Below are links to the software that you will need for this course. Follow the link with your operating system's name for the no-fuss (less-fuss?) download.
Required Software
We will be programming with Java programming language in this course. You can download the JDK for free:
- Java JDK 5.0 for Windows. The file you want is the newest version of the "JDK 5.0", then select the "Windows Offline Installation" (the smaller file). You can download the JDK for Linux from this link as well.
In Windows, you have to modify your command search path before you'll be able to run things properly. [One might think the installer would do this. One would be wrong.] Right-click the “My Computer” icon and select Properties → Advanced → Environment Variables. From “System variables”, edit “Path”. To the start of its value, add: (notice the semicolon between that and the next entry)
C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.5.0_03\bin;
(You may have to adjust slightly for the version of the JDK that you have.)
- Java JDK 1.4 for Mac OSX.
- There are various Java IDEs that you could use instead of the command-line tools. Here are some links, with no intended implications about their usefulness:
- JCreator LE (free)
- Eclipse (free, open source)
- BlueJ ($$$)
- Linux users may also want to try to try SableVM, which is an open source implementation of the Java tools. In Debian, you can install everything you need with this command:
apt-get install free-java-sdk
Text Editor
Unless you're using an IDE, you'll need a separate text editor. Any text editor you like will do. One that has syntax highlighting will be nice, but certainly not required. These are some suggestions.
- Crimson Editor for Windows
- TextPad for Windows
- Edit Pad Classic for Windows
- Good Mac text editors?
- NEdit for Unix/Linux
Utility Software
Compression Software
You will probably need some software to compress files for submission.
- In Windows XP, you can simply double-click
files to open them. Instructions are provided for creating
file under XP. - WinZip for Windows
- WinRAR for Windows
- Stuffit Expander for Mac
- Compression/decompression utilities should be available by default on Unix/Linux systems.
Secure File Transfer
You may want to transfer files to and from your account at SFU. You should use a secure file transfer (SCP) program for this.
- SSH Client for Windows
- Fugu for Mac OSX
should be available by default on Unix/Linux systems.