Contact Information
If you have any questions about the course, they should be sent to
The instructor for the D1 section is Greg Baker, Office hours: Wed 3:30–4:30; Fri 2:00–3:00 in ASB 10877.
The TAs will not have office hours, but will supervise the labs at the CSIL lab in the MTF:
- Zhi Hao, zhil @ cs . sfu . ca, office hours Tue 14:30–15:30, Thu 13:30–15:30.
Lab and assignment dues dates can be found on the labs page and the assignments page.
The exams will be:
- Midterm: June 24, in lecture time
- Final: August 10, time and location set by Registrar's office
The marking scheme for the course will be:
- Labs: 10%
- Assignments: 20%
- Midterm Exam: 20%
- Final Exam: 50%
Other Admin
- Course email list archives: 125 archive, 126 archive
- Course Policies and Procedures
- Email Guidelines
- Computing Accounts