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Estimation of Query-Processing Cost

  1. To choose a strategy based on reliable information, the database system may store statistics for each relation r:
  2. The first two quantities allow us to estimate accurately the size of a Cartesian product.
  3. Considering all the tuples in tex2html_wrap_inline992 , we estimate that there are


    tuples in total in tex2html_wrap_inline982

  4. If we reverse the roles of tex2html_wrap_inline992 and tex2html_wrap_inline990 in this equation, we get a different estimate


    if tex2html_wrap_inline1028 .

  5. To maintain accurate statistics, it is necessary to update the statistics whenever a relation is modified.

    This can be substantial, so most systems do this updating during periods of light load on the system.

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Osmar Zaiane
Sun Jul 26 17:45:14 PDT 1998