Basic Structure

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Basic Structure

  1. Figure 3.1 shows the deposit and customer tables for our banking example.

    Figure 3.1:   The deposit and customer relations.

    Let denote the domain of bname, and , and the remaining attributes' domains respectively.

    Then, any row of deposit consists of a four-tuple where

    In general, deposit contains a subset of the set of all possible rows.

    That is, deposit is a subset of

    In general, a table of n columns must be a subset of

  2. Mathematicians define a relation to be a subset of a Cartesian product of a list of domains. You can see the correspondence with our tables.

    We will use the terms relation and tuple in place of table and row from now on.

  3. Some more formalities:
  4. We'll also require that the domains of all attributes be indivisible units.

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Page created and maintained by Osmar R. Zaï ane
Last Update: Wed Sep 20 15:45:57 PDT 1995