This assignment is marked of 30, with 5 bonus marks.
You will build this program in steps.
Balloon (10 marks)
Implement a class called Balloon that represents the balloon object.
How to draw a balloon is up to you, but an image will probably be more fun.
The balloon starts at the bottom of the screen and slowly accelerates upwards.
If it reaches the top, it should reappear at the bottom.
The class should implement the following functions:
(2 marks) Constructor.
(3 marks) void render()
Draw the balloon, and nothing else!
(3 marks) void update()
Update the balloon’s position, and nothing else!
(2 marks) boolean wasClicked().
Should return true if the balloon was clicked, and nothing else!
Note that the code for these 3 functions depends on whether you choose to use an
image or draw a shape.
Explosion (10 marks)
The explosion should be a particle system similar to the system described in the
notes. That is, you will need to model each particle of the explosion in a
class, as well as the explosion itself in another class. The properties of the
particles should be somewhat random.
Refer to the explosion notes for details.
Main Program (3 marks)
As mentioned, the balloon starts at the bottom of the screen and climbs its way
up. If the user clicks on the balloon, the balloon disappears and an explosion
is displayed instead. If the balloon reaches the top without exploding, it
should reappear at the bottom.
Clicking the mouse button after the balloon has exploded causes the balloon to