Final choice of words: polish 39.22 poison 55.81 pocket 59.42 come Inf give Inf keep Inf make Inf seem Inf take Inf have Inf

Final choice of words: past 32.18 paste 38.10 part 42.71 paint 51.43 parcel 51.75 come Inf give Inf keep Inf make Inf seem Inf

Final choice of words: part 20.69 pain 25.86 cart 26.45 past 29.85 paint 30.44 start 34.11 print 35.81 point 36.18 heart 40.93 paste 41.12

Final choice of words: when 25.37 then 32.87 where 35.50 linen 40.59 sudden 46.74 come Inf give Inf keep Inf make Inf seem Inf

Final choice of words: much 11.89 touch 25.35 such 25.38 muscle 46.53 come Inf give Inf keep Inf make Inf seem Inf take Inf

Final choice of words: seed 11.02 need 17.77 tired 32.37 come Inf give Inf keep Inf make Inf seem Inf take Inf have Inf

Final choice of words: soap 62.32 paper 74.41 happy 78.98 come Inf give Inf keep Inf make Inf seem Inf take Inf have Inf

Final choice of words: glove 48.78 love 53.07 over 59.73 move 59.83 come Inf give Inf keep Inf make Inf seem Inf take Inf

Final choice of words: sticky 46.95 stick 48.91 brick 59.00 stitch 67.47 come Inf give Inf keep Inf make Inf seem Inf take Inf

Final choice of words: soap 37.48 come Inf give Inf keep Inf make Inf seem Inf take Inf have Inf send Inf will Inf

Final choice of words: profit 11.76 come Inf give Inf keep Inf make Inf seem Inf take Inf have Inf send Inf will Inf

Final choice of words: bent 23.81 bell 33.18 bone 34.68 berry 37.22 book 39.31 basin 46.17 before 50.41 belief 51.18 bottle 51.54 basket 54.81

Final choice of words: collar 39.55 roll 48.78 cold 50.31 color 53.87 cork 55.40 polish 57.73 come Inf give Inf keep Inf make Inf

Final choice of words: where 11.76 here 14.64 there 17.13 when 18.31 while 24.92 wheel 31.11 square 37.68 come Inf give Inf keep Inf

Final choice of words: weight 15.02 tight 18.51 right 19.00 fight 20.91 night 21.84 light 22.53 bright 23.59 flight 27.57 come Inf give Inf

Final choice of words: again 30.64 stage 48.02 come Inf give Inf keep Inf make Inf seem Inf take Inf have Inf send Inf

Final choice of words: weight 38.35 tight 47.31 right 47.88 flight 54.94 come Inf give Inf keep Inf make Inf seem Inf take Inf

Final choice of words: boat 47.68 berry 50.81 bent 53.21 bread 53.80 heat 54.38 brain 56.57 breath 58.21 branch 64.52 before 65.70 bottle 66.54

Final choice of words: small 30.82 come Inf give Inf keep Inf make Inf seem Inf take Inf have Inf send Inf will Inf

Final choice of words: profit 37.70 unit 47.59 fruit 52.67 come Inf give Inf keep Inf make Inf seem Inf take Inf have Inf

Final choice of words: sound 44.41 round 49.61 soup 51.94 south 53.53 wound 55.40 pump 56.49 solid 57.86 soft 59.44 come Inf give Inf

Final choice of words: chin 17.75 thin 20.82 turn 27.39 skin 28.71 join 31.02 cork 35.20 chief 37.44 cough 41.31 church 43.80 collar 49.54

Final choice of words: flag 84.17 than 85.23 black 88.48 thing 89.00 bright 90.05 blade 90.07 button 92.18 finger 92.48 south 92.94 tongue 93.45

Final choice of words: body 37.76 boot 40.75 bone 43.40 book 44.58 boat 45.63 brush 53.29 bottle 59.84 brown 61.37 before 65.46 button 66.39

