TGIF June 2008: Scores
1. Matchpoints. None vul.
Q J 8 4 2
10 5
K J 9 7 3
West |
North |
East |
South |
| |
| |
| ? |
(1) Five or more hearts, four or more of a minor.
| (2) Non-forcing.
Your call?
Bid | Votes | Award
| 7
| 100
| 6
| 90
| 4
| 70
| 1
| 40
| 0
| 20
Moderator: The panel is divided among pass, double and 4. It seems wrong to pass with 5-5 distribution, but on the other hand you don't really have a descriptive bid.
Barry Rigal: Dbl. As I notch up -530, I'll say something encouraging to partner about how `that'll teach them to steal from us' or `If they don't make a few doubled contracts, we are not doubling enough' to which he'll respond `What do you mean /we/?'
Kai Zhou: Dbl. +50 or +100 would not be good here, 2 can be easily made even if pard holds only 2 spades, and -140 and -530 should get similar MP.
Eugene Chan: Dbl. I have considerable defensive values relative to my previous bid of 2.
Stephen Vincent: 3. Awkward. One cannot let them play 3 undoubled at pairs. Double is all too likely to result in -530 while 4 is likely to be one too high.
Martin Henneberger: Dbl. I have 5 spades and it's our hand. A classic do something intelligent double.
Susan Peters: Dbl. If my 2 was non-forcing then my double should show a pretty good non-forcing hand.
Bonny Lee: 4. 5 loser hand vs NT opening, we should have a contract somewhere.
Larry Meyer: Pass. Not enough to bid on, not enough trumps to double. Lead a trump - we have balance of power.
Roy Li: Pass. Vulnerability is good, however, West may hold long spades.
Dave Waterman: 4. Partner probably has only 5 major suit cards. (At most!)
Mike Roberts: Dbl. Do something smart, partner! It all depends on how well the minors fit.
Perry Khakhar: 4. I am not selling out with this hand. Who knows, we may back in to a makable and doubled game! There is nothing more devastating for the opponents. :)
Paul Mcmullin: Pass. Non forcing doesn't mean void of values; if partner had a spade fit, he'd have bid.
David Gordon: Dbl. A max with 5 spades. Partner's pass should deny 4 spades. If partner did pass with 4 spades (or an offensive hand with 3 spades) then partner can certainly bid now.
Chris Buchanan: Dbl. Partner can correct with support for spades. I am going to try and collect +100 or +300 although it may be -530.
Chris Diamond: 4. Horrible. But 3 is likely to play well for them if we have a diamond fit which we will have unless pard is holding 5 clubs.
Brian Zietman: 3. Must show partner that I am maximum for my non-forcing bid.
2. IMPs. N-S vul.
A K 3
K 2
A K J 3 2
K 7 5
West |
North |
East |
South |
| |
| |
| ? |
Do you agree with South's double?
| Votes | Award
| 13
| 50
| 5
| 30
Your call?
Bid | Votes | Award
| 12
| 50
| 5
| 35
| 1
| 25
| 0
| 20
| 0
| 20
| 0
| 15
| 0
| 10
Moderator: Most experts play 2NT in the passout seat would show more values than a strong 1NT, up to the values for a 2NT opening.
Barry Rigal: Dbl. 2NT isn't perfect for stoppers, but it's good enough. This shows 19-21 HCP.
Grant Baze: 2NT. What else?
Kai Zhou: 3NT. The practical game.
Eugene Chan: 3. I doubled and bid a new suit at the 3 level (VUL) opposite partner who might have nothing. I would not try 3NT without a six card diamond suit.
Gilbert Lambert: Dbl. South should have jumped to 2NT to show 19+.
David Walker: 3. If he has a decent club suit partner will go to 5, otherwise we'll settle for 4.
Aidan Ballantyne: 3NT. The good hand should do the overbidding, playing pard for something. Can't afford to miss game.
Martin Henneberger: 2NT. Need to bid NT from this side. Can't quite picture 9 tricks unless partner can raise so I'm an underbidder here.
Bonny Lee: 3NT. The final contract is the same whichever my first call is.
Larry Meyer: 3NT. Yes, tell pard about my strength. 3NT, try the most likely game.
Roy Li: 2NT. 2NT on the first round would have shown my hand. There is a great chance we have game.
