Assignment 4

For this assignment, you will write a Processing implementation of the Wolfram 1-D Cellular Automaton

A Cellular Automaton is a collection of coloured cells on a grid of specified size. The collection evolves through a number of discrete time steps based on a specified set of rules.

More precisely, the screen is divided into square cells. Each cell is either alive (having colour black), or dead (heaving colour white). Whether a cell gets to live to see the next generation, depends on the cell’s state, and that of its neighbours during the current generation, in accordance to a set of rules.

One of the factors that differentiate the types of automata, is what we mean when we say neighbours. The 1-dimensional automaton is so-called because the neighbours of a cell are defined as the cells immediately to the left and to the right of it.

The neighbourhood of a 1-D automaton cell

The state of a cell, together with its neighbours, determines the state of the cell directly bellow it. Suppose we know the state of cell c, as well as the states of c‘s left and right neighbours. There are eight possibilities — 4 if c is alive, and 4 if c is dead:

The 8 possible 3-cell permutations.

For each of these possibilities, the automaton has a rule that tells it what the state of the cell immediately below c should be:

A rule set for a 1-D automaton.

These rules can be read left to right, as follows:

  • If c, c‘s left neighbour, and c‘s right neighbour are all black, then the cell below c dies in the next generation and is white.
  • If c and its left neighbour are black, but c‘s right neighbour is white, then the cell below c lives in the next generation and is black.
  • If c is white but both of its neighbours are black, then the cell below c is coloured white.
  • If c and its neighbour are white, but c‘s left neighbour is black, then the cell below c comes to life and turns black.
  • If c and its right neighbour are black, but c‘s left neighbour is white, then the cell below c lives on and is coloured black for the next generation.
  • If c is black but both it’s neighbours are white, then the cell below c turns white for the next generation.
  • If only the right neighbour of c is black, then the cell below c turns black for the next generation.
  • If c and both of its neighbours are white, then the cell below c is coloured white for the next generation.

As you can see, these 8 rules cover all the different configurations that 3 cells could have. To be concise, we can write only the result of each rule (in the same order as above) like so:

A concise representation of the rules

Cellular Automata are marvellous creatures, used in a large host of applications, including Computer Science, Physics, and Biology. We will use them for their artistic value.

A Sea Shell


For this assignment there are a total of 60 marks plus 2 bonus marks.

Getting Started

As in previous assignments, some helper code is provided for you in two files, located here. Download it and unzip the files into a folder named wolframCells. The two files are:

  • wolframCells.pde

    This is the main program file in which you will write all of your code.

  • executeRules.pde

    This is a file containing code that well help in executing the automaton’s rules. The code has been implemented for you. Do not modify this file! Simply include it in the same directory as wolframCells.pde.

    The executeRules.pde file contains one function, with the following signature:

    boolean executeRules(boolean left, boolean centre, boolean right) {

    This function takes three boolean parameters left, centre, and right. These represent a trio of cells. left is true if the left cell is black, and false otherwise. centre and right are analogous. The function returns true if the cell directly below the cell represented by centre should be alive. Otherwise, the function returns false.

    You will use this function when implementing shouldLive().


    Modifying executeRules.pde might result in your program not working correctly, or possibly not running at all. As such, we will not be using your executeRules.pde file.

Since there are several components in this program, it is important that you follow the instructions on this page carefully. Further, some of the instructions may be ambiguous. This is intentional and is designed to help you practice seeking clarification from your clients (in this instance, the course instructor and TA).

Since you will be using ArrayLists in this assignment, you might find this list of ArrayList functions useful.

High Level Overview

The program you write will work as follows:

  1. There will be two phases to the program. The rule phase and the simulation phase. The rule phase is displayed when the program starts.

  2. During the rule phase, 8 white squares are displayed on the screen. These represent the set of rules.

  3. If the user clicks on a white square, the square turns black. If the user clicks on a black square, the square turns white.

    An example set of rules
  4. The user can then press any key on the keyboard to start the simulation phase.

  5. Pressing any key while the simulation is running returns to the screen showing the rules.

We will have two classes in the simulation. A Cell class, and a Rule class. Each cell is a 1x1 pixels square.

During the simulation, each call to draw represents a generation. A generation consists of a row of cells, with the first cell having x position 0 and the last cell having x position width - 1. A computation is then performed on the current generation to determine the next generation. This next generation is then drawn on the screen, below the previous generation, And so on. For example, suppose we have a 5x5 grid of cells. Using the rule above, and generation one consisting of one live cell, we get the following evolution over five generations:

five generations of an automaton

Notice that for cells 1 and 5, we assume there are cells 0 and 6 respectively, which are always dead.

Global Variables

As global variables, you must declare the following:

  • (1 mark). An ArrayList named cells containing objects of type Cell. This list will contain all of the cells in the current generation.
  • (1 mark). An ArrayList named rules containing objects of type Rule.
  • (1 mark). A bolean variable indicating whether the simulation has started. Note that in the helper code we have assumed you called it started. Feel free to change this, but remember to make the corresponding changes where needed.
  • (1 mark). A liveColor variable containing the colour used for live cells. In this specification I have used black, however feel free to choose any colour you like. You must use liveColor, or the excecuteRules() file will not work properly.
  • (1 mark). A deadColor variable containing the colour used for dead cells. As with the liveColor, this can be any colour you choose (that is not the deadColor).
  • (1 mark). A PFont variable.


