South to bid
E-W Vul
S 9 6 5    H -VOID-    D A Q 9 8   C J 10 8 6 4 3


* 12 to 14 HCP, balanced hand.
** hearts and spades.

It's days like this that I really hate this game. Danny could have anything from four to six hearts and a bare 16 count. Righty could have 4-4, 5-4, 5-5 in the majors or better! Opener probably has heart tolerance too. OK. Calm down. Let's think about this rationally.

Are we on for a partscore? For sure. We should be able to make some number of clubs all by ourselves.

Are we on for a game? Unknown. If game is close, then 2H is likely to go for at least 2 if Danny has a 6 card heart suit. Honestly, I am really worried about that void. That void could mean we can only beat this one trick and still make game. Worse yet, they could easily make it if they have a 8 or 9 card heart fit.

OK. I'm going to assume that Danny has only 4 or 5 hearts, which is the most likely. They might do OK in 2H doubled, but let's assume they can't make it. One down seems the most likely. I think we should be on for a club game with my good distribution. Accordingly, I bid FIVE CLUBS which ends the auction.

Lefty leads a low heart without pause for thought, and here's dummy:

S K Q 8 5
H A K J 9 8 3
D 5
S 9 6 5
D A Q 9 8
C J 10 8 6 4 3

Joy. Another missed +1400. I put in the HJ which holds. Whew­ in the clear! I ruff a low heart in hand and finesse the CQ and cash the CA, dropping the K. I now have a play for 12 tricks by cashing my hearts from the top (pitching diamonds) until righty ruffs. I'll overruff and force my way to dummy with a spade. This nets six clubs, one diamond, four hearts and one spade. Unfortunately, I pitched a low spade on my second top heart destroying all communications between the hands. Thanks to a small slip in the defense, my diamond spots saw me home with an endplay for my 11th trick.

Thankfully, we were the only pair our direction to get a plus score of any sort, so the missed penalty did not hurt.

The night ended with a lot of good results given to us by some frustrated opponents. We came first (66%) despite all of our troubles.