CMPT 225
The course is graded as follows:
Assignments and labs - 40%
Midterm exam - 25%
Final exam - 35%
Students must attain an overall passing grade on the weighted
average of exams in the course to obtain a clear pass (C- or better).
assignments should be written in C++. If you have access to a computer at home
(or a laptop) I would strongly suggest installing a C++ IDE
on that machine. I don't mind what environment you write your assignment
solutions in but we will be compiling solutions with g++ on the Linux OS. You
should test your solutions in this environment before submitting them.
Assignment 1 - due by 11:59pm on Monday the 27th
of January - 7%
Assignment 2 - due by 11:59pm on Wednesday the 12th
of February - 8%
Assignment 3 - due by 11:59pm on Wednesday the 26th
of February - 8%
Assignment 4 - due by 11:59pm on Friday the 20th
of March - 9%
Assignment 5 - due by 11:59pm on Friday the 10th
of April - 8%
are to be submitted to the CS CourSys system.
varies between assignments. However, there are a couple of general assessment
criteria that will be common between assignments. The first is that your
assignment must compile and run. If we
cannot compile and run your solution it will receive 0 marks. This doesn't
mean that your solution must be perfect or even complete, you can omit sections
of an assignment or fail some of our tests, but the minimal acceptable
submission must be free of compilation errors. There are two main reasons why
students submit code that does not compile - they started the assignment too
late and / or they tried to write the entire assignment before testing it
rather than completing and testing one or two functions at a time. Please don't
commit either of these errors in judgement!
The second
criterium is code quality, which will be marked according to this guide.
You can
retrieve your assignment marks from the CS CourSys system
John Edgar (