The final exam is a comprehensive (i.e. covers the entire course) 3-hour written exam on Tuesday August 6th from 8:30 to 11:30.
Important: Please bring your SFU student card to the exam. If you don’t have it with you, then you may be asked to go get it before writing the exam.
The exam is in rooms 5240 and 5280. You are assigned to your rooms based on your last name as follows:
This is a comprehensive, closed-book exam. That means it covers the entire course from the beginning, and may ask questions related to the lectures, assignments, or on-line notes.
From the course notes, the exam covers sections 1 to 32 (and no sections afterwards, except for the samples - section 37). Generally, if a topic was only discussed briefly in class then only simple questions will be asked about it. Topics covered more extensively may have more detailed questions.
It is a written exam: everything you do will be by hand on paper.
It is a closed-book exam: no notes, books, computers, calculators, or other such aids are permitted.
While the questions could be of any format or style, some kinds of questions are more likely than others. You will certainly be asked to:
Other common forms of questions on programming exams are: