Vancouver Bridge Centre
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Addr:   2177 West 42nd Ave, Vancouver B.C., V6M 2B7

TGIF September 2017: Scores

1. Matchpoints. None vul.
S K 10 4   H K 10 6   D 7 6 3   C A Q J 7  
West North East South  
  1C 3D Dbl
Pass 3S Pass ?

Your call?

4C 7 100
4S 5 90
5C 1 70
Pass 1 60
3NT 0 40
Moderator: Around half the panel retreat to the comfort of 4C. The other half contract for game in the Moysian fit.
Larry Cohen: 4C. At this form of scoring, I don't mind the low road. My diamond holding is horrible for game and I wouldn't be surprised if even 4C goes down. 3S could possibly be a 3-3 fit - and even if it is a 4-3, spades could easily break 5-1. Picture partner holding: SA Q J HQ x D10 x x CK 10 x x x.
Mel Colchamiro: 4S. Maybe partner has SA Q x x HA x x Dx x CK x x x and he can discard his third heart on the third round of diamonds and get lucky with spades 3-3, or the jack dropping doubleton or partner has the jack or the 9.
Stephen Vincent: 4C. This is very much the sort of hand on which the values for game are present but no game can be made.
Christopher Diamond: 4C. I suspect we will end in a dicey 4S but I might as well check alternatives.
Larry Meyer: 4S. Hoping pard can take 4 spades, 2 hearts, and 4 clubs.
Andrew Krywaniuk: 4C. I'm certainly tempted to pass, but partner will be annoyed if he has extras.
Hk Ho: 4S. There are good chances for NS to win 4 spades, 2 hearts and 4 clubs.
Perry Khakhar: 5C. Probably should have bid this the first time! Now you can be certain that partner has no wastage in diamonds.
Mike Roberts: Pass. I'm going deep. But splits are bad, and I chose not to bid 4D/5C before.
Plarq Liu: 3NT. By convention, bid 3NT if no stopper in opponent's suit.
Chris Buchanan: 4C. I want to get the club suit back in the picture.
Ig Nieuwenhuis: 4C. Best of some dreary possibilities.
Allan Simon: 4C. A nightmare! In retrospect I wish I had passed 3D so we could defend.
Kf Tung: 4C. You have game going values, clubs and 3 spades.

2. IMPs. E-W vul.
S A 8 6 4 2   H A 5 3   D K Q 6 5   C 4  
West North East South  
  1C 1S ?

Your call?

Pass 11 100
2D 3 70
3NT 0 60
Dbl 0 50
Moderator: The expectation on this hand is that partner will reopen with a double.
Daniel Korbel: 2D. Pass is possible, but 2D really aims for the brass ring of getting to a diamond game or slam when 3NT is down. 3NT is a terrible misbid and will lead to playing there when we belong in diamonds, e.g., SK x Hx DA J x x CK Q J x x x. It's hard to imagine that partner will get too excited unless he has a four-card fit with me.
Sylvia Shi: Pass. The colours are right to go after them, and with shortness in partner's suit, it's not clear we have a game. I will sit for the reopening double.
Stephen Vincent: Dbl. Even if partner gets carried away, a 4-3 heart fit should play nicely on a crossruff.
Anssi Rantamaa: Pass. Hope partner has a reopening double which I'll pass.
Christopher Diamond: Pass. Not many options I can think of. I'd rather have better spades for the upcoming penalty pass, but I don't.
Larry Meyer: 2NT. Show spade stopper and deny having 4 hearts.
Andrew Krywaniuk: Pass. Seems too obvious.
Hk Ho: Pass. Wait for a re-opening Dbl by pard. Both sides are on a misfit. Defence is better than offence, especially at favourable vulnerability.
Perry Khakhar: Pass. Come on, Partner! Possible misfit, balance of power, and great vulnerability. Let's get our sticks and wheels.
David Gordon: 3NT. Spades not good enough for penalty pass.
Mike Roberts: 2D. Notrump can wait, double is weird.
Plarq Liu: 2NT. Show stopper and invite to game.
Chris Buchanan: Pass. Going to try and take advantage of the vulnerability.
Ig Nieuwenhuis: Pass. Hoping for a double; can still bid NT later.
Allan Simon: Pass. A well-trained partner will reopen with a double that I will leave in.
Kf Tung: Dbl. This hand is more suitable for dummy play than defense.

3. IMPs. None vul.
S 8   H 9   D J 6 4   C K Q J 10 9 8 5 4  
West North East South  
  1S 2D ?

Your call?

