19. Calculating Powers

19.1. Simple Exponentiation

Consider this problem:

Write a function pow(x, n) that calculates x^n, i.e x to the power of n. Assume x and n are both integers, and n \geq 0.

For instance, pow(3, 4) returns 81, since 3^4 = 3 \cdot 3 \cdot 3
\cdot 3 = 81.

The “obvious” solution to this problem is to multiply x by itself n - 1 times using a loop. For example:

// Pre: n >= 0 and not both x == 0 and n == 0
// Post: returns x^n, i.e. x raised to the power n
int basic_pow(int x, int n) {
  assert(n >= 0);               // power is non-negative
  assert(!(x == 0 && n == 0));  // 0^0 is indeterminate

  // handle special cases
  if (x == 0) return 0;  // 0^n is always 0
  if (x == 1) return 1;  // 1^n is always 1
  if (n == 0) return 1;  // x^0 is always 1 (when x is not 0)

  // general case
  int result = x;
  for (int i = 1; i < n; ++i) {     // note i = 1 to start
    result *= x;
  return result;

Note the error-checking we do at the start of the function using assert: negative exponents are not allowed, and we’ve also decided that pow(0, 0) is undefined (sometimes it is defined to be 1; mathematicians differ on how to handle it).


assert(b) tests to see if the boolean expression b evaluates to true or to false. If b is true, then assert(b) does nothing and the program continues to the next statement. But if b is false, then assert(b) causes the program to immediately crash with an assertion error.

If x and n pass the assertions, we then handle three special cases:

  • 0^n is always 0.
  • 1^n is always 1.
  • x^0 is always 1.

Finally, we get to the loop that calculates the remaining cases. The variable result is initialized to x, and then multiplied by x n - 1 times.

This code works, and is relatively simple. It might take a few tests to make sure you’ve correctly handled all the cases, but it seems like this is as good as it gets. How else could you calculate a power?

19.2. Faster Exponentiation

basic_pow often does many more multiplications than necessary.

Suppose want to calculate 3^{16} (which is 43046721). basic_pow does exactly 15 multiplications to get the answer.

But we can do it in fewer. Consider:

3^2   // square of the previous value
3^4   // square of the previous value
3^8   // square of the previous value
3^16  // square of the previous value

This approach of repeated squaring only needs 4 (!) multiplications. While there would be no noticeable difference between 4 and 15 multiplications on most computers, if you are raising a number to a very large power then basic_pow can be unusably slow.


An important practical application where large exponents arise is the well- known RSA cryptosystem. RSA routinely calculates expressions like a^{n} \mod m, where n is hundreds of digits long. It turns out that RSA is not practical if these exponents are calculated using basic_pow.

The repeated squaring idea doesn’t work perfectly for all powers. Consider calculating 3^{10} by repeated squaring:


We can’t get 3^{10} just by squaring. One way around this is to go as far as we can with squaring, and then just use regular multiplication, e.g. do 3 squarings to get 3^8, and then 2 more multiplications to get 3^{10}. This works, but for some values it means a lot of extra multiplications, e.g. consider 3^{31}:

3^16  // then 15 more multiplications to get 3^31

This approach requires a total of 18 multiplications: this is better than the 31 that basic_pow would do, but it is still more than is needed.

A more efficient method makes use of the following two facts:

x^{2a}   &= x^a \cdot x^a         \;\;\;\;\;\;  (\textrm{exponent is even}) \\
x^{2a+1} &= x^a \cdot x^a \cdot x \;\;\;\;\;\;  (\textrm{exponent is odd})

So to calculate pow(x, n) when n is even, we just calculate pow(x, n/2) * pow(x, n/2). If n is odd, then pow(x, n) becomes pow(x, n/2) * pow(x, n/2) * x. Since all integers are either even or odd, these are the only two cases we need to consider.