Final choice of words: salt 29.30 sail 37.74 come Inf give Inf keep Inf make Inf seem Inf take Inf have Inf send Inf

Final choice of words: birth 14.79 bird 21.34 bite 28.05 bitter 29.25 earth 29.28 brush 31.14 branch 43.55 come Inf give Inf keep Inf

Final choice of words: print 72.31 profit 73.27 porter 76.44 paint 76.90 night 78.38 potato 79.18 pencil 81.15 minute 82.17 reward 83.91 parcel 89.14

Final choice of words: false 10.00 fall 20.55 noise 26.50 come Inf give Inf keep Inf make Inf seem Inf take Inf have Inf

Final choice of words: sleep 74.02 sheep 77.15 sweet 79.06 steel 79.24 keep 80.03 street 80.57 green 82.76 deep 82.85 sneeze 83.52 come Inf

Final choice of words: square 12.85 come Inf give Inf keep Inf make Inf seem Inf take Inf have Inf send Inf will Inf

Final choice of words: canvas 60.09 come Inf give Inf keep Inf make Inf seem Inf take Inf have Inf send Inf will Inf

Final choice of words: mine 26.62 wine 31.41 line 36.57 mind 37.15 engine 45.45 come Inf give Inf keep Inf make Inf seem Inf

Final choice of words: safe 13.40 care 22.72 same 27.92 square 54.93 come Inf give Inf keep Inf make Inf seem Inf take Inf

Final choice of words: sock 56.68 cork 59.27 fork 61.28 dark 62.05 neck 62.06 mark 63.80 work 64.74 crack 66.02 shock 70.45 black 72.72

Final choice of words: degree 33.21 dead 53.15 come Inf give Inf keep Inf make Inf seem Inf take Inf have Inf send Inf

Final choice of words: bell 16.85 ball 22.68 well 25.68 smell 37.26 belief 41.80 come Inf give Inf keep Inf make Inf seem Inf

Final choice of words: color 80.13 gold 80.57 cold 80.98 cord 81.35 cork 83.70 cough 86.03 copy 86.17 poison 87.15 collar 87.28 copper 88.07

Final choice of words: expert 82.63 pencil 89.03 paper 89.56 owner 89.81 person 90.94 berry 91.12 come Inf give Inf keep Inf make Inf

Final choice of words: front 74.74 bright 77.76 drink 78.10 fold 80.89 rule 86.20 circle 89.70 dirty 93.71 expert 94.00 unit 94.07 cord 94.52

Final choice of words: parcel 27.64 part 30.11 pain 37.87 paint 41.77 page 44.60 come Inf give Inf keep Inf make Inf seem Inf

Final choice of words: degree 81.84 green 83.21 free 85.10 regret 86.62 street 86.65 debt 87.28 feeble 88.81 danger 91.13 paint 93.31 winter 93.79

Final choice of words: waste 47.80 wash 49.63 paste 53.62 taste 54.97 come Inf give Inf keep Inf make Inf seem Inf take Inf

Final choice of words: after 11.88 letter 24.49 porter 29.84 bitter 30.45 water 31.85 butter 33.14 sister 35.30 winter 35.73 come Inf give Inf

Final choice of words: army 32.99 come Inf give Inf keep Inf make Inf seem Inf take Inf have Inf send Inf will Inf

Final choice of words: moon 13.50 spoon 32.73 month 33.34 smooth 40.50 money 40.51 motion 41.19 mother 42.71 come Inf give Inf keep Inf

Final choice of words: brain 42.09 rain 45.33 train 45.37 drain 45.49 grain 45.80 branch 48.20 brake 53.18 orange 53.86 brass 55.24 come Inf

Final choice of words: news 45.31 come Inf give Inf keep Inf make Inf seem Inf take Inf have Inf send Inf will Inf

Final choice of words: silver 19.08 silk 34.85 come Inf give Inf keep Inf make Inf seem Inf take Inf have Inf send Inf