5C 7 100
Pass 5 90
4C 2 80
3C 0 60
Moderator: It's anybody's guess what to do with such a potent club suit.
Mike Lawrence: Pass. 3C is forcing to game. 4C is a splinter. 5C is nuts. I'm hoping to bid a lesser number of clubs later.
Jeff Meckstroth: 4C. Hopefully, this is natural.
Roger Lee: 5C. Just a guess, which is as good as anyone can do with hands like this.
Christopher Diamond: 3C. . . and more clubs and more clubs.
Larry Meyer: 3C. I have to bid a suit like that.
Andrew Krywaniuk: 5C. It's reasonable to play this as natural in competition.
Hk Ho: 3C. Not sufficient HCP, but a very good suit. If pard rebids 3NT, pass and take a gamble. If the rebid is a major, bid clubs again and hope he gets the message.
Perry Khakhar: 5C. Unless partner thinks this is some silly exclusion, 8-card suit is trumps! Otherwise, I have to pass.
Mike Roberts: 3C. I think pass is technically correct, but it's so weird.
Plarq Liu: 5C. Preemptive of West's possible preempt.
Chris Buchanan: 3C. 8-card suit = trump.
Ig Nieuwenhuis: 3C. . . ostensibly forcing, but more clubs will get this hand across later (but probably not below the 5-level).
Allan Simon: 4C. That's what a 4C bid should look like.
Kf Tung: 5C. Good for play, bad for defense.

4. Matchpoints. Both vul.
S K 8 6 3   H J 6 3   D A 10 2   C Q 6 2  
West North East South  
  1H Dbl ?

Your call?

Rdbl 11 100
2H 2 70
1NT 1 60
1S 0 40
2NT 0 30
Moderator: The majority of the panel pauses to redouble before raising hearts.
August Boehm: 2H. Deduct for 4-3-3-3. Old Goren. Support with support - more sound advice.
Jill Meyers: 1NT. Although I have 10 HCP, it is not worth enough to me to redouble and then bid 2H. I have notrump distribution, and I can always bid hearts later.
Barry Rigal: Rdbl. What are our methods? In all standard expert partnerships, we play 2C is 7-9 with three trumps (this hand qualifies) or 2D as a transfer to hearts to show a constructive raise. Failing either of these, I first stamp my foot, second redouble, then bid hearts next.
Craig T. Wilson: 2NT. Jordan.
Christopher Diamond: 2H. Wish I had a good 2H bid available. Too flat with bad spots for anything else.
Larry Meyer: 1NT. Planning to jump in hearts at my next turn to show 10-12 in support, 3 hearts, and a balanced hand.
Andrew Krywaniuk: Rdbl. Bidding 1S would lead to an awkward auction.
Hk Ho: 1S. A bit light to Rdbl. Show your spades as if there was no double. Raise hearts later.
Perry Khakhar: Rdbl. This is nearly a classic redouble right?
David Gordon: 2H. Not quite a limit raise.
Mike Roberts: 2H. There are ten counts. This isn't one of them.
Plarq Liu: 2H. Hide the spade suit.
Chris Buchanan: Rdbl. Old school Rdbl. I actually prefer 2H over a Dbl as 9-11 but that is hardly standard.
Ig Nieuwenhuis: 1S. Need more info from partner; 1S is forcing; can still get my heart support across on subsequent round.
Allan Simon: 1NT. Distribution looks rather notrump-ish.
Kf Tung: Rdbl. Show strength before further exploration.

5. IMPs. E-W vul.
S A K 9 7 5 3   H 10 9 4   D J 7 4 2   C ---  
West North East South  
Pass 1H 2C ?

Your call?

