David G. Mitchell - Graduate Students
Senior Supervisor for:
Mona Mehdizadeh (PhD, in progress)
Sima Jamali (PhD, in progress)
Sahba Etezad (MSc 2016): Graph Minor Embedding Algorithms
Ehsan Tavakoli (MSc 2016; Software Engineer at SAP): Minor-embedding Planar Graphs in Grid Graphs
Heng Liu (MSc 2015; Now an SFU PhD student): Constraint Programming Solutions to LogicQL Program Verification and System Resilience Problems
Megan O'Connor (MSc 2015): Instance Transformation for Declarative Solvers
Pashootan Vaezipour (MSc 2012; now a UofT PhD student): Lifted Unit Propagation for Effective Grounding
Siavash Bolourani (MSc 2010, co-supervised with A. Bulatov): Voting style algorithm for NAE-E3-SAT
Jonathan Kavanagh (Msc 2006, co-supervised with A. Gupta; went to Electronic Arts): Phylogenetic Construction using ASP
Raheleh Mohebali (MSc, 2007; went to Nokia, then Amazon):
A Method for Solving NP Search Based on Model Expansion and Grounding.
Faraz Hach (Msc, 2007; now an SFU Post-Doc):
Solving NP Search Problems with Model Expansion.
Joey Hwang (MSc 2004; went to MDA):
A Theoretical Comparison of Resolution Systems for CSP Algorithms.
Lawrence Ryan (MSc 2004; went to
The Seige SAT Solver
Efficient Algorithms for Clause Learning SAT Solvers
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