Final choice of words: rain 33.17 train 35.12 grain 36.69 brain 37.80 drain 38.62 paint 42.74 come Inf give Inf keep Inf make Inf

Final choice of words: stiff 51.94 dress 62.35 come Inf give Inf keep Inf make Inf seem Inf take Inf have Inf send Inf

Final choice of words: horse 24.37 house 26.05 noise 26.07 horn 32.88 hole 33.58 hour 34.19 loose 34.75 base 37.53 hope 38.26 sense 41.99

Final choice of words: store 75.92 before 76.35 free 77.93 degree 77.99 square 80.08 knife 81.83 three 82.00 sneeze 82.41 offer 82.58 effect 87.34

Final choice of words: shirt 38.52 ship 40.46 shut 45.43 short 45.56 stiff 48.53 shock 51.96 shoe 52.59 still 52.60 come Inf give Inf

Final choice of words: this 36.42 thin 44.43 thick 46.60 throat 56.16 come Inf give Inf keep Inf make Inf seem Inf take Inf

Final choice of words: slip 50.90 step 52.51 ship 55.39 keep 61.63 help 62.67 whip 67.52 sleep 67.92 sharp 68.27 sheep 69.39 cheap 71.65

Final choice of words: east 76.55 sail 76.65 safe 77.91 false 79.69 cart 80.36 early 82.29 self 82.30 brake 82.35 earth 83.67 trade 85.10

Final choice of words: knot 44.64 horn 57.18 note 57.59 boot 57.63 north 60.34 motion 63.33 though 66.52 normal 67.06 potato 68.20 come Inf

Final choice of words: neck 13.97 come Inf give Inf keep Inf make Inf seem Inf take Inf have Inf send Inf will Inf

Final choice of words: woman 23.03 word 33.91 wood 35.21 work 35.29 worm 36.22 come Inf give Inf keep Inf make Inf seem Inf

Final choice of words: smell 16.36 small 22.46 well 23.15 bell 23.44 roll 29.93 wall 30.90 ball 31.70 tall 32.41 fall 34.02 come Inf

Final choice of words: round 30.17 wound 36.44 root 37.67 rough 38.12 room 38.15 mind 38.64 wind 38.67 roof 39.04 hand 40.91 blood 44.64

Final choice of words: print 66.92 group 68.11 grip 69.24 profit 69.82 bright 72.57 price 72.68 growth 73.11 orange 74.91 spring 75.07 bridge 76.68

Final choice of words: same 58.62 safe 60.38 base 62.36 verse 62.41 some 63.67 sense 65.39 cheese 67.96 please 70.56 prose 73.59 horse 75.75

Final choice of words: right 13.21 fight 15.07 tight 15.39 light 17.41 night 17.92 bright 20.39 flight 23.38 weight 29.31 come Inf give Inf

Final choice of words: adjust 38.82 come Inf give Inf keep Inf make Inf seem Inf take Inf have Inf send Inf will Inf

Final choice of words: jewel 20.06 level 27.12 come Inf give Inf keep Inf make Inf seem Inf take Inf have Inf send Inf

Final choice of words: bell 15.27 ball 21.07 tall 26.72 well 27.20 smell 40.98 come Inf give Inf keep Inf make Inf seem Inf

Final choice of words: pocket 73.94 ticket 78.34 bucket 78.57 basket 79.15 cake 80.18 market 82.33 broken 82.49 like 83.20 make 84.41 kettle 88.60

Final choice of words: green 12.13 great 18.16 grass 27.32 street 28.45 degree 41.26 come Inf give Inf keep Inf make Inf seem Inf

Final choice of words: mother 29.33 other 33.69 then 39.78 motion 40.55 moon 40.66 father 40.74 monkey 44.87 smooth 45.72 month 47.00 theory 49.07

Final choice of words: mine 69.70 wine 72.78 wide 73.77 line 74.94 guide 75.28 mind 76.39 engine 79.91 mother 80.46 come Inf give Inf