Dave Waterman: 2NT. I think 2NT would have been preferable to double in the first place.
Mike Roberts: 3. Unless someone's psyching, partner is close to totally broke. Hope I make this.
Perry Khakhar: Dbl. You had a fairly easy bidding sequence before East got his 2 in. Now the best you can do is inform partner that you have significantly more values than previously advertised by getting him to take a 2nd look at his hand. The 'Look again Partner!' bid.
David Gordon: Dbl. A shade light for a 3 bid. Super max for 3 bid but prefer more diamonds. Dbl hits the spot.
Veljko Vujcic: 2NT. Would have chosen 2NT instead of Dbl.
Chris Buchanan: 3NT. I like to play 2NT in the balancing seat as 19-21 but double is OK. I am going to try 3NT and upgrade this 21 to 22-24.
Chris Diamond: Dbl. Treating this hand as big, balanced without 4 clubs, I think the 2nd double shows this. I hope pard can make an intelligent decision.
Brian Zietman: 3NT. All I need from partner is the A or the Q and the Q. Is this asking for too much?
3. IMPs. Both vul.
K Q 7 6 4
10 8
Q 6 2
10 8 5
West |
North |
East |
South |
| |
| |
| ? |
Your call?
Bid | Votes | Award
| 9
| 100
| 6
| 90
| 2
| 60
| 1
| 50
| 0
| 0
| 0
| 0
Moderator: Normally a 2 bid shows 10 plus points, but you're a passed hand. Do you make the overbid? A double shows both majors. Do you do that instead and hope to bid spades next?
Grant Baze: Pass. If partner opened 1 in fourth seat and now passes a 2 overcall, I bet he is right. If he reopens, I will get a chance to describe my hand.
Kai Zhou: Pass. A close decision between double and pass. The Q definitely adds credits but 3 little clubs does not look good. Pass is the disciplined call.
Eugene Chan: 2. Practical, albeit a slight overbid. No one who plays bridge is a stranger to overbidding.
Stephen Vincent: 2. Not quite good enough to double and pull 2 to 2.
David Walker: 2. A free bid.
Aidan Ballantyne: Pass. Borderline for calling, but will take conservative view as my bidding choices are not palatable. Await further action by pard, one hopes.
Martin Henneberger: Pass. I really believe in getting in and out of auctions right away so finding an excuse to bid is generally better. However, I don't have enough to double then correct partner's 2 to 2 for fear of being too high with no great fit.
Larry Meyer: 2. Opponent's initial silence makes it likely that pard has 3 spades and a strong hand.
Roy Li: Pass. Bad shape, bad points.
Dave Waterman: Dbl. Not perfect, but my diamond holding looks good and we are vul. at IMPS.
Mike Roberts: 2. Stretching, but pass seems wrong, and if partner has opened light, he has spades.
Perry Khakhar: Dbl. Standard negative double. What is the big issue here? If the majors were reversed, it might be slightly more interesting.
Paul Mcmullin: 2. Partner opened in fourth seat - he either has points or a spade fit.
David Gordon: Dbl. Promises both majors or 1 major and a second place to play.
Chris Buchanan: Pass. Best to wait and see what develops.
Chris Diamond: Pass. I should get another chance. Anything now is a guess or an overbid.
Brian Zietman: 2. I am too strong to pass and then bid spades when my partner doubles. My bid is a bit light for a free bid but the doubleton heart and the Q are good features, apart of course from the 5 card spade suit.
4. Matchpoints. Both vul.
10 6 5 4
K Q 9 8 2
Q 6
West |
North |
East |
South |
| |
| ? |
Your call?
Bid | Votes | Award
| 12
| 100
| 4
| 70
| 2
| 60
| 0
| 60
| 0
| 60
| 0
| 50
| 0
| 20
Moderator: Partner made a takeout double, so six experts took it out. Partner should have the major suits, but no panelist bid spades.
Grant Baze: Pass. The only question is how big will the number be.
Kai Zhou: Pass. Opps obviously have no place to run and it is not very likely you have an easy make of 4.
Eugene Chan: Pass. Go for the jugular!! +800 or more very real possibility.
Stephen Vincent: 2NT. The practical bid.
David Walker: 2NT. Looks like a NT contract.
Aidan Ballantyne: 2. Taking out the take out doubles makes for better partnership.
