Vancouver Bridge Centre
Address:   1825 West 16th Ave, Vancouver B.C.

TGIF January 2016: Scores

1. Matchpoints. Both vul.
S Q 8 6 5 4   H A 9 3   D 6   C K J 7 4  
West North East South  
1D 2C Pass 2D
Pass 2H Pass ?

Your call?

2S 6 100
3D 3 80
4C 3 80
4D 1 70
5C 1 70
3C 1 50
3H 0 50
Moderator: Why bother to drag out the moth-eaten five-card spade suit with zero controls when partner is sitting over there with a fistful of clubs and hearts - other than the fact that it's forcing?
Larry Cohen: 2S. This hand has way too much potential to retreat to 3C. I plan to raise hearts next to complete my pattern. We could easily have a slam - picture partner's hand: Sx HK Q x x DA x CA 10 x x x x.
Roger Lee: 3D. The opponents' silence indicates partner likely has few diamonds and short spades, so 4C is just an underbid where partner won't evaluate correctly. I'm never playing 3NT with a hand like this, and if partner makes a strong move over 3D, we could have a slam.
Steve Robinson: 4C. This figures to be a good-fitting hand, so I want to be in 5C unless partner has a real dog, Sx x HK Q J x Dx x CA Q 10 9 x, for instance.
Andrew Krywaniuk: 3H. Very tough. I'd like to suggest both 4H and 5C, but I'm not strong enough to force game.
Eugene Chan: 3C. 2D cue bid followed by 2S suggests a much better hand and better spade suit. I am not optimistic on a potential heart game in a Moysian. Take the plus in a club partial.
Stephen Vincent: 3D. This hand is looking rather good. 6C is not out of the question.
Chris Diamond: 3H. Assuming the cuebid showed clubs, I'll suggest hearts as an alternative. A Moysian might play fine if pard has a spade card and there might be no game if he doesn't.
Larry Meyer: 4C. I have about 13 support points with most of my honors well placed, so invite game.
Plarq Liu: 3C. No point bidding spades since North has 5+ clubs and 4 hearts.
Gareth Birdsall: 2S. 3D on the first round would have described rather more of my hand.
Amiram Millet: 5C. Where we live.
Kf Tung: 2S. Natural, forward going. If partner does not quit at 3C then you have a game.
Perry Khakhar: 3H. Sounds like partner is fishing for a diamond stopper. But since Moysian heart game is reasonable, I am going to raise.

2. IMPs. E-W vul.
S Q   H Q 10 9 5   D 4 2   C K J 10 7 5 2  
West North East South  
  1C 1D 1H
3D 4D Pass ?

Your call?

4H 6 100
4S 3 80
5C 3 80
4NT 1 50
6C 2 50
Moderator: What's 4D by partner? Clearly it's a good hand, but do they have hearts or not?
Don Stack: 4H. There should be no doubt that partner is showing hearts with the 4D cuebid. The question should be, do we went to make a slam try by bidding something other than 4H? The hand has no aces, so let's keep it at the four level.
Daniel Korbel: 4NT. It's revolting to use Blackwood without any key cards, but what can partner have except key cards? Because I have the HQ, he cannot respond 5S, and if he shows 3, I can sign off in 5H and hope for the best.
Kerri Sanborn: 6C. Partner has a really good hand. There is no reason to play in a major. Where are my losers facing a game force?
The Sutherlins: 4S. . . hoping to hear 4NT - Roman Key Card Blackwood - from partner. Hard to imagine he doesn't have at least three of the five key cards. A key card inquiry should be safe at this level.
August Boehm: 5C. There is some ambiguity about whether 5C shows support or a control. It is, however, an unambiguous slam try, begging for a diamond control.
Andrew Krywaniuk: 4NT. If partner has 4 key cards and a singleton diamond then we are on for slam.
Eugene Chan: 4H. Where are all the spades? No slam available unless partner has a monster 4414. I would have preferred 3C pre-emptive rather than bid 1H in the first place.
Stephen Vincent: 4NT. Trot out the old Blackwood.
Chris Diamond: 4H. Spades have disappeared which makes me think pard has them. So he might have shortish clubs. With no diamond control I'll settle for game.
Larry Meyer: 4H. I have no controls to speak of, so I do not want to suggest going past game.
Plarq Liu: 5C. Prefer clubs over hearts.
Amiram Millet: 5C. Suggesting not looking for more.
Kf Tung: 5C. Now partner will know what to do if they insist with 5D.
Norman Tucker: Pass. Why didn't I bid 3C straight away?
Perry Khakhar: 4S. Where are the spades? Pard has forced me to 4H with what may be a random 6 count. I can do no less than cue bid the spade control. No RKC due to 2 quick diamond losers. 6C is a better alternative if you think diamonds less than 2 losers.