Final choice of words: rice 79.19 price 83.72 office 86.33 force 88.51 voice 89.66 trick 89.83 parcel 91.12 come Inf give Inf keep Inf

Final choice of words: loss 42.37 across 54.88 come Inf give Inf keep Inf make Inf seem Inf take Inf have Inf send Inf

Final choice of words: tail 13.80 rail 16.72 tall 17.56 nail 21.30 sail 22.13 till 23.59 wall 30.15 detail 46.97 pencil 56.65 come Inf

Final choice of words: bird 84.78 stiff 88.73 foot 88.99 profit 90.52 roof 90.88 print 90.93 poor 91.28 harbor 92.55 point 94.92 brain 96.08

Final choice of words: porter 15.69 point 24.84 bitter 26.09 butter 26.11 powder 26.33 after 26.94 poor 28.22 poison 31.35 water 31.68 potato 34.45

Final choice of words: spring 70.87 sort 76.29 spoon 76.33 soft 77.25 sponge 81.43 space 82.14 spade 82.82 orange 85.17 danger 90.94 come Inf

Final choice of words: desire 27.68 design 37.55 deep 39.21 come Inf give Inf keep Inf make Inf seem Inf take Inf have Inf

Final choice of words: screw 80.67 fish 84.03 secret 85.12 sense 87.37 feeble 87.40 desire 87.51 muscle 87.65 future 88.61 pocket 89.15 bucket 90.08

Final choice of words: space 40.87 spade 41.86 spoon 52.55 spring 59.76 sponge 64.10 come Inf give Inf keep Inf make Inf seem Inf

Final choice of words: bent 43.52 then 50.79 pencil 50.90 come Inf give Inf keep Inf make Inf seem Inf take Inf have Inf

Final choice of words: letter 37.01 level 53.67 come Inf give Inf keep Inf make Inf seem Inf take Inf have Inf send Inf

Final choice of words: glass 13.73 grass 20.30 brass 25.68 kiss 28.42 mass 28.59 come Inf give Inf keep Inf make Inf seem Inf

Final choice of words: sugar 16.17 come Inf give Inf keep Inf make Inf seem Inf take Inf have Inf send Inf will Inf

Final choice of words: fear 13.90 near 19.79 year 20.71 dear 21.65 heat 23.97 read 24.38 clear 24.82 great 31.92 ready 34.47 come Inf

Final choice of words: every 44.24 ever 46.18 even 49.34 event 52.85 come Inf give Inf keep Inf make Inf seem Inf take Inf

Final choice of words: muscle 34.39 music 47.20 come Inf give Inf keep Inf make Inf seem Inf take Inf have Inf send Inf

Final choice of words: right 47.30 tight 48.82 fight 50.29 night 51.98 light 53.33 bright 53.46 high 56.58 flight 57.52 weight 60.02 come Inf

Final choice of words: rate 16.43 late 23.11 face 24.55 hate 25.02 rain 27.23 rail 29.82 plate 35.21 come Inf give Inf keep Inf

Final choice of words: butter 44.11 bitter 50.46 porter 55.27 water 57.09 after 57.78 sister 58.61 letter 62.04 come Inf give Inf keep Inf

Final choice of words: sail 18.02 salt 25.32 come Inf give Inf keep Inf make Inf seem Inf take Inf have Inf send Inf

Final choice of words: summer 43.85 such 44.06 sugar 51.70 come Inf give Inf keep Inf make Inf seem Inf take Inf have Inf

Final choice of words: snake 44.19 shake 47.23 come Inf give Inf keep Inf make Inf seem Inf take Inf have Inf send Inf

Final choice of words: wheel 9.85 where 27.35 come Inf give Inf keep Inf make Inf seem Inf take Inf have Inf send Inf

Final choice of words: sheep 17.57 sleep 21.45 keep 24.39 deep 26.93 need 28.78 steel 31.99 shelf 33.50 sneeze 34.54 shade 39.49 shame 47.64

