CMPT 473: Software Quality Assurance
Spring 2018

Instructor:Nick Sumner
Office:SUR 4146
Venue:Monday - SUR 5360 - 2:30-4:20
Wednesday - SUR 5360 - 2:30-3:20
Office Hours:Wednesday - 4:30-5:30
TA:Shreeasish Kumar
Discussion Forums:On CourSys (Make sure to subscribe)

This course aims to introduce students to different facets and factors of software quality as well as techniques for gauging and improving the quality of software. The official course description can be found in the course outline.


No books must be purchased, however, several books have been made available to you online or via the library, and we will be reading from them.


Subject to change:

Late Policy

Quizzes and exams (all flavors) have hard deadlines and cannot be made up. The worst two quizzes are dropped to accommodate possible schedule conflicts. Assignments may be turned in late, losing 20% of the maximum possible score for each day that they are late.

Academic Honesty Statement

Academic honesty plays a key role in our efforts to maintain a high standard of academic excellence and integrity. Students are advised that ALL acts of intellectual dishonesty will be handled in accordance with the SFU Academic Honesty and Student Conduct Policies (