3. IMPs. N-S vul.
S ---   H A J 10 6 4 3   D Q J 10 2   C A K 6  
West North East South  
Dbl 2C Pass ?

Your call?

3S 4 100
5C 4 100
2D 2 70
2H 2 70
3D 1 70
3H 1 70
4C 0 70
3C 0 50
4H 1 50
Moderator: Where's the boss suit?
Mike Lawrence: 3S. Typically I have four clubs for this splinter, but partner rates to have a better than normal suit. Facing: S8 7 5 4 H2 DK 4 CQ 10 9 8 7 4, we have a fair play for slam.
Barry Rigal: 2D. Spades are just about to be bid in large numbers on my left. I'm preparing for the five level. I want to get all the suits into play.
Jill Meyers: 5C. I don't necessarily think I can make 5C, but it puts my LHO - who must have a lot of spades - under pressure. Because where are the spades on this hand?
Andrew Krywaniuk: 3C. It is entirely possible that confirming a fit will push the opponents into a good 4S, but in practice the panel rarely masterminds in competitive auctions.
Eugene Chan: 3C. Expect partner to be weakish with long clubs. Simple raise should suffice.
Chris Diamond: 2D. Could be really bad if he passes, but as Al Roth used to say...
Larry Meyer: 3C. Pard must have nice clubs to show them over the double, so support with support.
Plarq Liu: 2D. Looking for fits.
Amiram Millet: 5C. Before they find a spade fit.
Kf Tung: Pass. Clubs is your right strain. Partscore is your right level.
Norman Tucker: 3H. That's where I see game; clubs a second choice if partner goes there.
Perry Khakhar: 2D. The question is where to play and where are all the spades? Possibly the doubler has a a 'double and bid' spade suit. 2D will discover if partner has a heart preference available, in which case 4H is good. And if partner has a stiff heart, 5C seems unbeatable.

4. Matchpoints. None vul.
S 8 7 4 3   H K 7   D 9 6 5 4   C A K 5  
West North East South  
  1H 1S Dbl
Pass 2D Dbl ?

Your call?

Rdbl 7 100
2H 4 80
Pass 4 80
3D 0 60
2S 0 50
Moderator: The majority of the panel whip out the classic big blue.
Mel Colchamiro: Pass. Partner might have only 3 diamonds, and West might be getting ready to pass, so I'm not going to redouble.
Roger Lee: 2H. There's an argument that this shows mildly invitational values. Whatever it is, we have to offer 2H as a matchpoint sweet spot because it's likely to outscore or break even with diamonds.
Allan Falk: Rdbl. It's tempting to bid 2H here because of the matchpoint angle, but partner is going to get tapped in spades, and hearts are probably not breaking. I prefer to tell partner I have a decent hand and perhaps he will be able to place the contract.
Andrew Krywaniuk: Pass. East's double looks ominous, but West might still pull with SK x or a lack of nerve.
Eugene Chan: Pass. Good chance auction will die here. Happy to go plus.
Stephen Vincent: Pass. Hard to see where everyone is getting their bids.
Chris Diamond: 2H. Slight underbid but heading to the most likely game.
Larry Meyer: Pass. I am happy to rest at the 2-level in our 4-4 trump fit.
Plarq Liu: Rdbl. I think I have better than minimum.
Amiram Millet: 3D. Better than 3H even at MP.
Kf Tung: Rdbl. Now partner knows that your side can consider something better than +110.
Norman Tucker: Rdbl. We have a fit and enough HCP; may even make valuable overtricks.
Perry Khakhar: Rdbl. We are not likely to play here (too bad!) but I love the values in my hand. Heart game is quite possible but show values first.

5. IMPs. None vul.
S K Q 2   H 3 2   D K Q 2   C 9 8 7 6 2  
West North East South  
  1H Pass 1NT (1)
Pass 2C (2) Dbl ?
(1) Forcing, one round.
(2) At least three clubs.

Your call?