Final choice of words: glove 17.59 glass 33.73 growth 35.90 come Inf give Inf keep Inf make Inf seem Inf take Inf have Inf

Final choice of words: poison 38.54 prison 46.49 come Inf give Inf keep Inf make Inf seem Inf take Inf have Inf send Inf

Final choice of words: tooth 43.45 boot 44.78 foot 47.22 poor 48.84 roof 49.54 hook 49.59 door 49.66 cook 49.87 food 51.38 come Inf

Final choice of words: bucket 38.70 come Inf give Inf keep Inf make Inf seem Inf take Inf have Inf send Inf will Inf

Final choice of words: wood 34.88 wool 37.51 word 38.23 west 40.65 work 42.76 worm 46.77 week 48.10 wound 52.87 woman 58.77 come Inf

Final choice of words: great 10.82 seat 18.74 heat 22.77 street 25.68 come Inf give Inf keep Inf make Inf seem Inf take Inf

Final choice of words: sort 34.33 soft 35.87 soup 44.59 screw 45.31 school 46.10 solid 46.31 soap 47.62 scale 49.03 sound 49.24 sticky 53.46

Final choice of words: sudden 20.77 such 26.69 side 33.13 snow 35.11 sugar 35.36 store 35.85 summer 38.88 come Inf give Inf keep Inf

Final choice of words: wind 12.33 mind 18.02 kind 20.23 wine 21.58 wood 24.77 hand 26.08 land 28.67 window 37.14 winter 40.20 second 51.80

Final choice of words: step 22.26 stem 27.76 steel 32.10 steam 40.36 stamp 51.20 strong 58.58 come Inf give Inf keep Inf make Inf

Final choice of words: credit 31.88 fruit 41.07 profit 41.40 unit 41.97 come Inf give Inf keep Inf make Inf seem Inf take Inf

Final choice of words: seed 93.39 need 94.54 wheel 95.33 green 95.43 vessel 95.45 street 95.79 sneeze 97.27 seem 97.32 reason 100.00 cheese 100.00

Final choice of words: design 22.82 desire 32.69 come Inf give Inf keep Inf make Inf seem Inf take Inf have Inf send Inf

Final choice of words: free 53.87 first 54.94 test 58.79 fire 59.12 rest 59.32 fish 60.91 fixed 63.46 field 64.51 friend 68.73 from 69.15

Final choice of words: push 38.20 come Inf give Inf keep Inf make Inf seem Inf take Inf have Inf send Inf will Inf

Final choice of words: seem 87.77 green 93.13 profit 93.61 thing 94.08 system 94.65 point 95.04 round 95.32 throat 95.70 spring 96.62 debt 99.02

Final choice of words: cord 17.89 card 22.20 cork 25.25 cold 26.27 word 28.10 hard 29.34 coal 32.08 board 33.96 record 36.87 reward 49.82

Final choice of words: sound 9.84 round 13.13 wound 16.90 soup 16.90 south 18.82 solid 19.80 mind 22.21 song 24.60 sort 27.05 soft 28.73

Final choice of words: scale 73.95 care 79.03 cake 79.91 space 81.03 snake 81.04 take 81.22 spade 81.69 male 82.60 female 85.20 sleep 89.87

Final choice of words: stiff 58.37 offer 65.18 effect 70.95 chief 72.05 knife 73.32 come Inf give Inf keep Inf make Inf seem Inf

Final choice of words: wind 15.83 mind 18.72 kind 23.74 bird 24.42 hand 29.26 round 32.17 sound 34.73 window 40.08 winter 42.65 island 50.10

Final choice of words: cloth 17.01 clock 20.01 cloud 22.26 come Inf give Inf keep Inf make Inf seem Inf take Inf have Inf

Final choice of words: screw 37.84 come Inf give Inf keep Inf make Inf seem Inf take Inf have Inf send Inf will Inf

Final choice of words: garden 29.45 come Inf give Inf keep Inf make Inf seem Inf take Inf have Inf send Inf will Inf

