, will give us the best opportunity to play in 3NT, make a diamond contract, or double 3S or 4S.
David Waterman: 4D. 3S might be a popular choice, but what do you do when partner doubles 4S or bids 3NT? You will be endplayed into bidding 5D. Best to describe your hand type. Partner can have many hands where 5D has no play.
Christopher Diamond: 5D. Pard might have a very good hand given the opponents' bidding. But they might have a making vulnerable save. Who knows? So we go high and fast.
Larry Meyer: 3S. Show a limit raise in support of diamonds while leaving 3NT as an option.
Perry Khakhar: 3D. It may be enterprising to look for a heart Moysian with a negative double. But, we may be putting a third seat opener in an awkward position. I'll take the low road.
Paul McMullin: Pass. Avoiding the temptation to preempt over their preempt.
Chris Buchanan: 5D. Usually not a fan of preempting after a preempt but it seems right here.
Hendrik Sharples: 3D. Although it's comparatively rare, I think there's a strong chance partner is 4-4-3-2.
Ig Nieuwenhuis: 5D. It's how high I'm prepared to go and gives them the guess.
Timothy Wright: 5D. At these vulnerabilities, keeping them out of 4S is key.
Allan Simon: 3D. I don't want to obstruct 3NT, which may be our only game.
Bob Todd: 3S. My 6 count sure grew up. 3S won't slow them down but might help partner.
Kf Tung: 5D. . . as a make or save.

2. IMPs. N-S vul.
S Q 10 9 4   H ---   D J 10 8 6 2   C K Q J 5  
West North East South  
1C 1H Pass 1NT
2C Dbl Pass ?

Your call?

Pass 8 100
2D 4 80
2S 3 70
3D 1 60
3C 1 50
3S 1 50
2NT 0 40
3NT 1 40
Moderator: Despite evidence to the contrary, junior players know exactly where to find the pass card in the bidding boxes. They are especially fond of it when converting partner's double to penalty.
Adam Kaplan: Pass. I have a great hand to defend and very little reason to think we can make game. Right-hand opponent will also be overruffing clubs, and LHO rates to be short in hearts, making declaring any contract unpleasant.
Emma Kolesnik: 2D. I was very close between pass and 2D. 2S is reasonable as well. I ultimately went with 2D as a safer call. We have at least an 8-card diamond fit and probably aren't missing a game.
Samuel Pahk: 2S. I'm definitely bidding at this vulnerability in case partner has a really good hand and can invite game. With my probably useless clubs and lack of heart support, however, I do not want to overexcite partner with 3D or 3S, and I don't want to risk bidding notrump. If we have game, it is likely to be 4S because of the misfit.
David Waterman: Pass. Maybe we will be +300 instead of +620, but there are no guarantees 4S will make.
Christopher Diamond: Pass. Not happy with 1NT. It was a tough call. And using Reuben Advances I couldn't have made it. Now I'll just hope we have enough tricks to compensate for a full game if it's there. If I bid here I'll bid 2S.
Larry Meyer: 2S. Looking for a 4-4 spade fit.
Perry Khakhar: 3NT. 9 tricks may be easier in NT than 10 tricks in spades. Vulnerability suggests declaring rather than defending.
Paul McMullin: Pass. Three likely trump tricks, and good intermediates in the pointed suits. We should do well defending!
Chris Buchanan: Pass. I think we have a good chance at holding the opposition to 5 tricks or less here.
Hendrik Sharples: 2D. Not enough stuff to defend with their likely 8 card fit. Trying to go plus here, as partner doesn't promise four spades.
Ig Nieuwenhuis: Pass. Best chance for a plus score in my opinion. At least it doesn't pay the game-bonus if it makes (it might).
Timothy Wright: 2D. I want to be able to run to 2S over 2H.
Allan Simon: Pass. If I were certain partner had 4 spades, I would be tempted to try 3S.
David Gordon: 2D. I will make the bid I should have made first time around.
Kf Tung: 3NT. Your game prospect is in 3N, not 4S. Partner has extra for his double over the 2C.

3. IMPs. N-S vul.
S A K 10 9 6 5   H 6   D A K 5 4 3   C Q  
West North East South  
    Pass 1S
3H 4C 4H ?

Your call?

