M. Stella Atkins: Professor Emerita of Computing Science, Simon Fraser University


M. Stella Atkins, B.Sc. Chemistry, Nottingham Univ. 1966, M. Phil. Computer Science, Warwick Univ. 1976, Ph.D. Computer Science, University of British Columbia, 1985.

Research Interests:

  • Melanoma analysis (funded by Canadian Health Research Projects, CHRP) . See also Article in Journal of Innovation, June 2012
  • Telehealth, particularly for dermatology.
  • Machine Learning for health applications.

    Former research includes:

  • Eyegaze tracking in surgery applications (funded by the Canadian Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council, NSERC)
  • Low-dose CT image denoising (in collaboration with McKesson Inc.) Also funded by MITACS
  • Diffusion Tensor Imaging (funded by the Canadian Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council, NSERC)
  • Telemedicine and Telepathology projects in Uzbekistan and the Caucasus (funded by NATO Science for Peace)
  • Image Analysis and workflow of stacked MRI and CT images
    See the Article in SFU's alumni magazine AQ, Nov. 2001

  • Publications:

    A list of my publications: Google Scholar and a most-recent first list: Complete List

    Recent Publications:

    Zheng B, Jiang X, Bednarik R, Atkins MS (2021) Action-related eye measures to assess surgical expertise, British Journal of Surgery Open 5(5) zrab068

    M Mohseni, J Yap, W Yolland, A Koochek, S Atkins (2021) Can self-training identify suspicious ugly duckling lesions? Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 1829-1836

    M.Sadeghi, P. Chilana, J. Yap, P. Tschandl and M.S. Atkins.(2020) Using content-based image retrieval of dermoscopic images for interpretation and education: A pilot study. Skin Research and Technology, 26 (4), 503-512

    M.Sadeghi, P. Chilana and M.S. Atkins.(2018) How Users Perceive Content-based Image Retrieval for Identifying Skin Images, Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Interventions � Workshop, MICCAI 2018, Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS 11038, pp 141-148

    Jo�l Claveau, Marie-Pierre Faure, M. S. Atkins, Jos�e Bordeleau, Simon Claveau, Maryam Sadeghi. (2017) Teledermatology and teledermoscopy as tools to help general practitioners in effective e-triage of suspicious skin lesions prior to dermatology evaluation: Presented at the SMR-World Congress of Melanoma, Brisbane

    Featured Highly Cited Publications:

    R. Mandryk and M.S. Atkins. A Fuzzy Physiological Approach for Continuously Modelling Emotion during Interaction with Play Environments. International Journal of Human Computer Studies, 6(4): 329-347, 2007.

    MS Atkins, BT Mackiewich. Fully automatic segmentation of the brain in MRI - IEEE transactions on medical imaging, 17(1), pp. 98-107, 1998

    B. Law, M.S. Atkins, A. Kirkpatrick, A. Lomax and C. L. MacKenzie. Eye Gaze Patterns Differentiate Skill in a Virtual Laparoscopic Training Environment. Proceedings of Eye Tracking Research and Applications, ETRA 2004, pp. 41-47, March 2004.

    M. Sadeghi, T.K. Lee, D. Mclean, H. Lui, and M.S. Atkins. Detection and Analysis of Irregular Streaks in Dermoscopic Images of Skin Lesions IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 32(5):849-861, May 2013.

    P. Wighton, T.K. Lee, H. Lui, D.L. McLean and M.S. Atkins. Generalizing common tasks in automated skin lesion diagnosis. IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine, 15(4):622-629, July 2011.

    M. Sadeghi, M. Razmara, T.K. Lee and M.S. Atkins, �A novel method for detection of pigment network in dermoscopic images using graphs�, Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics Journal, 35(2011): 137-143, May 2011.

    Technology and Science Complex(TASC-I) Building, Room 9237, Simon Fraser University, Simon Fraser University,
    Burnaby, B.C., Canada V5A 1S6.
    Phone: 778-782-4288. FAX: 778-782-3045
    E-mail: stella@cs.sfu.ca