Reviewer, ICCV-CPCV 2017: Color and Photometry in Computer Vision Workshop - ICCV2017.
Reviewer, CVPR 2017: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition.
Reviewer, CVPR 2016: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition.
Reviewer, ICCV 2016: International Conference on Computer Vision.
Reviewer: 5th Color and Photometry Workshop CPCV2015, at ICCV2015.
Reviewer: IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia (ISM), 2015.
Reviewer, CVPR 2015: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition.
Referee: Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 2014.
Reviewer, CVPR 2014: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition.
Technical Program Committee: 4th Color and Photometry Workshop, European Conference on Computer Vision 2014.
Reviewer: MICCAI 2014: Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention.
Technical Program Committee: ECCV 2014:\ European Conference on Computer Vision.
Reviewer: "Advances in Low-Level Color Image Processing", Springer,
Reviewer: Tenth Conference on Computer and Robot Vision (CRV 2013).
2013, eds. M. Emre Celebi and Bogdan Smolka.
Technical Program Committee: Color and Imaging Conference, 2013
Technical Program Committee, CVPR 2013: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition.
Reviewer: Pacific Visualization, 2013.
Technical Program Committee: Color and Imaging Conference, 2012.
Technical Program Committee: European Conference on Computer Vision Fourth Workshop
on Color and Photometry in Computer Vision, 2012.
Technical Program Committee, CVPR 2012: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition.
Technical Program Committee: IEEE Color and Photometry in Computer Vision
Workshop, held in conjunction with ICCV 2011 (the premier Vision conference),
November 2011.
Technical Program Committee: ICCV 2011: International Conference on Computer Vision.
Technical Program Committee, CVPR 2011: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition.
Technical Program Committee, CVPR 2010: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition.
Program Committee: Color and Reflectance in Imaging and Computer Vision Workshop 2009 - CRICV 2009, in conjunction with ICCV'2009, October 4, 2009, Kyoto, Japan
Reviewer: Siggraph 2009
Reviewer: Graphics Interface 2009
Reviewer: ICCV 2009: International Conference on Computer Vision. (This
is the most important computer vision conference).
SIGGRAPH08: Referee.
Eurovis08: Eurographics Symposium on Visualization. Referee.
ECCV 2008: European Conference on Computer Vision.
CGIV 2008: 4th European Conference on Color in Graphics, Imaging, and Vision.
CVPR 2007: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition.
ICCV07 Workshop on Photometric Analysis for Computer Vision, Rio de Janeiro, October 14-21, 2007.
CRV 2007: Fourth Canadian Conference on Computer and Robot Vision.
CVPR 2006: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition.
ECCV 2006: European Conference on Computer Vision.
Graphics, Imaging and Vision Conference 2006.
ICCV 2005: International Conference on Computer Vision.
Senate Committee: Faculty College, Sept.1/2010 -- Aug.31/2011.
"The Faculty College is an elected body whose members serve two-year
terms. Each year, by the end of June, two tenured faculty members will be
elected from each of the Faculties: Applied Sciences, Business Administration,
Communication, Art & Technology, Education, Environment, Health Sciences and
Science. Three tenured faculty members will be elected each year from the
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Terms of office commence September 1."