Circuit Lower Bounds for MCSP from Local Pseudorandom Generators
Mahdi Cheraghchi, Valentine Kabanets, Zhenjian Lu, and Dimitrios Myrisiotis
The Minimum Circuit Size Problem (MCSP) asks if a given truth table of a Boolean function $f$ can be computed by a Boolean circuit of size at most $\theta$, for a given parameter $\theta$. We improve several circuit lower bounds for MCSP, using pseudorandom generators (PRGs) that are local; a PRG is called local if its output bit strings, when viewed as the truth table of a Boolean function, can be computed by a Boolean circuit of small size. We get new and improved lower bounds for MCSP that almost match the best-known lower bounds against several circuit models. Specifically, we show that computing MCSP, on functions with a truth table of length $N$, requires
- $N^{3-o(1)}$-size de Morgan formulas, improving the recent $N^{2-o(1)}$ lower bound by Hirahara and Santhanam (CCC, 2017),
- $N^{2-o(1)}$-size formulas over an arbitrary basis or general branching programs (no non-trivial lower bound was known for MCSP against these models), and
- $2^{\Omega\left(N^{1/(d+2.01)}\right)}$-size depth-$d$ $AC^0$ circuits, improving the superpolynomial lower bound by Allender et al. (SICOMP, 2006).
The $AC^0$ lower bound stated above matches the best-known $AC^0$ lower bound (for PARITY) up to a small additive constant in the depth. Also, for the special case of depth-$2$ circuits (i.e., $CNF$s or $DNF$s), we get an almost optimal lower bound of \(2^{\widetilde{\Omega}(N)}\) for MCSP.
- full version in ICALP 2019