Lets calculate 3^{10} using this approach:

3^{10} &= 3^5 \cdot 3^5 \\
3^5    &= 3^2 \cdot 3^2 \cdot 3 \\
3^2    &= 3^1 \cdot 3^1 \\
3^1    &= 3

We only need 4 multiplications to get 3^{10}. The savings for 3^{31} are even better:

3^{31} &= 3^{15} \cdot  3^{15} \cdot  3 \\
3^{15} &= 3^7 \cdot  3^7 \cdot  3 \\
3^7    &= 3^3 \cdot  3^3 \cdot  3 \\
3^3    &= 3^1 \cdot  3^1 \cdot  3 \\
3^1    &= 3

Thus 3^{31} can be calculated in 8 multiplications — less than half required by our previous method.

The fast_pow function implements this idea:

int fast_pow(int x, int n) {
  assert(n >= 0);               // power is non-negative
  assert(!(x == 0 && n == 0));  // 0^0 is indeterminate

  // handle special cases
  if (x == 0) return 0;  // 0^n is always 0
  if (x == 1) return 1;  // 1^n is always 1
  if (n == 0) return 1;  // x^0 is always 1 (when x is not 0)

  // general case
  int half = fast_pow(x, n / 2); // n / 2 rounds down
  if (n % 2 == 0) {
    return half * half;
  } else {
    return x * half * half;

As with basic_pow we first check for errors and special cases. Then we set half to be the value of pow(x, n/2). This is an example of a recursive call, i.e. fast_pow calls itself.

19.3. An Interesting Pattern

Lets play with fast_pow a bit more. Suppose we want to know which branch of the if-statement is executed, i.e. we want to know when half * half is returned, and when x * half * half is returned. So lets add print statements for each branch:

int fast_pow_print(int x, int n) {
  assert(n >= 0);               // power is non-negative
  assert(!(x == 0 && n == 0));  // 0^0 is indeterminate

  // handle special cases
  if (x == 0) return 0;  // 0^n is always 0
  if (x == 1) return 1;  // 1^n is always 1
  if (n == 0) return 1;  // x^0 is always 1 (when x is not 0)

  // general case
  int half = fast_pow_print(x, n / 2); // n / 2 rounds down
  if (n % 2 == 0) {
    cout << "0";
    return half * half;
  } else {
    cout << "1";
    return x * half * half;

This modified version prints a 0 when half * half is performed, and 1 when x * half * half is performed. When we run this function on a sequence of powers, the results are surprising:

1  2^1 == 2
10  2^2 == 4
11  2^3 == 8
100  2^4 == 16
101  2^5 == 32
110  2^6 == 64
111  2^7 == 128
1000  2^8 == 256
1001  2^9 == 512
1010  2^10 == 1024
1011  2^11 == 2048
1100  2^12 == 4096
1101  2^13 == 8192
1110  2^14 == 16384
1111  2^15 == 32768
10000  2^16 == 65536
10001  2^17 == 131072
10010  2^18 == 262144
10011  2^19 == 524288
10100  2^20 == 1048576

The pattern of bits is the binary value of the exponent! For example, 10001 is printed for 2^{17}, 17 in binary is 10001 = 1 \cdot
2^4 + 0 \cdot 2^3 + 0 \cdot 2^2 + 0 \cdot 2^1 + 1 \cdot 2^0 = 16 + 1 = 17.

So the number of times that half * half is returned is the number of 0s in the binary representation of the exponent; and the number of 1s is the number of times x * half * half is calculated. Altogether, the total number of times both are called is the number of bits in the binary representation of n, which, in general, is \log_2 n.

How many multiplications does pow(x, n) do in general? Well, if half * half were returned each time, then it would do one multiplication for each bit in the binary expansion of n. If, instead, x * half * half were returned each time, then it would do two multiplications for each bit, for a total of 2\log_2 n multiplications. So in general pow(x, n) does somewhere between \log_2 n and 2 \log_2 n multiplications, which is usually much smaller than the n-1 multiplications done by basic_pow(x, n).

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