Plan A

Vul: Us
Dlr: Pard

PARD (dummy)
S A 7 5 3
H K J 10 9
D -
C K Q 8 6 3




S K 10 8 6
H 8 7
D 10 9 8 6
C A 10 4

The nice heart spots are swaying me to try to set up dummy and claim. In order to do this, I have to be careful about maintaining trump control­ a low trump must remain in dummy, otherwise 3 diamond winners will end me in a hurry. I must therefore delay drawing trumps until the hearts are set up.

One curious thing about this hand: what's the diamond distribution? The opponents have a good nine­card fit at favourable vulnerability and they did not compete! I figure righty would have raised to 4D holding 4 diamonds and righty would have probably bid 4D all by herself if she had 7 of them. Therefore, I am guessing a 6-3 distribution, at least for now. This will hopefully give me a read on the trump position for later.

On with Plan A. I ruff with the S3 and cross to my hand with CA, righty giving the 2 and lefty giving the 7. Now comes the heart: H7, 2, 9, A. Woo­hoo! Now all I have to do is pull 2 rounds of trump and cash winners until they ruff­ losing one spade, one heart and one diamond, assuming that righty plays back a diamond (best).

But righty doesn't make the best return of a diamond, but instead leads a spade, the SJ! What is going on? Is righty being cute with me? Afterall, he has the spade length. Unfortunately, his play doesn't give me any more winning options in the trump suit than I had before, so I continue playing for the 3-2 spade­break. I win the SA and call for the S5. Righty fumbles and I wonder what's wrong.

He shows me the H2. That's what's wrong. I guess I should have won the SK, hooked hearts, and pitched some diamond losers instead of extracting trumps. This semi­crossruff line would've secured my contract, but now I'm in a position of going down. I hate matchpoints.

PARD (dummy)
S 7 5
H K J 10
D -
C K Q 8 6
S K 10 8
H 8
D 10 9 8
C 10 4

How would you adjust?
The Fallible Genius - a chronicle by Brad Bart
January 18, 1998