Vancouver Bridge Centre
Tel:   (604)267-2202
Addr:   2177 West 42nd Ave, Vancouver B.C., V6M 2B7

TGIF April 2019: Scores

1. IMPs. None vul.
S 5   H A 6 4 3   D Q 6 4 3   C A K Q J  
West North East South  
Dbl 1NT 2S ?

Your call?

Dbl 8 100
3C 7 90
2NT 1 50
Pass 0 40
Moderator: The doublers are prompting partner to take it out, not leave it in for penalty.
Mike Lawrence: 3C. Don't see where nine (or eight) notrump tricks are coming from. We might be making five of a minor, probably clubs, but getting there will require a big bid from partner.
Zachary Grossack: Dbl. This should certainly be takeout with some extra values. Bidding 3C would/should show more shape and less high cards. Doubling should allow us to get to the right contract.
Larry Meyer: 3S. Asking pard to bid 3NT with a spade stopper, else show a suit he likes.
Stephen Vincent: 3C. Most likely to find a fit.
Chris Buchanan: Dbl. Cooperative double showing extra values
Ig Nieuwenhuis: 3C. Hoping for a correction to diamonds; but 3C will probably play well enough.
Timothy Wright: 3C. Partner is marked for diamond length here, and we know the opponents have a 9+ card spade fit.
David Gordon: 3C. Pard has no 4 card major so there is a fit in a minor.
Kf Tung: 3C. We can play 3C or 3D.

2. IMPs. Both vul.
S 10 9 5 2   H ---   D 7 6 5   C K 10 7 5 4 2  
West North East South  
    Pass Pass
1H Dbl 2H 3C
Pass 3NT Pass ?

Your call?

4S 9 100
Pass 6 90
4C 1 60
Moderator: The majority of the panel tries 4S.
Jill Meyers: Pass. Nothing guarantees that my partner has four spades on this auction. Partner is marked with extras. Assuming partner has three reasonable clubs, 9 tricks in notrump may come easier than 10 in spades.
Mel Colchamiro: 4S. No 3H by either opponent is puzzling. It makes me believe that partner has four hearts and therefore a moose of a balanced hand. That moose, however, may include a doubleton club, so 3NT seems very doubtful. Therefore I bid 4S and pray.
Larry Meyer: Pass. I have already told pard all he needs to know about my hand.
Laurence Betts: 4S. Would have started with 2S or Lebensohl.
Joel Martineau: Pass. Did I really bid 3C, rather than Dbl or 2S or 2NT Lebensohl or pass?
Stephen Vincent: Pass. Having been stuck with this 3C bid (2NT Lebensohl is preferable), I don't have too much choice.
Perry Khakhar: 4S. Well, you planned on bidding both black suits initially! At least, you will get across the shape, if not the values. I do not want to play 3NT. Hope he doesn't get too carried away!
Chris Buchanan: 4C. I think partner might be expecting more than a king.
Ig Nieuwenhuis: 4S. Well, I wouldn't have bid 3C (but waited for another Dbl). Since we haven't been doubled yet pass is a consideration, but I think a suit will play better. Therefore I'm overbidding.
Timothy Wright: 4C. Alas, partner took my last call seriously.
David Gordon: 4S. I can not imagine this hand playing well in notrump.
Kf Tung: Pass. 3N is the easiest game for this hand already.

3. IMPs. Both vul.
S 7 5 4 3   H A 6   D K 5 4 2   C Q 7 3  
West North East South  
  1C Dbl ?

Your call?

1NT 8 100
1S 5 80
1D 2 60
Rdbl 1 40
Pass 0 20
Moderator: The panel ignore the spade suit and go straight for 1NT.
Larry Cohen: 1NT. Not enough for redouble. Pass will leave us behind on the next round. We could have a 4-4 spade fit, but even if we do, they might split badly. So this way, I get my values in and can leave the rest to partner. Also, I am preempting them out of any heart fit. 1D wouldn't do that.
Steve Robinson: 1D. I bid suits up the line and I don't want to emphasize spades here. I especially don't want partner to raise my spades with only three.
Josh Donn: 1S. I never understood the penchant players have for bidding 1NT on this sort of hand. Sometimes we belong in spades; but we steal the suit by bidding it first. Also, we want the takeout doubler on lead against 1NT, not his partner.
Larry Meyer: 1D. Not enough to redouble, and with East likely having 4 spades, I don't want to bid spades myself.
Stephen Vincent: 1NT. I'm certainly not bidding 1S.
Perry Khakhar: 1D. Too many values, but bad hand for 1NT or Rdbl. Temporize!
Chris Buchanan: 1D. Close to a Rdbl but I do not like the spots.
Ig Nieuwenhuis: 1D. A matter of agreement. This is my system bid, but others will prefer the anemic spade suit.
Timothy Wright: 1S. Bidding 1D here might be fine, but if West makes a 2H advance I would regret it.
David Gordon: 1D. I suspect pass is the expert bid but I will just pip in with 1D.
Kf Tung: Pass. Not enough for redouble, and no other bid is attractive. Let opponents map out the hand for you.

4. IMPs. Both vul.
S 10 7 2   H A Q 5   D A 10 2   C A 8 6 2  
West North East South  
    1D Pass
Pass 1H Pass 2D
Pass 2H Pass ?

Your call?

