CMPT 125/6 Lab 1

This lab is designed primarily to get you used to working with the Java tools.

  1. In the Crimson Editor (or another text editor), create a Java program named that prints the words "Hello world" on the screen. You might want to look at the example code.

    Save this program on your H: drive. Start the “Java Console”. Compile the program with the command javac Then run the program with java ClassName.

  2. Start JCreator LE and create a Java program named that prints the words "Hello world" on the screen. Again, you can work with at the example code.

    Compile and run the program in JCreator.

  3. Write a Java program that determines if a number is even or odd. Name the file

    The program should output either “The number is even” or “The number is odd”, as appropriate. You can use a number that is initialized into an appropriate variable. The % operator in Java is remainder/modulus.

This lab must be completed in the lab and will be marked then by the TA.