Current Students:

Boris Shabash, MSc (2011), PhD (In Progress)
MSc Thesis: Improving the Portability and Performance of jViz.RNA, a Dynamic RNA Visualization Software
LinkedIn Profile: Boris Shabash
Former Students:
Wenbo Jiang, MSc (2011)
MSc Thesis: Improving the Search Efficiency of a Covariance Model for RNA Homology Search
LinkedIn Profile: Wenbo Jiang
Nicholas Erho, MSc (2010)

MSc Thesis: RNA Gene Discovery Through the Classification of RNA Secondary Structure Elements
LinkedIn Profile: Nicholas Erho
Andrew Hendriks, MSc (2005), PhD (2010)
PhD Thesis: A Hybrid Evolutionary Algorithm for RNA Secondary Structure Prediction
MSc Thesis: A Parallel Evolutionary Algorithm for RNA Secondaty Structure Prediction
LinkedIn Profile: Andrew Hendriks
Denny Chen Dai, PhD (ABT)
PhD Thesis: Machine Learning Techniques for the RNA Design Problem
LinkedIn Profile: Denny C. Dai
Edward Glen, MSc (2007)

MSc Thesis: jViz.RNA - A Tool for Visual Comparison and Analysis of RNA Secondary Structure
LinkedIn Profile: Edward Glen
Herbert H. Tsang, PhD (2007)

PhD Thesis: SARNA-Predict: A Permuation-Based Simulated Annealing Algorithm fo RNA Secondary Structure Prediction
Postdoctoral Research Project (2007-2009): RNA Secondary Structure Prediction
LinkedIn Profile: Herbert H. Tsang
Jagdeep Poonian, MSc (2007)

MSc Thesis: DPA-RNAPredict: A Dynamic Programming Algorithm for RNA Secondary Structure Prediction
Lenny Tang, MSc (2007)
MSc Thesis: A Three-Dimensional Computational Model for the Growth of Multicellular
Tissues and its Parallel Implementation on a Cluster
(co-supervised by Dr. Belgacem Ben Youssef)
LinkedIn Profile: Lenny Tang
Alain Deschênes, MSc (2005)

MSc Thesis: A Genetic Algorithm for RNA Secondary Structure Prediction Using Stacking Energy Thermodynamic Models
LinkedIn Profile: Alain Deschênes
Kirt Noel, MASc (2005)

MSc Thesis: Examining Stem-Loops as Sequence Signals for Identifying Structural RNA Genes
Anastasia Fedynak, MASc (2004), PhD (2007)

Transfered to PhD program in MBB at SFU