CMPT 225 Coding Quality


This is a breakdown of what I'm expecting for code quality, and a description of how it will be assessed in assignments.



Your code should be documented by comments, sensible naming conventions, and by being cleanly written. For comments, I expect the following:

Each function should be introduced by comments explaining its purpose, the result of running the function (post conditions), any requirements for the function to run correctly (pre-conditions) and a description of its parameters

Major blocks of code within a function (such as loops and decisions) should be introduced by a comment describing the purpose of the block; this is not required where the function consists of a single small block whose purpose is obvious. For example, a function to sum the contents of an array might contain a single for loop and a return statement - it is not necessary to comment that the loop is summing the contents of the array (assuming that the function and its variables have appropriate names).

Single lines that contain complex expressions, or whose purpose is not obvious should include comments to explain the purpose of the line.

Unnecessary comments should be avoided - do not comment every line in an attempt to ensure that you get these marks! For example, avoid explaining the purpose of variables unless it is absolutely necessary (you don't need to have a comment that explains that the age variable stores an age). You should assume that the person reading your program understands C++ syntax, so this is unnecessary: x++; //increments x!



Excellent (5) - follows the guidelines given above throughout the entire program

Very good (4) - minor omissions of comments, or some unnecessary comments

Good (3) - most functions and blocks introduced with comments, but a number of missing comments

Mediocre (2) - a significant number of omitted comments

Poor (1) - very few comments; for example, only an incomplete description of each function

No comments (0)



Variable, function and class names should clearly convey the purpose of the variable, function or class:

They should not be too short - however there are situations where single letter variables are permissible; i is fine for an index in a for loop, x is fine for a parameter that represents the input to a mathematical calculation that is not situated in a domain.

They should not be too long, they should be just long enough to convey the purpose and no longer.

Avoid abbreviations that make it hard to determine what word was being abrreviated.

They should be based on the context of the program. If you are writing a program that records the age of two people having variables called age1 and age2 is fine; however, if the program records the age of a dog and a cat then cat_age and dog_age are preferable.

You are not required to follow any particular naming convention (for example Google's style guide for C++, see the Wikipedia article on naming conventions for even more examples).

Separating words in names by either underscores or CamelCase is acceptable (for example, leftChild or left_child are both OK), but use one and not both.

Variable names should begin with a lower-case character, and constants should be capitalized.



Excellent (5) - follows the guidelines given above throughout the entire program

Very good (4) - a few poor names

Good (3) - naming generally good

Mediocre (2) - naming inconsistent, some identifiers are well chosen, others are not

Poor (1) - consistent use of unclear names

Most names unclear (0)



The body of each code block should be indented one position to the right of the previous block.


There are various conventions about where opening and closing {}s go. I have no particular opinion on this (this is not actually true, but the point is that you won't lose marks for not following my preference). One thing you should not do with closing brackets is put more than one of them on the same line.



Excellent (3) - all code correctly indented

Good (2) - a few incidences of incorrect indentation

Poor (1) - inconsistent indentation

No indentation! (0)


Function Design

In the majority of the assignments the return types and parameters of functions will be specified for you. If they are not then you should be aware of the following.

Functions should generally perform one (or possibly two related) tasks, if a function is doing three or four poorly related tasks it should be decomposed into multiple functions.

Functions that calculate values should return those values, and not print them. If you want to print a value, print it from a different function that calls the function that performs the calculation.

A function's input should be in its parameter list, and its output should be its return value - don't use global variables!



Excellent (5) - follows the guidelines given above throughout the entire program

Very good (4) - a few incidences of poor function design (such as insufficient decomposition)

Good (3) - function design generally good

Mediocre (2) - insufficient function decomposition, and errors related to parameter lists and return types

Poor (1) - poor function design, use of global variables instead of parameters

Very poor function design (0)



Class Design

Like functions, most of the requirements will be set out for you, however, you will still be marked on the following.

A class should be separated into header and implementation files

Attributes should generally be made private and public mutators (or constructors) should maintain class invariants (i.e. ensure that attributes only contain valid values). Attributes that may contain any value of their type may be made public.

Helper methods should be made private.

Classes that allocate dynamic memory should have a copy constructor, a destructor and an overloaded assignment operator.

Object parameters should be passed by reference.

Calling objects and object parameters passed by references should be made constant (const) if the function is not intended to change the object.



Excellent (5) - follows the guidelines given above throughout the entire program

Very good (4) - some objects not made constant when appropriate

Good (3) - multiple failures to follow class design requirements

Mediocre (2) - multiple failures to follow class design requirements

Poor (1) - poor class design, for example, no use of constant and/or no private section

Very poor class design (0)



Assignments will be assessed on some or all of the above categories.



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John Edgar (