Dummy A 2 A Q 3 A 4 A 10 8 6 5 3 | |
Me 8 7 4 3 10 7 2 Q J 8 3 9 2 |
When dummy hit, I felt pretty good about my lead especially when dummy played the ace and Danny encouraged with the nine. Declarer crossed to his hand with the K and floated the Q to Danny's king. Danny returned a spade, but declarer cashed the king and queen of spades (pitching a small diamond) and produced the J. Making 6 when a diamond lead would've beaten the contract 3 tricks.
Vul: We
A 3 J 7 2 J 9 8 5 3 A K 2
Lefty starts with ONE NOTRUMP which righty announces is 12 to 14 HCP.
Danny and I play a constructive system called Cappelletti over weak
1NT opening bids. It focuses on showing hands worth overcalling,
especially those with 5 card major suits. Danny bids TWO DIAMONDS
which I ALERT as showing both majors. Generally, he should have
at least 5 of each major, but if he did it on 5-4 and a good opening
bid, then I wouldn't complain.
At this point, I am not sure what to do if righty passes. The hand should probably be played in game, but which one? 3 should be nonforcing and invitational for partner to continue with maximum values. A maximum hand in this case would hold a good 13 or better, because we tend to overcall 1NT with between 11 and 15.
Most of the time, partner will have 5 hearts anyway, and when he doesn't, then he'll have a good 13 or so. My hard club honours and raggy diamond protection are making me lean towards suit play with this hand. Furthermore, I think I'd want to be in game with this hand opposite most of partner's good 11 counts. 4 seems about right, but 3NT or 3 could easily be the winner. Their 1NT has blown us into a guessing game, which is often the effect of a weak notrump opening bid.
Alas, all of this thought was for naught because righty bids TWO NOTRUMP. Lefty ALERTS this as the beginnings of Lebensohl a system developed to cope with interference over partner's 1NT. To explain further, lefty is forced to bid 3 which says nothing about clubs. Righty can now show a weak hand with clubs by passing 3 or a weak hand with diamonds by bidding 3. This is a good system to allow your side to compete with weak distributional hands.
Looking at my hand, righty can only have one plan. He plans to pass the 3 bid. How do I feel now? Well, before the 2NT bid, game for our side was uncertain. Why should I bid on when a partscore might be our maximum? It is probably best to play in 3 doubled and beat the field who are making +140 or -100 our way with a healthy +300 or more.
Accordingly, I PASS, lefty bids THREE CLUBS (completing the relay), Danny PASSES and righty PASSES. I DOUBLE which ends the auction.
Unfortunately, the defense was less than stellar. The contract is booked for two down, but some slips in the defence cost us a trick in the wash for one down. My most notable slip in the defense was breaking too many suits for declarer. Danny's most notable slip on this hand was having 6 spades and 4 hearts! I'm sure glad I didn't bid 4!
Vul: They
9 6 5 -VOID- A Q 9 8 J 10 8 6 4 3
I PASSED and lefty opened ONE NOTRUMP which righty announced as
12 to 14 HCP (yes this was a different pair of opponents). Danny
DOUBLES, which shows a good, penaltyoriented hand. Righty bids
TWO HEARTS which is ALERTED as showing hearts and spades. I want
more information, so PASS seems right. Lefty PASSES and Danny
drops a DOUBLE card on the table. This is PASSED to me.
What's your call?