2NT 7 100
Rdbl 4 80
2S 2 60
3C 1 50
Pass 1 50
Moderator: The majority see the notrump stoppers and show them to partner.
Mel Colchamiro: Rdbl. We have clubs. We have a maximum with great defense versus spades or diamonds. We have a blue card.
Barry Rigal: 2S. . . a club raise with high cards. It's too much effort to try to penalize them here, so let's raise our best suit and hope we don't run into a 5-0 break!
The Sutherlins: 2NT. Our most likely game is 3NT. Because we need partner to have extras to make 3NT, we're just inviting.
Andrew Krywaniuk: 2NT. This is a pushy invite since partner will be weak in at least 1 side suit.
Eugene Chan: 3C. Lousy trump suit but who cares. Nobody is vulnerable.
Stephen Vincent: Rdbl. Hopefully partner won't misinterpret this: it can hardly be for rescue on the auction.
Chris Diamond: Rdbl. Maybe 2N after this shows this hand.
Larry Meyer: Pass. I am happy to rest at the 2-level in our 5-3 trump fit.
Plarq Liu: Rdbl. Better than minimum.
David Gordon: 3C. Tempted to Rdbl. I will raise and bring out all my Dbl cards, preparing to hammer.
Amiram Millet: Pass. I'm not going to the three level with this hand.
Kf Tung: 3C. Exactly 3235 and exactly 10 points.
Norman Tucker: Rdbl. Same logic as question 4.
Perry Khakhar: Rdbl. Repetitious, I know! Clearly, I would love to play here (not happening), but really I want to show my values for possible 3NT.

Panel's Answers

  1 2 3 4 5 Total
Larry Cohen 2S 4H 5C Rdbl 2S 460
Jeff Meckstroth 4C 4H 3S Rdbl Rdbl 460
Kerri Sanborn 2S 6C 3S Rdbl 2NT 450
Geoff Hampson 4D 4H 3S Pass 2NT 450
Allan Falk 4C 5C 5C Rdbl Rdbl 440
August Boehm 2S 5C 2D 2H 2NT 430
Mike Lawrence 3C 4S 3S Rdbl 2NT 430
The Sutherlins 3D 4S 2H Rdbl 2NT 430
Jill Meyers 3D 6C 5C 2H 2NT 410
Barry Rigal 2S 4H 2D 2H 2S 410
Steve Robinson 4C 4S 3H Pass 2NT 410
Roger Lee 3D 4H 3D 2H Rdbl 410
Don Stack 2S 4H 2H Pass Pass 400
Daniel Korbel 2S 4NT 5C Rdbl 3C 400
Mel Colchamiro 5C 5C 4H Pass Rdbl 360

Local Heroes

    1 2 3 4 5 Total Points
1.    Kevin Contzen 2S 5C 3S Rdbl 2NT 480 136.50
2.    James Harris 2S 4H 3H Rdbl 2NT 470 102.38
3.    Alan Kemp-Gee 2S 5C 3H Rdbl Rdbl 430 47.78
3.    Craig T. Wilson 2S 4H 3H 3D 2NT 430 47.78
3.    Stuart Carr 2S 5C 3H 2H 2NT 430 47.78
6.    Kai Zhou 4D 4S 3S Rdbl 2S 410 21.13
6.    Betty Jackson 2S 4H 3C 2H Rdbl 410 21.13
8.    Rod Coote 2S 4H 2H Pass Pass 400 14.57
8.    David Schmidt 3C 4H 3C Rdbl 2NT 400 14.57
8.    Brian Stone 3C 4H 3H Pass 2NT 400 14.57
8.    Jack Qi 2S 4NT 2H 2H 2NT 400 14.57

World Leaders

    1 2 3 4 5 Total Points
1.    Claude Vogel (United States) 4D 4S 3S Rdbl Rdbl 430 82.69
1.    Bob Todd (Canada) 2S 4H 3C Rdbl Rdbl 430 82.69
3.    Ranjan Bhaduri (Canada) 2S 5C 3H Pass Rdbl 410 33.08
3.    John Gillespie (Canada) 2S 4H 3C Pass Rdbl 410 33.08
3.    Leo Weniger (Canada) 2S 5C 2D 2H Rdbl 410 33.08
6.    Bob Kuz (Canada) 2S 6C 2D Rdbl Rdbl 400 15.75
7.    Lauren Weiler (Canada) 2S 4S 3C 3D 2NT 390 12.66
7.    Nader Hanna (Canada) 2S 5C 3C 2H Rdbl 390 12.66
9.    Perry Khakhar (Canada) 3H 4S 2D Rdbl Rdbl 380 8.11
9.    Dan Cecchelli (Canada) 3C 4H 2H Pass Rdbl 380 8.11
9.    Plarq Liu (United States) 3C 5C 2D Rdbl Rdbl 380 8.11
9.    Ig Nieuwenhuis (Netherlands) 3C 4H 2D 3D 2NT 380 8.11
9.    Roy Bolton (Canada) 3C 4H 3H Pass Rdbl 380 8.11
9.    Gareth Birdsall (Uk) 2S 4S 2D Pass Pass 380 8.11
9.    Bob Zeller (Canada) 2S 5C 3C Rdbl 3C 380 8.11
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