Our cells will be implemented as a class. In the file wolframCells.pde, a class Cell has been declared. Since it is empty, you must fill it with the following:

  1. (1 mark). The Cell should have an (x, y) position.
  2. (1 mark). A cellColor variable of type color.
  3. (1 mark). An int containing the Cell‘s number.


  1. (3 marks). Constructor with the following signature, that initializes the Cell object:

    Cell(float a, float b, int num, color initColor)
  1. (4 marks). A boolean function shouldLive(). This function returns true if the Cell should live on to the next generation and false otherwise. To do this, you must access the Cell‘s neighbours. These are the Cell objects stored immediately before and after this Cell in the cells ArrayList. See the description for the setupSimulation function.

    You will need to determine whether this Cell and its neighbours are alive or not, and pass that information to the executeRules() function.

  2. (2 marks). A boolean function isAlive() that returns true if this Cell is alive, and false otherwise. Recall that a cell is alive if only if its colour is black.

  3. (2 marks) A void function render that is responsible for drawing this Cell onto the screen. Each Cell is 1 pixel wide and 1 pixel high.


The class Rule represents a single rule. For our purposes, a rule is a square of width and height at least 20. The Rule object will have the following attributes:

  1. (1 mark). An (x, y) position.
  2. (1 mark). A width and height (be careful not to override the width and height) global variables.
  3. (1 mark). A ruleColor variable.


  1. (2 marks). A constructor with the following signature that initializes the rule object:

    Rule(float a, float b)
  2. (1 marks). A boolean function wasClicked() that returns true if this Rule was clicked, and false otherwise.

  3. (2 marks). A toggleColor() function that toggles the rule colour.

  4. (2 marks). A render() function responsible for drawing this Rule to the screen.

Main Program

The following functions must be implemented for your simulation to work:

  • (3 marks). setup():

    1. Set the size of the screen to 500x500.
    2. Initialize the two ArrayLists.
    3. Load a font created by you into the PFont global variable.
    4. Call setupSimulation() (this line is already in the helper code).
  • (3 marks). draw() :

    1. The only thing you need to add to draw is code to tell all of the cells to

      render. Other than that you should not modify draw().


    You do not need to call background() in draw().

  • (3 marks). mouseClicked():

    1. Determine whether a Rule object was clicked. If so, toggle the Rule object’s colour.
  • (2 marks). keyPressed():

    1. Implement the behaviour described in the high level description: if the simulation is ongoing, stop it and show the rule screen. You may also want to setup the simulation again. If the simulation is not running, start it.
  • (4 marks). showRuleScreen():

    1. Add 8 new Rule objects to the rules ArrayList. To get full marks, you must use a while loop.
    2. Draw all of the rules to the screen. In a fashion similar to the image below.
    A sample rule screen.
    1. Prompt the user to “select rules” using the font you initialized in setup().
  • (5 marks). makeNextGen():

    1. In the helper code, an ArrayList by the name of nextGenCells is declared and initialized for you.
    2. For every cell c in cells, add a new Cell to nextGenCells. The new cell should have the same x position as c, and y position 1 pixel down. It should have the same cellNum as c and the colour of the new cell depends on c.shouldLive().
    3. Having filled nextGenCells with the next generation, we need to copy the contents of nextGenCells into the cells ArrayList so they can be drawn to the screen. See the comments in the helper code for details.
  • (4 marks). setupSimulation():

    1. Empty the cells ArrayList. Consult this list for ideas on how to do this.

    2. Set the background.

    3. Fill the cells ArrayList with width new cells. Each new cell is placed in position (c.cellNum, 0). You will need a while loop for this.

      All the cells should start out dead, except the cell whose number is width / 2


There are 6 marks available for style, 2 for each of:

  1. Clear and consistent variable names
  2. Clear and consistent indentation.
  3. No Hardcoded values. If a value repeats often (e.g. the black color) it should be stored in a variable (e.g. liveColor), and not appear directly. You can check for this by searching for the value. The only result ought to be where you define variable(s) to hold this value.


For 2 marks, find the rule set that produces the shell pattern, and one more interesting pattern not shown in this assignment description. Provide your answers in the form of screen shots of your rule screen.

What to Submit

Please rename the given file (wolframCells.pde) to firstname_lastname_studentNum_assn4.pde, where firstname_lastname is your full name separated by an underscore and studentNum is your student number.

What you should submit is a folder called firstname_lastname_studentNum_assn4 that contains the pde file as well as the vlw files for the font you created, and any images you may have used, inside a subdirectory named data. Also include any screen shots you made for the bonus question. Compress this folder as an archive named

How to Submit

Please submit this assignment on-line no later than the due date listed on the course marking scheme.

If you submit the assignment after the deadline, you will be deducted %10 of the maximum points available for the assignment, for each day that you are late. For example if the assignment when submitted on time is marked out of 100, then after one day the maximum mark will be 90, after two days it will be 80, and so on.


Several minutes late is the same as a day late! While we have been lenient in the past, we will not be from now on. Give yourself at least a half hour to make sure you submit your assignment on time. Further, we will be using the clock on the submission system, not the one on your computer.


After submitting your assignment, download it, open the zip archive and make sure that you have submitted the correct files and that everything works. If something goes wrong, then by the time the TA gets to your assignment it will be too late to do anything about it and you will receive a 0 on your assignment.

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