Martin Henneberger: Pass. No guarantee we have game. I'm going to try for a number and pass and hope they get into further trouble.
Susan Peters: 2. We may have a spade fit. If not 3NT looks good.
Bonny Lee: 2NT. The most descriptive bid.
Larry Meyer: 3NT. Show stoppers in opponent's suit and enough strength for game. Ignore the 4 small spades.
Roy Li: 3NT. NT is way better than any other contract, KQ98x is a great structure. I will not search for spade fit.
Dave Waterman: Pass. It is not clear we have game. Plus 200 or 500 will beat those who are minus in 4 or 3NT. If he runs we are well-placed.
Mike Roberts: 2. Followed by 2 over 2. Not forcing, and we should get to the right spot. It seems wrong to insist on notrump just yet.
Perry Khakhar: Pass. Go for the magic 200!
Paul Mcmullin: 2. Even though the points are in short suits or opponent's suit, I still have to let partner know I have some values.
Chris Buchanan: 2. Invitational hand = invitational bid. Pass could be right but I dislike penalizing at the one level.
Chris Diamond: Pass. Close. Only passing because of the vulnerablilty. If pard has a light dbl we may not make game but get 200. If he's got full values we might hold 1 to 4 tricks.
Brian Zietman: Pass. 500 (or maybe 800) birds in the hand are worth 420 spades in the bush.
5. Matchpoints. E-W vul.
A 5
K 10 4
A 4
A Q J 9 7 4
West |
North |
East |
South |
| |
| ? |
Your call?
Bid | Votes | Award
| 5
| 100
| 5
| 100
| 3
| 60
| 0
| 50
| 1
| 50
| 1
| 40
| 3
| 40
Moderator: If partner has a good heart suit, you likely have a slam, perhaps even a grand slam. If his heart suit is not strong, game may be the limit. To try and get more information 5 panelists start with 2NT, while 5 launch directly into RKCB.
Barry Rigal: 4. ... fit-showing with clubs and hearts. If partner passes 4 to me, I'll double, which must simply show extras.
Grant Baze: 4NT. If partner shows the A Q, this is a five or seven hand. To bid 6 if he has the A Q is silly. You should bid seven.
Kai Zhou: 2NT. I hope I can still ask for feature although 3 is another option.
Eugene Chan: 2NT. Should still be forcing and asking for feature despite enemy overcall.
Stephen Vincent: 3. Temporizing. Could well be a 5 or 7 hand.
David Walker: 3. Partner, assuming your hearts are okay, bid an outside King.
Aidan Ballantyne: 3. Cue seems best to bring about pard's cooperation, especially if they bid more spades. Close to just blackwooding; maybe next turn depending on what happens.
Martin Henneberger: 3. I will cue bid to hear or deny a minor suit cue bid from partner and the same time setting up a forcing pass situation should they bid 4.
Susan Peters: 5. Think slam could be on if partner has A Q.
Bonny Lee: 3. I will use GSF if pard shows a club control.
Larry Meyer: 4. Can count 10 likely tricks.
Roy Li: 3. The club finesse is most likely on. If pard has A Q, there is a great chance making a slam.
Dave Waterman: 4NT. If partner has A Q I will risk 6 - likely better than 50% on the auction. And who knows, he may show the K!
Mike Roberts: 4NT. K is always onside. If partner has the A, 7 is a decent bet; if not, we need to be in 5.
Perry Khakhar: 3. Prepare the defence against the bully suit! Their momentum is probably heading them to a -800 against our non-vul game.
Paul Mcmullin: 6. The K should be onside if partner doesn't have it.
David Gordon: 4NT. If partner says no keycards stop in 5 as an ace will get knocked out too quickly. If 1 keycard then ask for the queen. If yes for queen and K bid 7, otherwise stop in 6.
Veljko Vujcic: 4NT. On my way to the grand.
Chris Buchanan: 3. Forcing and lets partner evaluate their hand. If partner has A Q and K, 7 is a lay down.
Chris Diamond: 4NT. Considered all sorts of fancy options but if I can find the A Q, then ask for the K for 7NT. The K rates to be onside and 7 likely and if isn't we can't make 6 so maybe I should just bid 7 opposite A Q anyway.
Brian Zietman: 3. Has partner got a second suit in clubs? With a double fit the slam is a good bet.