Final choice of words: west 92.31 chest 94.72 design 95.93 tight 96.61 button 96.85 fight 97.32 doubt 97.46 future 98.18 thumb 98.36 month 98.44

Final choice of words: judge 85.37 bridge 87.84 touch 90.05 rough 90.06 cough 90.30 much 92.16 wing 92.18 sudden 92.31 finger 92.35 number 93.16

Final choice of words: goat 40.82 coat 46.55 come Inf give Inf keep Inf make Inf seem Inf take Inf have Inf send Inf

Final choice of words: animal 11.93 normal 27.27 angry 37.78 come Inf give Inf keep Inf make Inf seem Inf take Inf have Inf

Final choice of words: warm 24.90 farm 29.07 army 34.43 hard 38.55 come Inf give Inf keep Inf make Inf seem Inf take Inf

Final choice of words: join 21.53 pain 32.92 rain 33.52 thin 34.88 chin 37.56 burn 40.16 chain 42.45 come Inf give Inf keep Inf

Final choice of words: turn 12.08 burn 16.89 horn 23.63 than 27.18 come Inf give Inf keep Inf make Inf seem Inf take Inf

Final choice of words: school 87.40 hook 89.21 moon 91.23 shock 91.85 smooth 92.45 window 93.94 doubt 94.02 floor 94.32 middle 95.72 sudden 98.78

Final choice of words: white 43.35 while 48.76 whip 48.85 quite 53.01 come Inf give Inf keep Inf make Inf seem Inf take Inf

Final choice of words: keep 16.58 deep 26.22 sleep 26.55 sheep 27.87 come Inf give Inf make Inf seem Inf take Inf have Inf

Final choice of words: basin 33.64 basket 52.94 come Inf give Inf keep Inf make Inf seem Inf take Inf have Inf send Inf

Final choice of words: tooth 17.15 bath 27.08 north 28.38 earth 31.72 birth 32.16 month 35.14 smooth 38.79 come Inf give Inf keep Inf

Final choice of words: face 27.99 fact 37.04 place 41.60 space 42.67 peace 46.15 come Inf give Inf keep Inf make Inf seem Inf

Final choice of words: range 22.36 orange 29.40 change 34.01 edge 34.02 judge 35.46 bridge 36.43 page 37.63 stage 38.70 sponge 39.42 rice 41.81

Final choice of words: tight 38.46 right 40.19 fight 40.85 night 41.95 light 43.16 bright 45.57 flight 47.32 weight 48.45 come Inf give Inf

Final choice of words: nail 36.28 rail 41.95 hair 42.84 tail 42.89 sail 46.91 detail 53.19 come Inf give Inf keep Inf make Inf

Final choice of words: seem 21.40 stem 29.48 come Inf give Inf keep Inf make Inf take Inf have Inf send Inf will Inf

Final choice of words: female 17.09 male 21.47 scale 27.60 feeble 35.54 circle 36.61 come Inf give Inf keep Inf make Inf seem Inf

Final choice of words: public 32.49 come Inf give Inf keep Inf make Inf seem Inf take Inf have Inf send Inf will Inf

Final choice of words: potato 34.05 point 47.07 power 49.86 poison 50.73 porter 54.68 polish 57.19 powder 59.47 pocket 61.19 come Inf give Inf

Final choice of words: idea 15.03 come Inf give Inf keep Inf make Inf seem Inf take Inf have Inf send Inf will Inf

Final choice of words: snake 12.98 shake 16.33 take 20.83 scale 21.83 brake 24.42 awake 25.81 make 26.01 shade 28.49 spade 31.27 sneeze 43.18

Final choice of words: flower 43.62 come Inf give Inf keep Inf make Inf seem Inf take Inf have Inf send Inf will Inf

Final choice of words: narrow 16.31 come Inf give Inf keep Inf make Inf seem Inf take Inf have Inf send Inf will Inf

Final choice of words: till 11.72 still 12.35 tall 22.22 will 23.42 come Inf give Inf keep Inf make Inf seem Inf take Inf

