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  1. The previous example might seem to suggest that we should decompose schema as much as possible.

    Careless decomposition, however, may lead to another form of bad design.

  2. Consider a design where Lending-schema is decomposed into two schemas

     Branch-customer-schema = (bname, bcity, assets, cname)

    Customer-loan-schema = (cname, loan#, amount)

  3. We construct our new relations from lending by:

     branch-customer =  tex2html_wrap_inline1540 

    customer-loan = tex2html_wrap_inline1542

    Figure 7.2:   The decomposed lending relation.

  4. It appears that we can reconstruct the lending relation by performing a natural join on the two new schemas.
  5. Figure 7.3 shows what we get by computing branch-customer tex2html_wrap_inline1544 customer-loan.

    Figure 7.3:   Join of the decomposed relations.

  6. We notice that there are tuples in branch-customer tex2html_wrap_inline1544 customer-loan that are not in lending.
  7. How did this happen?
  8. When we decomposed Lending-schema into Branch-schema and Loan-info-schema, we will not have a similar problem. Why not?

     Branch-schema = (bname, bcity, assets)

    Branch-loan-schema = (bname, cname, loan#, amount)

  9. For a given branch name, there is exactly one assets value and exactly one bcity; whereas a similar statement associated with a loan depends on the customer, not on the amount of the loan (which is not unique).
  10. We'll make a more formal definition of lossless-join:
  11. In other words, a lossless-join decomposition is one in which, for any legal relation r, if we decompose r and then ``recompose'' r, we get what we started with - no more and no less.

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Osmar Zaiane
Thu Jun 18 12:56:34 PDT 1998