4S 5 100
5NT 4 90
Pass 1 90
5H 3 70
4NT 2 60
5D 2 60
5C 0 50
6C 1 50
Dbl 1 50
5S 0 30
6D 0 30
Moderator: A scattershot of options, the plurality go low with 4S.
Zach Grossack: 5NT. My CQ has polished itself into quite a precious card, along with the rest of the hand that already looks so pretty. The question now is twofold: Which strain and how high? I get to answer both rather intelligently with 5NT, avoiding the ambiguity of first-round heart control that comes with bidding 5H.
Marley Cedrone: 5H. It looks like we have a slam. I'm just not sure in what yet. The auction suggests the opponents have a 10-card heart hit, so it is likely that we also have a large fit. 5H here should force to slam and deny great club support.
Charlie Chen: 5D. We are obviously in a game-forcing auction, and 5D shows I have diamonds and spades. Partner can pass or bid 5S and I will be happy with either. If I bid 4S, partner might pass with Sx HK x DQ J x CA K J 10 9 x x. Then we might not make 4S while 5D is cold.
Brandon Ge: 4NT. Unless the opponents are insane, they should have a 10-card fit. It seems from the bidding that pard has a strong hand with seven or eight clubs. He can't have three spades or he would have supported me, so he probably has one or two. So we can probably make slam in clubs.
Daniel Sonner: 4S. I know I have quite a good-looking hand, but in this sort of auction --- where the opponents are preempting a lot --- distributions are often skewed and partner often stretches to get into the auction. I usually lean on the side of playing it safe, and without a sure fit with partner, I want to try to play in the lowest game possible.
David Waterman: 4S. This is why people preempt. No perfect bid is available.
Christopher Diamond: Pass. We're in a force and I want to give him room to tell me something. What to do over a double is harder.
Larry Meyer: 5D. Bid out my shape.
Perry Khakhar: 5D. Although we are in forcing pass situation, the best way to describe our very good hand is to bid naturally. That should get the message across of a strong 2 suiter.
Paul McMullin: 5D. I am strong enough to continue bidding my pattern (I HOPE that is what my bid means).
Chris Buchanan: 4S. I'm very tempted to bid 5C here but 4S is a level lower.
Hendrik Sharples: 4S. Good problem: no bid feels right.
Ig Nieuwenhuis: 5D. I think the hand is worth it, especially since partner also has (probably useful) values.
Timothy Wright: Dbl. We don't have a fit (unless it's in diamonds) and they are missing high cards.
Allan Simon: 5D. Almost certain vulnerable slam somewhere. I hope my natural bid paints a good picture and partner can make the right decision.
David Gordon: 5D. Let's show the second suit.
Kf Tung: 5D. You have good spades, good diamonds and want to try a slam.

4. Matchpoints. None vul.
S K J 5 2   H Q J 10 8 5 2   D ---   C A Q 8  
West North East South  
Pass 1S Pass ?

Your call?

3S 16 100
4D 3 60
4S 0 60
2S 0 30
Moderator: A strong majority choose 3S.
Michael Xu: 4D. This hand is too strong to bid below game. Thirteen points with a diamond void (+5), good trump support and working heart cards that are a source of tricks. If partner has diamond wastage, then so be it. 4S makes the opening lead harder, especially important with that club holding.
Kayden Ge: 3S. I would like to be in game, but it's not a necessity. My void is worth much more when we found a fit. 4D would be a better description, but partner could take me too seriously and we could end up too high. I would be disappointed if partner passed, but that's his decision.
Ralph Buckley: 4D. Splinter.
David Waterman: 3S. This looks like an underbid, but if he has weak spades and diamond values the hand will play poorly. No diamond bid from either opponent.
Christopher Diamond: 3S. Might just bash 4S at IMPs (if it was agreed to be shape not power).
Larry Meyer: 4D. Splinter to show good 4-card support and diamond shortness.
Perry Khakhar: 3S. Best way to show my playing strength without single handedly committing to game.
Paul McMullin: 3S. Would 3D have been a mini-splinter?
Chris Buchanan: 2S. Close to 3S here but my heart suit is not good enough.
Hendrik Sharples: 3S. . . or 3D if that's a mini-splinter.
Ig Nieuwenhuis: 3S. Yeah, he can have wasted values in diamonds, but opposite the right points slam is possible.
Timothy Wright: 4D. There are too many minimum responding hands where game has plenty of chances.
Allan Simon: 2S. Enough for now. I am concerned partner might get too excited if I jump raise and he has diamond wastage.
Kf Tung: 3S. Your diamond void and 4 spades will be good cards for partner.

5. IMPs. E-W vul.
S A Q   H K Q 10 8 7 4   D A K J 5 2   C ---  
West North East South  
  Pass 4C ?

Your call?