2S 11 100
3C 2 60
4C 1 50
2H 0 20
Moderator: It's hard to overlook those spades, even holding heart support for partner.
Steve Robinson: 4C. Sets hearts as trump and shows short clubs.
Kerri Sanborn: 3C. I don't feel justified bidding 2S then raising hearts. That should be game forcing, and I might easily not have that. A cuebid, rather, expresses the values even if it doesn't show where they are.
Josh Donn: 2S. This gets a suit into the auction where we might have the most trumps, and is also a bit of a cop-out from choosing what immediate heart raise to use.
Stephen Vincent: 2S. Justified by the playing strength.
Christopher Diamond: 2S. At these colours I probably won't be facing a big preempt and spades are probably better than hearts if we have a fit.
Larry Meyer: 3C. Planning to bid 4H at my next turn to show a solid raise to game.
Andrew Krywaniuk: 2S. Show where you live. 3C would imply more defensive strength.
Hk Ho: Dbl. . . negative. If pard rebids diamonds, jump raise hearts. If pard rebids hearts, show your spades and return to hearts later. If pard reverses in spades, you have struck gold.
Perry Khakhar: 2S. I will support partner later.
David Gordon: 2S. Bid game in hearts next.
Mike Roberts: 2S. I'm getting to 4H, but let's help partner out for a change.
Plarq Liu: Dbl. I have three suits, bid them out by double.
Chris Buchanan: 2S. Getting in my AK-sixth before I lose it.
Ig Nieuwenhuis: 2S. Ideally I'd bid 3S (fit-bid) but we probably don't have that agreement. A forcing 2S and then support hearts.
Allan Simon: 2S. At IMPs I like to bid aggressively. We will play at least in 4H, but if Partner has extras, my 4S bid will help him judge. Opposite SQ x x HK Q J x x DA Q Cx x x we belong in 6H.
Kf Tung: 2S. Show the spades and some strength. The heart fit will be described later.

Panel's Answers

  1 2 3 4 5 Total
Larry Cohen 4C Pass 5C Rdbl 2S 500
Steve Weinstein 4C Pass 5C Rdbl 2S 500
Mel Colchamiro 4S Pass 5C Rdbl 2S 490
Jeff Meckstroth 4C Pass 4C Rdbl 2S 480
Daniel Korbel 4C 2D 5C Rdbl 2S 470
Roger Lee 4C 2D 5C Rdbl 2S 470
Josh Donn 4C Pass 5C 2H 2S 470
Mike Lawrence Pass Pass Pass Rdbl 2S 450
Barry Rigal 4S 2D Pass Rdbl 2S 450
Sylvia Shi 4C Pass Pass Rdbl 3C 450
August Boehm 4S Pass 4C 2H 2S 440
Jill Meyers 4S Pass Pass 1NT 2S 440
Kerri Sanborn 4S Pass Pass Rdbl 3C 440
Steve Robinson 5C Pass 5C Rdbl 4C 420

Local Heroes

    1 2 3 4 5 Total Points
1.    Andrew Krywaniuk 4C Pass 5C Rdbl 2S 500 164.50
2.    Laurence Betts 4C Pass Pass Rdbl 2S 490 123.38
3.    David Walker 4C Pass 4C Rdbl 2S 480 69.91
3.    Stuart Carr 4S Pass Pass Rdbl 2S 480 69.91
5.    Yue Su 5C Pass 5C Rdbl 2S 470 32.90
6.    Ernie Dietrich 4C Pass 5C Rdbl 3C 460 27.42
7.    Michael Dimich 4C Pass Pass 1NT 2S 450 22.03
7.    Kai Zhou 4C 3NT Pass Rdbl 2S 450 22.03
9.    Martin Henneberger 5C Pass Pass 2H 2S 430 16.56
9.    Brian Stone 4C Pass 3C 2H 2S 430 16.56
9.    Christopher Diamond 4C Pass 3C 2H 2S 430 16.56
12.    Rod Coote 4S 2D 3C Rdbl 2S 420 12.27
12.    James Harris 4S Pass 3C 2H 2S 420 12.27
12.    Elliott Burnell 4S 2D 3C Rdbl 2S 420 12.27
12.    Doug Avis 4C 2D 4C 2H 2S 420 12.27

World Leaders

    1 2 3 4 5 Total Points
1.    Bjarne Andersen (Denmark) 4C Pass 5C Rdbl 2S 500 122.50
2.    Paul Mcmullin (Usa) 4C Pass Pass Rdbl 2S 490 76.56
2.    Bob Kuz (Canada) 4C Pass Pass Rdbl 2S 490 76.56
4.    Bob Todd (Canada) 4S Pass Pass Rdbl 2S 480 42.88
5.    Perry Khakhar (Canada) 5C Pass 5C Rdbl 2S 470 24.50
6.    John Gillespie (Canada) 4C Pass Pass 2H 2S 460 17.74
6.    Leo Weniger (Canada) 4C Pass 3C Rdbl 2S 460 17.74
6.    Chris Buchanan (Canada) 4C Pass 3C Rdbl 2S 460 17.74
9.    Susan Julius (Canada) 4S 3NT 5C Rdbl 2S 450 12.93
9.    Kf Tung (China) 4C Dbl 5C Rdbl 2S 450 12.93
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