Statistical Relational Learning and Social Network
Simon Fraser University
Summer 2008
Instructor: Oliver Schulte
List of Readings
- Week 1
and 2. Background: Relational Databases, Feature Vector Classification.
Getoor on why relational learning cannot just
"flatten" the relational database into a single table: From Dissertation, Stanford U 2002.
Another introductory discussion of this point appears
in "ILP for Knowledge Discovery in Databases", S. Wrobel, Sections
4.1-4.2, in "Relational Data Mining", Springer2 2001. I can't seem to
find an electronic version of this piece.
Overheads on Relational Models and
- Overheads on decision tree learning.
- Software:
CI Space, Decision Tree Applet or
The AI
Exploratorium. These are applets that allow you to run decision tree
learner and explore datasets. I suggest you play around with at least one
data set to get a feel for the learning algorithms.
- Multi-relational
Classification: Propositionalization and ILP.
- The FOIL ILP system. Overview from Inductive Logic
Programming, Techniques and
Applications, Lavrac and Dzeroski,
1994. The whole book is available at
Software: FOIL .
- Data Mining in Social Networks,
Neville and Jensen. Symposium on Dynamic Social Network Modeling and
Analysis. National Academy of
Sciences. November 7-9, 2002. Washington, DC: National Academy Press.
Software: PROXIMITY.
- Multi-Relational
Data Mining, An Introduction, Dzeroski, SigKDD 2003.
- Multi-relational
Model Building.
- Background:
Bayes Nets. Software: CIspace.
E. Charniak, 1991. "Bayesian
Networks without Tears", AI magazine.
Read through Kevin Murphy's Intro
. Don't worry if you don't understand all the details.
- Learning
Probabilistic Relational Models, Getoor et al., 2001.
- Social
Network Analysis: Introductions and Overview.
- Software:
JUNG-check out the demos, like
the ranking demo. For other software, see
. Pajek is a commonly used tool.
- Intro
on the Web: What
is Social Network Analysis? and Basic
Concepts in Social Network Analysis .
- Introductory
Survey: Different Aspects of Social
Network Analysis, Mohsen Jamali and Hassan Abolhassani, IEEE/WIC/ACM
conference on Web Intelligence 2006. Official Link is
- Computational
Introduction to Basic Concepts: Introduction
to the Formal Analysis of Social Networks Using Mathematica, Luis
Izquierdo and Robert Hanneman, Wolfram Library Archive.
- Introduction
to Complex Networks: M. E. J. Newman, The structure and function of
complex networks, SIAM Reviews, 45(2): 167-256, 2003 Newman.pdf
. Let's read Sections I,II and III and Section VII, pages 30-35
(total 26 pages).
- Current
Research in Network Analysis and Data Mining in Networks
- D. Kempe, J.
Kleinberg, E. Tardos, Maximizing the spread of influence through a social
network, KDD'03.
- J. Kleinberg. The
small-world phenomenon: An algorithmic perspective. Proc. 32nd ACM
Symposium on Theory of Computing, 2000. Also appears as Cornell Computer
Science Technical Report 99-1776 (October 1999). I highly recommend that
you watch at least part of his invited talk on SNA at
- Link
Mining – a survey. Getoor and Diehl, SIGKDD 2005.
- G.W.
Flake, S. Lawrence, and C.L. Giles. Efficient
identification of web communities. Proc. of the 6th International
Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD), 2000.
As a further reference (optional for this course), a more rigorous
follow-up paper by Flake is available on-line:
Clustering and Minimum Cut Trees, Internet Mathematics Vol. 1, No. 4:
385-40. Gary William Flake, Robert E. Tarjan, and Kostas
Tsioutsiouliklis, 2004.
- General
SR Framework: Markov
Logic Networks: A Unifying Framework for SR learning. Software: ALCHEMY.