CMPT 881 - Pseudorandomness - Fall'04

Instructor | Times & dates | Project | Homeworks | Lectures | Relevant links


Course information handout:  in PostScript and in PDF

Course Text:  There is no textbook for this course. Below are a few suggested sources for some of the material to be covered.

Instructor: Valentine Kabanets (, Office: ASB 9921

Where and When

Important dates


Here is a list of possible papers that you can choose for your course project. There are many more papers relevant to the topic of the course. If you want to read a paper not on the list, please talk to me to get an approval of your chosen paper. (Most of the papers on the list are available on-line from the author's home pages.) For the project, you will need to write a short (at most 4-5 pages) report on the paper, and give a 30-minute presentation in class.



For the scribes: Here is a template tex file (and the macros file) that you should use when preparing the scribe notes.

Relevant Links