TGIF October 2016: Scores
1. Matchpoints. E-W vul.
K Q J 8 7 5
A 5
K 8 6 4 3
West |
North |
East |
South |
| |
| |
| ? |
Your call?
Bid | Votes | Award
| 8
| 100
| 6
| 90
| 3
| 70
| 0
| 50
| 0
| 40
Moderator: The pursuit of a loomingly large diamond fit is balanced by matchpoint scoring.
August Boehm: 4. Before committing to 4, anyone for 6, facing as little as: x K x x x A Q x x x x x x?
Larry Cohen: 4. It is killing me that I might miss spades (and 420 at matchpoints), but I just have to bring diamonds into the picture. Imagine partner with, say, x K x x x Q J x x x Q x x.
Kerri Sanborn: 4. It will be hard to ferret out whether partner has the right cards for a diamond slam.
Stephen Vincent: 4. 3 would not be forcing.
Christopher Diamond: 4. 3 is nowhere near enough. I play a cue as heart support so the awkward and space consuming 4 is the only available option. Guess I'm passing 4.
Larry Meyer: 3. Show my second suit.
Eugene Chan: 3. Go slow. We have the advantages of vulnerability and the higher ranking minor.
Andrew Krywaniuk: 3. It's hard to investigate game without getting too high, so just rebid the major like a matchpoints pig.
Timothy Wright: 4. Now if partner bids 4, it's because that's our best fit.
Ig Nieuwenhuis: 3. What I would do at the table.
Plarq Liu: 3. Show my second suit.
Chris Buchanan: 3. Fairly easy call. Saves room and allows partner to tell us more.
Kf Tung: 4. You can see 11+ tricks, you have control in club, you have an Ace, and you want partner to describe his hand further.
2. IMPs. Both vul.
9 6 5 4
A Q J 10 3
K Q 5 4
West |
North |
East |
South |
| |
| |
| ? |
Your call?
Bid | Votes | Award
| 9
| 100
| 8
| 90
| 0
| 50
| 0
| 50
Moderator: The panel are evenly split. There are the toss-another-cuebid-on-the-fire voters and then there are the passers; there are no in-betweeners.
Roger Lee: Pass. I have no points in the suits they're bidding, but I'm fine defending if partner wants to, so pass seems absolutely normal to me.
Mel Colchamiro: 5. Eat must hav clubs, given his passed-hand status, increasing the chances that partner's stuff is outside spades. Pass (forcing) is my second choice.
Christopher Diamond: 5. Hoping it goes 5-5 and he bids slam with a spade control or cues for 7.
Larry Meyer: Dbl. With no obvious source of tricks, I don't want to go to the 5-level. Plus, the Law of Total Tricks suggests that the opponents are too high.
Eugene Chan: Pass. Pass is forcing so give partner opportunity to clarify cue bid.
Andrew Krywaniuk: 5. The lead-director is unfortunate, but I'm never selling out to 5, so I might as well cue-bid it before they get there.
Timothy Wright: Dbl. East must have a lead-directing raise of clubs, and has denied a 5 slam try.
Ig Nieuwenhuis: 5. If 5, I bid 5, pinpointing the problem. If 5: pass.
Plarq Liu: 5. I don't have any clubs, and I want to tell my partner so.
Chris Buchanan: Pass. I want partner's input.
Kf Tung: Pass. You cannot double 4, and your hand is not exciting after the 4 bid from partner.
3. Matchpoints. None vul.
A K 9 4 3
10 6 5
10 9 4 3
West |
North |
East |
South |
| |
| ? |
Your call?
Bid | Votes | Award
| 6
| 100
| 6
| 90
| 5
| 80
| 0
| 70
| 0
| 60
| 0
| 40
Moderator: A half dozen panelists vote to show a good heart raise by using 2.
Jill Meyers: 2. I am not going for a penalty double when they have a place to run. It feels like they have at least eight clubs between them.
Geoff Hampson: 2. With so much in spades, I will try not to get partner too excited yet.
Richard Pavlicek: Pass. I'm willing to go for penalty if partner can reopen with a double. Even if we have a game in hearts or notrump, this might get more; and it could be a trouble hand our way, where any plus is good.
Christopher Diamond: 2. I'd like a 4th heart, but then this wouldn't be a problem.
Larry Meyer: 2. With my best suit having been bid by the opponents, and a stiff king, this hand should be downgraded.
