North dealer
Neither side vulnerable
S K 3 2
H J 9 2
D K Q 8 2
C 9 7 6
S 8 7
D A 9 7 4 3
C J 8 3 2

2CPass2DAll Pass

There was not much to the play. West cashed the ace, king and queen of clubs, east showing out at trick two. West continued with a 4th club, promoting East's D J 10 5 into a trick. The ace of spades was also off for 6 tricks away and minus 50. Nice defense.

Even though there were 8 available tricks in notrump on the likely spade lead, the opponents had at least 9 available tricks in a major suit. Unlucky, but lucky.

At the next table, I met my maker with this disaster.

Vul: Both
S 8 7 4 3    H 10 7 2    D Q J 8 3    C 9 2

Pass6NTAll Pass

Yay. My lead. The only thing I hate more than leading into 6NT is leading into 7NT. It seems that no matter what I lead into notrump slams, it's wrong. I am so bad that I probably wouldn't even lead my ace against 7NT. Back to the hand.

The opponents do not sound that convinced of their bidding. I'm pretty confident that righty has between 10 and 12 HCP for his passed hand jump, but just to be sure, I look at their convention card. Righty comments in his most uppity tone, "I don't think you'll find that [6NT] bid on the card." He laughs at his own joke, obviously unaware that the meaning of his own bid should be listed on his convention card, but it is not. So, I ask lefty how much righty has shown by bidding 2NT, and she tells me he has shown 12 to 14 HCP. Righty didn't correct this obviously incorrect explanation (really, he must correct all incorrect explanations before the opening lead has been made only if he is on the declaring side), but no matter. I still think he has around 11 HCP.

Is it possible that lefty has her bid of 6NT? I check that on the card too. It says 1NT: 16 to 18 HCP; 2NT: 22 to 24 HCP. It is very possible that she has her 20 HCP which would be enough to make 6NT a good bid opposite her partner's supposed 13 HCP.

Ugh. I hate this. They could have anything. Partner could have anything. Well, what would you lead?