CMPT882, Summer 2009: Paper presentations

Date Presenter Topic Paper
June 10 Maryam Shape / Deformable template matching Alexander C. Berg, Tamara L. Berg, Jitendra Malik, Shape Matching and Object Recognition using Low Distortion Correspondence, IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 2005
June 10 Yue Shape / Deformable template matching V. Ferrari, L. Fevrier, F. Jurie, and C. Schmid, Groups of Adjacent Contour Segments for Object Detection, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, (January 2008)
June 17 Hengameh Shape / Deformable template matching R. Zass and A. Shashua. Probabilistic Graph and Hypergraph Matching. Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), June 2008,
June 17 Janki Shape / Deformable template matching H. Ling and D.W. Jacobs, Using the Inner-Distance for Classification of Articulated Shapes, IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2005.
June 22 Zahid Faces A. B. Ashraf, S. Lucey, T. Chen, Learning patch correspondences for improved viewpoint invariant face recognition, IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 2008.
June 22 Pante a Faces Eric Nowak and Frederic Jurie, Learning Visual Similarity Measures for Comparing Never Seen Objects, CVPR 2007
June 24 Calvin Recognition using local features K. Grauman and T. Darrell. The Pyramid Match Kernel: Discriminative Classification with Sets of Image Features, ICCV 2005
June 29 Ferdinand Action recognition E. Shechtman and M. Irani, Matching Local Self-Similarities across Images and Videos. IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), June 2007.
June 29 Weilong Faces Boosted Multi-Task Learning for Face Verification with Application to Web Image and Video Search, CVPR2009 by Xiaogang Wang et al. Illumination Invariant Face Recognition using Near-Infrared Images PAMI 2007 by Stan Z. Li et al.
July 8 Tian Detecting human figures Felzenszwalb, P., McAllester, D. and Ramanan, D. "A Discriminatively Trained, Multiscale, Deformable Part Model" Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) Anchorage, Alaska, June 2008.
July 8 Bahman Detecting Human Figures J.C. Niebles, B. Han, A. Ferencz and L. Fei-Fei. Extracting Moving People from Internet Videos. European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV) 2008
July 15 Ali Human pose estimation P. Srinivasan and J. Shi, "Bottom-up Recognition and Parsing of the Human Body", Proceedings of the Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 2007
July 15 Hamid Reza Human pose estimation Balan, A. and Black, M. J., The naked truth: Estimating body shape under clothing, European Conf. on Computer Vision, ECCV, LNCS Vol. 5303, pp. 15-29, Marseilles, France, Oct. 2008.
July 20 Mohammad Recognition using local features L. Fei-Fei, R. Fergus, and P. Perona. A Bayesian approach to unsupervised One-Shot learning of Object categories. IEEE Inter. Conf. Computer Vision. 2003.
July 22 Daniel Context, scenes and locations TBA
July 22 Paul Context, scenes and locations Xuming He, Richard Zemel, and Miguel Carreira-Perpinan. "Multiscale conditional random fields for image labelling." IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2004.

For each topic, I will present important papers describing methods for attacking the problems. Each student will present a recent research paper on one of these topics. The above table contains the list of papers chosen. A list of recommended papers, organized by topic, is below. (This list is not exhaustive, if you would like to present a different paper, please do ask.)

Shape / Deformable template matching:


Recognition using local features:

Action recognition:

Detecting human figures:

Human pose estimation:

Context, scenes and locations:

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