@TechReport{U-SFraser-CMPT-TR:2006-24, number = "TR 2006-24", author = "David Mitchell and Eugenia Ternovska and Faraz Hach and Raheleh Mohebali", title = "Model Expansion as a Framework for Modelling and Solving Search Problems", month = "December", year = "2006", org = "SFU-CMPT", institution = SFU_CS_School, pages = "1-42", abstract = " We propose a framework for modelling and solving search problems using logic, and describe a project whose goal is to produce practically effective, general purpose tools for representing and solving search problems based on this framework. The mathematical foundation lies in the areas of finite model theory and descriptive complexity, which provide us with many classical results, as well as powerful techniques, not available to many other approaches with similar goals. We describe the mathematical foundations; explain an extension to classical logic with inductive definitions that we consider central; give a summary of complexity and expressiveness properties; describe an approach to implementing solvers based on grounding; present grounding algorithms based on an extension of the relational algebra; describe an implementation of our framework which includes use of inductive definitions, sorts and order; and give experimental results comparing the performance of our implementation with ASP solvers and another solver based on the same framework." }