Final choice of words: hope 26.95 nose 32.08 note 34.40 hole 36.90 hour 37.51 horn 38.50 horse 41.04 hook 41.35 house 44.71 noise 48.08

Final choice of words: glass 78.52 grass 82.83 please 87.79 vessel 89.01 come Inf give Inf keep Inf make Inf seem Inf take Inf

Final choice of words: lock 26.78 clock 28.66 kick 38.07 shock 38.10 black 38.16 thick 39.07 trick 40.15 quick 42.22 crack 43.41 stick 46.49

Final choice of words: hand 19.91 hard 24.64 nail 25.58 bank 26.94 hair 28.21 name 34.08 hate 36.78 hammer 47.85 harbor 48.31 narrow 50.76

Final choice of words: face 46.47 come Inf give Inf keep Inf make Inf seem Inf take Inf have Inf send Inf will Inf

Final choice of words: fear 15.54 dear 21.88 near 22.44 leaf 23.41 year 23.98 clear 25.50 female 52.02 feeble 52.64 come Inf give Inf

Final choice of words: copper 32.09 come Inf give Inf keep Inf make Inf seem Inf take Inf have Inf send Inf will Inf

Final choice of words: debt 37.56 death 55.62 dark 58.11 detail 58.35 degree 61.98 come Inf give Inf keep Inf make Inf seem Inf

Final choice of words: shoe 15.56 shock 26.23 short 29.08 chance 47.91 come Inf give Inf keep Inf make Inf seem Inf take Inf

Final choice of words: paint 21.94 print 23.92 pain 24.68 point 25.23 rain 28.00 lift 32.14 shirt 33.08 stiff 33.63 fruit 37.86 drain 38.29

Final choice of words: butter 11.56 bitter 14.88 button 19.26 bucket 22.59 porter 23.10 after 25.65 winter 25.94 letter 26.96 bulb 27.62 burst 29.36

Final choice of words: roll 13.20 till 20.12 full 21.48 tall 22.45 fall 22.85 bell 27.68 will 27.90 still 33.70 small 43.42 pencil 52.41

Final choice of words: blood 23.76 food 32.09 wood 33.23 floor 35.23 come Inf give Inf keep Inf make Inf seem Inf take Inf

Final choice of words: story 15.62 stop 25.52 store 26.26 step 30.99 stone 33.25 steel 35.48 theory 37.41 sticky 43.36 strong 44.73 street 46.79

Final choice of words: doubt 14.47 down 29.69 come Inf give Inf keep Inf make Inf seem Inf take Inf have Inf send Inf

Final choice of words: meat 14.17 heat 18.88 meal 18.97 near 22.63 heart 29.32 come Inf give Inf keep Inf make Inf seem Inf

Final choice of words: offer 14.20 order 25.07 letter 32.00 winter 34.41 sister 38.35 come Inf give Inf keep Inf make Inf seem Inf

Final choice of words: clean 11.06 clear 13.65 lead 21.94 cheap 23.69 cloth 23.77 clock 26.38 come Inf give Inf keep Inf make Inf

Final choice of words: memory 12.38 story 26.95 come Inf give Inf keep Inf make Inf seem Inf take Inf have Inf send Inf

Final choice of words: like 20.83 line 31.93 list 37.69 linen 43.21 little 56.75 light 59.07 liquid 65.22 come Inf give Inf keep Inf

Final choice of words: wrong 38.02 long 44.36 strong 45.36 song 47.02 front 51.28 tongue 51.63 among 54.35 second 59.42 come Inf give Inf

Final choice of words: jump 36.96 pump 43.27 come Inf give Inf keep Inf make Inf seem Inf take Inf have Inf send Inf

Final choice of words: amount 21.46 among 29.39 arch 30.61 about 31.84 angry 33.81 enough 33.92 angle 37.45 come Inf give Inf keep Inf