Eugene Chan: Dbl. Negative double followed by a heart raise typically shows a hand just shy of a limit raise.
Andrew Krywaniuk: Pass. Trap pass and lead the K.
Timothy Wright: 2. It's best to show a fit here, and a heavy single raise is better than a light cuebid.
Ig Nieuwenhuis: 2. Accept any try or double a spade contract.
Plarq Liu: 2. Enough for a simple raise.
Chris Buchanan: Pass. I smell blood in the water.
Kf Tung: 1NT. It looks like a misfit hand, but anything less than 90 is not desirable.
4. Matchpoints. None vul.
Q 7
A 9 6
5 2
K 10 7 5 4 3
West |
North |
East |
South |
| |
| ? |
Your call?
Bid | Votes | Award
| 9
| 100
| 8
| 90
| 0
| 50
| 0
| 50
Moderator: Another close call. The 2 bidders edge out the doublers by 1.
Barry Rigal: 2. Hide this answer from my friends. The good news is that I can put any of my small clubs in my spades and be convincing about having missorted my hand.
Daniel Korbel: Dbl. Double is not perfect, but we have too many values to pass. If we are lucky enough to be able to correct 2 to 2, partner will know we have around 10 points and two spades.
Stephen Vincent: Pass. Stuck.
Christopher Diamond: 2. I'd like a 3rd spade, but then this wouldn't be a problem. :-)
Larry Meyer: Pass. Pard can balance if it is passed around to him.
Eugene Chan: 3. A mild overbid but we are not vul. Q rates to be an important card.
Andrew Krywaniuk: 2. With 4 imperfect options, this seems like the middle of the road bid. But I won't be surprised if pass wins the contest.
Timothy Wright: Pass. No call looks good. 3 is an overbid on a bad suit. Double and 2 overstate my suit lengths.
Ig Nieuwenhuis: Pass. Bidding hasn't ended. Not enough strength for 3.
Plarq Liu: Pass. Not enough for any bid, but will respond well to partner's reopening double.
Chris Buchanan: Dbl. Too much to pass but not enough for 3 directly. Not the perfect hand but when does that ever come up?
Kf Tung: 2. All your points are working, and you want to be in 2 when partner is minimum.
5. IMPs. None vul.
K J 10 9 3 2
A K 6
A 2
K 3
West |
North |
East |
South |
| |
| |
| ? |
Your call?
Bid | Votes | Award
| 5
| 100
| 4
| 90
| 4
| 90
| 2
| 70
| 2
| 70
| 0
| 60
Moderator: Another good problem. The top score goes to 3NT, viewed as a choice of games.
Allan Falk: 2NT. 3 is certainly possible, but my hand is a bit on the heavy side for that action, whereas for 2NT, I'm closer to my middle range.
Steve Robinson: 4. The spade suit is strong enough. If the 10 9 were the 5 4, I'd bid 2.
The Sutherlins: 3. . . the same bid we would have made in 1976. Change the 2 to the 2 and we would bid 4.
Roger Lee: 3. It would be nice to play this as artificial, but even absent that agreement, I think we should keep hearts open as an option while forcing to game. 3 is the bid that best accomplishes that.
Mel Colchamiro: 3NT. 2NT is for those who, basking in the glow of the correctness of their bid, want to win the argument in the bar after we've lost the match. Another drink, anyone?
Stephen Vincent: 3. Give partner a little room.
Christopher Diamond: 3. Spades just good enough for a jump. The hand looks suity. I'm hoping he doesn't pass, but if he does it might be right and we are nonvul. Wish 2NT was forcing.
Larry Meyer: 3. Show the 6-card suit with 18-20 points.
Eugene Chan: 4. At IMPs it is important to bid marginal games. 4 might make or fail. Who cares?
Andrew Krywaniuk: 3. I might bid 4 with a couple of my most conservative partners.
Timothy Wright: 3. 3NT could be right, but 3 keeps that and 4 in play.
Ig Nieuwenhuis: 3. I won't force to game immediately but will bid one if partner makes another noise. Will correct 3NT to 4.
Plarq Liu: 3. Good spades, make it trump!
Chris Buchanan: 3. My inner dinosaur makes me bid 3.
Norm Tucker: 4. Want to try it!
Kf Tung: 3. If partner passes your 3 there will be no game.