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E-mail: mhefeeda@sfu.ca Phone: (778) 782 - 4095 Office: TASC1 - 9221 Address: School of Computing Science Simon Fraser University 8888 University Drive Burnaby, BC Canada V5A 1S6 |
am a professor in the School
of Computing Science at Simon
Fraser University,
where I
lead the Network and Multimedia Systems Lab (NMSL). My current research interests include:
- AI and Multimedia Systems
- Mobile Computing
- Network Systems and Protocols
- Hyperspectral Imaging
Mohamed Hefeeda is a Professor in the School of Computing Science at Simon Fraser University (SFU), Canada, where he leads the Network Systems Lab. His research interests include multimedia networking over wired and wireless networks, mobile multimedia, and AI and multimedia systems. In 2011, he was awarded one of the prestigious NSERC Discovery Accelerator Supplements (DAS), which are granted to a select group of distinguished researchers from all Science and Engineering disciplines in Canada. His research on mobile video streaming has resulted in multiple patents and conference awards (e.g., ACM MMSys Best Paper, ACM Multimedia Best Demo, and IEEE Innovation Best Paper), and has been featured in several news venues, including ACM Tech News, World Journal News, and CTV British Columbia. (Check our News page for more info and links.)
Dr. Hefeeda has co-authored more than 130 refereed publications in reputable journals and conferences. In addition, his research has resulted in ten granted patents, a start-up company, and multiple technology transfers to major companies. For example, in partnership with the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC), he designed a cost-effective, peer-assisted multimedia content distribution system. This system provided on-demand and live-streaming services and was deployed by CBC for multiple services in English and French. Dr. Hefeeda's research has been funded by national funding agencies, e.g., NSERC and CFI, and several major companies including AMD, Huawei, CBC, Nokia, and Cisco.
Dr. Hefeeda served as the Director of the School of Computing Science at SFU between 2018 and 2023, where he led a major faculty renewal and expansion process. Under his leadership, the School hired 25 faculty members, introduced a new Professional Master's program in Cybersecurity, and substantially increased its graduate and undergraduate enrollments. Between 2017 and 2018, he served as the Associate Director for Research and Industry Relations for the School and the Director of its Professional Master's Program. While on leave from SFU, Dr. Hefeeda helped with the creation of the Qatar Computing Research Institute (QCRI), which has grown to a high-quality research institution in the Middle East with more than 100 researchers and engineers.
Dr. Hefeeda has served on the editorial boards of premier journals such as the ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications and Applications (TOMM), where he was named the Best Associate Editor in 2014. He has served on the organization committees and/or co/chaired several international conferences such as ACM MMSys, IEEE Infocom, ACM MM, IEEE ICME, and ACM NOSSDAV.
In 2010, Dr. Hefeeda co-founded Video Semantics, which received two rounds of competitive US Government funding through the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program as well as other funding, and the technology was later acquired.
Dr. Hefeeda received his Ph.D. from Purdue University, USA in 2004, and M.Sc. and B.Sc. from Mansoura University, Egypt in 1997 and 1994, respectively.