AMAZING and FUN animation pieces from CMPT 466 course projects (Summer 2011)

Almost none of the students in my CMPT 466 (Computer Animation) class had any prior experience in generating computer animation. But look at how they were able to come up with!


Peter Cheng, Kevin Gu, Christopher Kim, Colin Lum, and Rodrick Yu

"Curse of the Pharaoh"

Jordan Fox, Stas Kalashnikov, James Lukanta, Vera Lukman, and Jordon Phillips

"Beauty and Beast"

Greg Zhou, Jason Tsai, Luna Lu, Molly Yu, and Wilson Huang

"Rock N Roll All Nite - KISS"

Steven Horita, and Sean Payne, Branden Crawford, Justin Quach, and Ian Kerr

"Panda Story"

Panda Story from Mo Zhou on Vimeo.

Mo Zhou, Lixuan Wang, Binzhi Chen, Zhao Song, and Ran An