CMPT 888 G400 - Special Topics in Computer Graphics, HCI, Vision and Visualization: Computer Animation

(Spring 2018)




Course Staff


Course Schedule

Asimo Moana


Examines current research topics in computer animation, including but not limited to motion capture and motion editing, fluid animation, facial and hair animation, crowd simulation, full-body character animation, and animation methods using deep learning. This is a project-based course that aims to provide strong foundation on advanced computer animation methods and prepare students for research in animation, graphics, vision, HCI, and robotics related topics.


Course Staff

Principal Instructor: KangKang Yin
Guest Instructor:


The movie and game industry has strong presence in Vancouver:
 Electronic Arts  Atmosphere  Sony Imageworks

Publication venues for animation research:
Siggraph  Eurographics  SCA   Motion in Games  CHI  Pacific Graphics I3D

Some cool confereces you wanna check out:

Course Schedule (tentative, subject to changes, check regularly)

Date Topics Assignments Related Links
Jan 3 Introduction to Computer Animation Siggraph on YouTube
Graphics Papers on the Web
Graphics Gems
Jan 5 Traditional Animation and Interpolation
Principles of traditional animation
The cartoon animation filter
Jan 8 3D Rotations
  Practical parameterization of rotations
Animating rotation with quaternion curves
Jan 12 Forward and Inverse Kinematics
Introduction to inverse kinematics
Intuitive interactive human character posing
Jan 15 Skeletal Animation and Motion Capture   CMUMocap
Jan 19 Physics-based Animation and Dynamics
Differential Equation Basics
Particle System Dynamics
Rigid Body Simulation I
Rigid Body Simulation II
Constrained Dynamics 
Jan 22 Physics-based Character Animation and Control
Webots ODE PhysX Bullet DStar PhysBam Newton
Animating human athletics
LocoTest (paper and code)
Jan 26Physics-based Character Animation and Control
Jan 29 Deformation and Soft Objects

Free-form deformation
A survey of spatial deformation
Feb 2 Facial Animation

Feb 5 Perception and Aesthetics  

Feb 9 Fluid Animation / Project Discussion

Feb 12-16 reading break, no classes Reinforcement Learning
Deep Reinforcement Learning
Human-level control through deep reinforcement learning
The Theory of Everything

The DeepMind Control Suite and Package
OpenAI Gym
Feb 19 Paper Presentation/Discussion   Lin Yang
Motion Graphs
Motion Matching

Anmol Sharma
Feb 23 University closed due to heavy snow  
Feb 26 Paper Presentation/Discussion   Axel Andersson
Improving SAMCON

Peng Zhang
Control Graphs
Control Fragments Scheduling Using Deep Q-Learning
Mar 2 Paper Presentation/Discussion   Ravi Agrawal
Deep Learning for Character Motion Synthesis
PFNN for Character Control
Mar 5 Class Rescheduled  
Mar 9
Project Proposal Presentation Project Proposal Due Everyone
Mar 12 Paper Presentation/Discussion Peng Zhang
Mar 16 Paper Presentation/Discussion Marshall Law
Learning human behaviors by adversarial imitation
Mar 19 Paper Presentation/Discussion
Lin Yang
Axel Andersson
Mar 23 Guest Lecture by Richard Zhang
Mar 26 Paper Presentation/Discussion Anmol Sharma
Ravi Agrawal
Mar 30 good friday, no class
Apr 2 easter monday, no class
Apr 6 No class; all project presentations merged to the last class 
Apr 9 Project Presentaions Project Due