We are grateful especially to Josef Cibulka and Jan Kyncl for providing us with a list of errata in this second printing. Here are some of the more serious problems. (Most of these are also present in the first printing.) Page 27, proof of Lemma 1.36: Any two vertices can be joined by an oriented walk (not path) x_1, x_2, ... Page 74, Proof of Proposition 2.70: The sequence f(s_1), f(s_2), ... (not f(s_1), f(s_1),...) Page 78, Exercise 7 in Section 2.14: G.H has edges (u,v)(u',v') as defined, but with u and u' distinct. Page 88, last line of the proof of Theorem 3.12: This is easily enforced by choosing \ell greater than the odd girth (not girth) of both G and H. Page 94, Theorem 3.24: The random graph G(n,1/2)..., AND