Final choice of words: regret 38.34 degree 48.67 come Inf give Inf keep Inf make Inf seem Inf take Inf have Inf send Inf

Final choice of words: free 14.47 rice 24.51 face 25.24 three 26.93 base 28.79 horse 34.36 verse 35.51 place 42.08 degree 47.46 please 54.33

Final choice of words: crush 44.70 brush 50.12 cruel 50.91 push 54.73 fish 57.38 come Inf give Inf keep Inf make Inf seem Inf

Final choice of words: roof 85.37 tight 87.26 star 89.39 self 90.56 weight 90.95 till 91.96 collar 92.88 full 93.46 metal 94.30 school 95.25

Final choice of words: dress 47.97 brass 51.83 kiss 52.71 mass 55.74 glass 58.09 come Inf give Inf keep Inf make Inf seem Inf

Final choice of words: door 25.32 poor 31.53 roof 35.41 boot 35.61 floor 37.04 harbor 45.45 come Inf give Inf keep Inf make Inf

Final choice of words: male 41.17 female 51.96 small 52.61 animal 61.87 normal 62.65 come Inf give Inf keep Inf make Inf seem Inf

Final choice of words: black 90.72 clock 93.38 spring 95.85 bright 95.93 debt 96.86 harbor 96.90 right 96.98 branch 97.33 middle 97.36 bridge 97.44

Final choice of words: please 47.03 place 47.47 plate 49.22 play 54.39 plane 55.36 push 57.48 plant 59.56 come Inf give Inf keep Inf

Final choice of words: flag 11.50 flat 16.36 come Inf give Inf keep Inf make Inf seem Inf take Inf have Inf send Inf

Final choice of words: fact 13.27 effect 43.93 come Inf give Inf keep Inf make Inf seem Inf take Inf have Inf send Inf

Final choice of words: nose 32.96 loose 42.10 prose 43.81 house 50.26 come Inf give Inf keep Inf make Inf seem Inf take Inf

Final choice of words: taste 32.82 waste 36.44 paste 36.49 last 42.04 hate 47.12 late 47.18 note 49.01 come Inf give Inf keep Inf

Final choice of words: snake 17.76 shake 20.50 make 25.08 smoke 25.14 take 26.47 shade 30.59 space 31.41 spade 34.07 come Inf give Inf

Final choice of words: cold 12.19 gold 17.29 fold 18.93 color 20.11 cord 20.83 cork 29.33 cough 34.40 collar 38.05 cotton 45.30 come Inf

Final choice of words: attack 40.16 after 42.47 acid 48.34 animal 62.39 answer 62.43 come Inf give Inf keep Inf make Inf seem Inf

Final choice of words: crush 9.47 brush 13.87 cruel 19.37 push 20.22 fish 21.70 smash 31.72 come Inf give Inf keep Inf make Inf

Final choice of words: canvas 42.52 come Inf give Inf keep Inf make Inf seem Inf take Inf have Inf send Inf will Inf

Final choice of words: shame 10.65 name 15.00 shade 17.69 shake 19.67 flame 20.04 frame 22.51 snake 23.54 sharp 23.99 come Inf give Inf

Final choice of words: book 15.61 boot 18.45 hook 18.88 cook 20.60 look 22.19 boat 24.49 bone 24.86 body 26.40 board 38.13 bottle 45.23

Final choice of words: wound 20.15 round 26.49 worm 31.22 work 32.72 word 33.31 wood 35.25 woman 36.29 come Inf give Inf keep Inf

Final choice of words: nation 11.30 motion 19.80 iron 22.46 cotton 25.29 button 26.23 come Inf give Inf keep Inf make Inf seem Inf

Final choice of words: fire 16.19 first 24.25 rice 25.56 wire 26.77 care 30.81 face 31.63 fixed 33.50 store 38.03 future 46.34 desire 52.43

Final choice of words: good 36.96 food 44.90 wood 46.74 root 50.67 blood 52.02 come Inf give Inf keep Inf make Inf seem Inf