2NT 10 100
3H 2 70
3D 1 60
3NT 2 60
4H 1 50
Pass 0 40
Moderator: A number of panelists would have doubled 1D at their first call. But let's assume you didn't . . .
Steve Weinstein: 3NT. I don't want to hang partner for balancing, but I just need so little to get to nine tricks, and partner's not going to know when he has the right hand if I invite.
Daniel Korbel: 2NT. Let's offer 3NT while making one more try for that vulnerable game. I expect this to be a landslide vote.
Jeff Meckstroth: 3H. Why didn't I double to begin with?
Larry Meyer: Pass. With such a square hand, don't hang partner for balancing.
Stephen Vincent: 3NT. Too tempting to resist, particularly since partner rates to have a little something in diamonds given the failure to respond or rebid.
Perry Khakhar: Pass. Have some discipline and don't hang partner.
Chris Buchanan: 3H. I don't want to hang partner for balancing.
Ig Nieuwenhuis: Pass. If he cannot try, he's probably at his lower limit and game is nonexistent.
Timothy Wright: Pass. I have a lot of losers, no ruffing value, and only 3 trumps. Partner could have made a game try, but didn't.
David Gordon: 3H. Well pard, are you close to an opener?
Kf Tung: 2NT. Invite. 3N is very close.

5. IMPs. None vul.
S A 10 2   H K J 8 7 5 3   D A 7 2   C 6  
West North East South  
    1H Pass
1S 2C 2S ?

Your call?

Pass 7 100
2NT 5 80
Dbl 3 70
3C 1 40
Moderator: With good values but no clear direction, the panelists go quietly.
Roger Lee: Pass. Let 'em steal. I don't want to punish partner on a hand that rates to be a misfit.
Sylvia Shi: Dbl. I can't really have a penalty double of spades because I passed over 1H. I assume I am showing points and lack of direction, as usual. 2S doubled could be a bloodbath if partner has nothing to do but pass. However, I expect we will just end up playing 3C.
Kerri Sanborn: 2NT. Must compete with so many values, and nothing else makes sense. Another potentially valuable ten-spot.
Larry Meyer: Pass. I can't see taking many tricks on offense.
Stephen Vincent: Dbl. The hand is likely to play terribly for declarer. And partner can still pull.
Perry Khakhar: Pass. At matchpoints, Dbl is right. But at IMPs, I don't need a disaster.
Chris Buchanan: Dbl. Too much to pass? Try another cooperative double.
Ig Nieuwenhuis: Pass. No other action appeals to me. Thought about Dbl and 2NT as alternatives, but Dbl might backfire when 2S makes and in NT I don't see enough tricks.
Timothy Wright: 3NT. It would be great for double to be penalty here.
David Gordon: 2NT. Show your values.
Kf Tung: Pass. Partner has bid with 2-1-4-6 and ~9 points.

Panel's Answers

  1 2 3 4 5 Total
August Boehm 3C 4S 1NT 2NT Pass 490
Barry Rigal 3C 4S 1NT 2NT Pass 490
Roger Lee Dbl Pass 1NT 2NT Pass 490
Daniel Korbel Dbl Pass 1NT 2NT 2NT 470
Mel Colchamiro Dbl 4S 1NT 3NT Pass 460
Steve Weinstein Dbl 4S 1NT 3NT Pass 460
Larry Cohen 2NT 4S 1NT 2NT Pass 450
Kerri Sanborn 3C 4S 1S 2NT 2NT 450
Josh Donn Dbl 4S 1S 2NT Dbl 450
Sylvia Shi Dbl Pass 1S 2NT Dbl 440
Jeff Meckstroth 3C Pass 1NT 3H 2NT 430
Jill Meyers 3C Pass 1S 2NT Dbl 430
Brad Theurer Dbl 4S 1S 3H 2NT 430
Zachary Grossack Dbl Pass Rdbl 2NT Pass 430
Steve Robinson 3C 4S 1D 4H 2NT 380
Mike Lawrence 3C 4C 1D 3D 3C 310

Local Heroes

    1 2 3 4 5 Total Points
1.    Dave Gabel Dbl Pass 1NT 2NT Pass 490 164.50
2.    Michael Dimich 3C Pass 1NT 2NT Pass 480 102.81
2.    Christopher Diamond 3C Pass 1NT 2NT Pass 480 102.81
4.    Brad Bart 3C 4S 1S 2NT Pass 470 39.30
4.    Gary Gilraine Dbl 4S 1NT 3H Pass 470 39.30
4.    Patti Adams 3C 4S 1NT 2NT 2NT 470 39.30
7.    Laurence Betts 3C 4S 1NT 3H Pass 460 23.50
8.    James Harris 3C 4S 1S 2NT 2NT 450 20.56
9.    Stuart Carr 3C Pass 1S 2NT 2NT 440 16.56
9.    Joel Martineau 3C Pass 1S 2NT 2NT 440 16.56
9.    Doug Avis Dbl Pass 1NT 3H 2NT 440 16.56
12.    Martin Henneberger 3C Pass 1S 3H Pass 430 13.18
12.    Pam Ottridge 3C Pass 1NT 4H Pass 430 13.18

World Leaders

    1 2 3 4 5 Total Points
1.    Leonid Bossis (Canada) 3C Pass 1NT 2NT Pass 480 105.00
2.    Leo Weniger (Canada) 2NT 4S 1NT 2NT Pass 450 78.75
3.    Mike Tanner (Canada) Dbl Pass 1NT Pass Pass 430 36.75
3.    Bob Todd (Canada) 3C 4S 1NT 3H Dbl 430 36.75
3.    Qiang Wu (China) Dbl Pass 1S 3NT Pass 430 36.75
6.    Gerard Laquerriere (France) 3C Pass 1NT Pass Pass 420 17.50
7.    Joel Forssell (Sweden) Dbl Pass 1S Pass Pass 410 12.57
7.    Liz Duffield (Uk) Dbl Pass 1NT Pass 2NT 410 12.57
7.    Hendrik Sharples (United States) Dbl Pass 1S Pass Pass 410 12.57
7.    Adam Chang (Taiwan) 3C 4S 1S Pass Pass 410 12.57
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