4H 8 100
Dbl 6 80
4NT 4 60
5H 1 50
5C 0 30
Moderator: Another preempt, another uncomfortable decision. 4H earns top marks among the unhappy choices.
Brent Xiao: 4H. Don't really know what else I can do here. I won't try to explore for slam because I can't really expect partner to cover enough losers, and even then, I don't know if I have a good trump suit. My opponents are vulnerable, so this 4C bid probably isn't messing around. I don't really expect a raise to 5C, though if they do, I have a tough choice. But I think I would have to double.
Michael Haas: 4NT. Partner will pick between red suits at the five level. If I had spades and a red suit, I would bid 4NT and correct the wrong red suit to 5S.
Finn Kolesnik: Dbl. The decision here is whether I am closer to a slam invite or a 4H bid. To me, a slam invite looks clear. I am expecting a 4S response from partner, which I can correct to 5H.
David Waterman: 4H. What else?
Christopher Diamond: 4NT. . . a very unusual NT? Could be misunderstood I guess but the preempt was vulnerable so I'm much less likely to hold a natural 4NT.
Larry Meyer: 5NT. Asking pard to pick a slam.
Perry Khakhar: 4H. I don’t think that there is any safety in bidding 4NT (unusual?) or 5C. We may be snookered into doing the best we could at this level.
Paul McMullin: Dbl. Surely Dbl is take out; I am raising any red suit to slam, bidding 5H over 4S.
Chris Buchanan: 4NT. Two suited takeout.
Hendrik Sharples: 4H. Maybe I'll get another chance to bid; maybe this is plenty high.
Ig Nieuwenhuis: 4H. Partner passed. We might have the right cards, but game before slam.
Timothy Wright: Dbl. It's too likely that 4NT (undefined in the system) would be misinterpreted as natural.
Allan Simon: 4H. A complete guess. I'm making the chicken bid, with the faint hope LHO bids 5C.
David Gordon: 4NT. Two suited (but not majors).
Kf Tung: 4H. May miss a slam, but 5 level is not secure.

Panel's Answers

  1 2 3 4 5 Total
Zach Grossack 3D Pass 5NT 3S 4H 490
Emma Kolesnik 3D 2D 4S 3S 4H 480
Finn Kolesnik 3D Pass 4S 3S Dbl 480
Kevin Rosenberg 3D Pass 5NT 3S Dbl 470
Adam Kaplan 3D Pass 5H 3S 4H 470
Michael Haas 3D Pass 4S 3S 4NT 460
Ben Kristensen 4D 2D Pass 3S 4H 440
Daniel Sonner 5D 2S 4S 3S 4H 440
Cornelius Duffie 3S 2D 5NT 3S 4H 420
Brent Xiao 5D 3C 4S 3S 4H 420
Samuel Pahk 3D 2S 5H 3S Dbl 420
Charlie Chen 3D 2S 5D 3S Dbl 410
Marley Cedrone 5D 2D 5H 4D 4H 380
Louis Beauchet 3D 3NT 6C 3S Dbl 370
Kayden Ge 4S Pass 4NT 3S 4NT 370
Michael Xu 3S Pass 5NT 4D 4NT 360
Jonathan Yue 4D 3S 5D 3S Dbl 360
Brandon Ge 4S Pass 4NT 4D 4NT 330
Brian Zhang 4D 3D Dbl 3S 5H 330

Local Heroes

    1 2 3 4 5 Total Points
1.    Lisbet Soda 3D Pass 4S 3S 4H 500 150.50
2.    Michael Dimich 3D Pass Pass 3S 4H 490 112.88
3.    James Harris 3D 2D 4S 3S 4H 480 75.25
4.    Silvana Trotter 3D 2S 4S 3S 4H 470 25.71
4.    David Waterman 4D Pass 4S 3S 4H 470 25.71
4.    Gary Gilraine 5D Pass 4S 3S 4H 470 25.71
4.    David Hooey 3D 2S 4S 3S 4H 470 25.71
4.    Joel Martineau 5D Pass 4S 3S 4H 470 25.71
4.    Kate Allard 3D 2S 4S 3S 4H 470 25.71
4.    Daniel Lyder 5D Pass 4S 3S 4H 470 25.71
11.    Martin Henneberger 5D Pass Pass 3S 4H 460 13.68

World Leaders

    1 2 3 4 5 Total Points
1.    Hendrik Sharples (Usa) 3D 2D 4S 3S 4H 480 91.88
1.    Douglas Avis (Canada) 3D 2D 4S 3S 4H 480 91.88
3.    Joel Forssell (Sweden) 3D Pass 4S 4D 4H 460 52.50
4.    John Gillespie (Canada) 5D 2S 4S 3S 4H 440 28.88
4.    Bob Zeller (Canada) 3D 2D 5D 3S 4H 440 28.88
6.    Ig Nieuwenhuis (Netherlands) 5D Pass 5D 3S 4H 430 17.50
7.    Leo Weniger (Canada) 5D 2D 5D 3S 4H 410 11.97
7.    Roy Bolton (Canada) 3S Pass 4S 4S 4H 410 11.97
7.    Qiang Wu (China) 4D Pass 5D 3S Dbl 410 11.97
7.    Marco Paladino (Canada) 3D Pass 6C 4D 4H 410 11.97
7.    John McAllister (Usa) 4S Pass 4S 4D 4H 410 11.97
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