@inproceedings {lin_neurips24,
  author = {Liqiang Lin and Wenpeng Wu and Chi-Wing Fu and Hao Zhang and Hui Huang},
  title = {{CRAYM}: Neural Field Optimization via Camera RAY Matching},
  booktitle = {Proc. of NeurIPS},
  pages = {},
  year = {2024}
@inproceedings {yu_eccv24,
  author = {Fenggen Yu and Yiming Qian and Xu Zhang and Francisca Gil-Ureta and Brian Jackson and Eric Bennett and Hao Zhang},
  title = {{DPA-Net}: Structured 3D Abstraction from Sparse Views via Differentiable Primitive Assembly},
  booktitle = {Proc. of ECCV},
  pages = {},
  year = {2024}
@inproceedings {wang_eccv24,
  author = {Ruiqi Wang and Akshay Patil and Fenggen Yu and Hao Zhang},
  title = {Active Coarse-to-Fine Segmentation of Moveable Parts from Real Images},
  booktitle = {Proc. of ECCV},
  pages = {},
  year = {2024}
@inproceedings {chen_eccv24,
  author = {Qimin Chen and Zhiqin Chen and Vladimir Kim and Noam Aigenman and Hao Zhang and Siddhartha Chaudhuri},
  title = {{DECOLLAGE}: 3D Detailization by Controllable, Localized, and Learned Geometry Enhancement},
  booktitle = {Proc. of ECCV},
  pages = {},
  year = {2024}
@article {sairaj_sig24,
  author = {Perla Sai Raj Kishore and Yizhi Wang and Ali Mahdavi-Amiri and Hao Zhang},
  title = {{EASI-Tex}: Edge-Aware Mesh Texturing from Single-Image},
  journal = {ACM Transactions on Graphics (Special Issue of SIGGRAPH)},
  volume = {43},
  number = {4},
  pages = {},
  year = {2024}
@inproceedings {chen_sig24,
  author = {Zhiqin Chen and Qimin Chen and Hang Zhou and Hao Zhang},
  title = {{DAE-Net}: Deforming Auto-Encoder for fine-grained shape co-segmentation},
  booktitle = {ACM SIGGRAPH},
  pages = {},
  year = {2024}
@article {liu_sig24,
  author = {Yilin Liu and Jialei Chen and Shanshan Pan and Daniel Cohen-Or and Hao Zhang and Hui Huang},
  title = {{Split-and-Fit}: Learning {B-Reps} via Structure-Aware {Voronoi} Partitioning},
  journal = {ACM Transactions on Graphics (Special Issue of SIGGRAPH)},
  volume = {43},
  number = {4},
  pages = {},
  year = {2024}
@inproceedings {hu_sig24,
  author = {Jingyu Hu and Kai-Hei Hui and Zhengzhe liu and Hao Zhang and Chi-Wing Fu},
  title = {{CNS-Edit}: {3D} Shape Editing via Coupled Neural Shape Optimization},
  booktitle = {ACM SIGGRAPH},
  pages = {},
  year = {2024}
@inproceedings {wang_cvpr24,
  author = {Yizhi Wang and Wallace Lira and Wenqi Wang and Ali Mahdavi-Amiri and Hao Zhang},
  title = {{Slice3D}: Multi-Slice, Occlusion-Revealing, Single View 3D Reconstruction},
  booktitle = {Proc. of CVPR},
  pages = {},
  year = {2024}
@article {huang_cvm24,
  author = {Zeyu Huang and Sisi Dai and Kai Xu and Hao Zhang and Hui Huang and Ruizhen Hu},
  title = {{DINA}: Deformable {INteraction} Analogy},
  journal = {Graphical Models (Special Issue of Computational Visual Media (CVM))},
  pages = {},
  year = {2024}
  author = {Aditya Vora and Akshay Gadi Patil and Hao Zhang},
  title = {{DiViNet}: Artistic Typography via Discriminated and Stylized Diffusion},
  booktitle = {Proc. of NeurIPS},
  year = 2023
  author = {Fenggen Yu and Qimin Chen and Maham Tanveer and Ali Mahdavi-Amiri and Hao Zhang},
  title = {{$D^2$CSG}: Unsupervised Learning of Compact {CSG} Trees with Dual Complements and Dropouts},
  booktitle = {Proc. of NeurIPS},
  year = 2023
@inproceedings {chen_siga23,
  author = {Qimin Chen and Zhiqin Chen and Hang Zhou and Hao Zhang},
  title = {{ShaDDR}: Real-Time Example-Based Geometry and Texture Generation via {3D} Shape Detailization and Differentiable Rendering},
  booktitle = {ACM SIGGRAPH Asia},
  pages = {},
  year = {2023}
@inproceedings {hu_siga23,
  author = {Jingyu Hu and Kai-Hei Hui and Zhengzhe liu and Hao Zhang and Chi-Wing Fu},
  title = {{CLIPXPlore}: Coupled {CLIP} and Shape Spaces for {3D} Shape Exploration},
  booktitle = {ACM SIGGRAPH Asia},
  pages = {},
  year = {2023}
@article {yan_siga23,
  author = {Zihao Yan and Fubao Su and Mingyang Wang and Ruizhen Hu and Hao Zhang and Hui Huang},
  title = {Interaction-Driven Active {3D} Reconstruction with Object Interiors},
  journal = {ACM Transactions on Graphics (Special Issue of SIGGRAPH Asia)},
  volume = {42},
  number = {6},
  pages = {},
  year = {2023}
@article {xu_siga23,
  author = {Juzhan Xu and Minglun Gong and Hao Zhang and Hui Huang and Ruizhen Hu},
  title = {Neural Packing: from Visual Sensing to Reinforcement Learning},
  journal = {ACM Transactions on Graphics (Special Issue of SIGGRAPH Asia)},
  volume = {42},
  number = {6},
  pages = {},
  year = {2023}
  author = {Maham Tanveer and Yizhi Wang and Ali Mahdavi-Amiri and Hao Zhang},
  title = {{DS-Fusion}: Artistic Typography via Discriminated and Stylized Diffusion},
  booktitle = {Proc. of ICCV},
  year = 2023
  author = {Fenggen Yu and Yiming Qian and Francisca Gil-Ureta and Brian Jackson and Eric Bennett and Hao Zhang},
  title = {{HAL3D}: Hierarchical Active Learning for Fine-Grained {3D} Part Labeling},
  booktitle = {Proc. of ICCV},
  year = 2023
  author = {Yizhi Wang and Zeyu Huang and Ariel Shamir and Hui Huang and Hao Zhang and Ruizhen Hu},
  title = {{ARO-Net}: Learning Implicit Fields from Anchored Radial Observations},
  booktitle = {Proc. of CVPR},
  year = 2023
  author = {Zeyu Huang and Juzhan Xu and Sisi Dai and Kai Xu and Hao Zhang and Hui Huang and Ruizhen Hu},
  title = {{NIFT}: Neural Interaction Field and Template for Object Manipulation},
  booktitle = {Proc. of ICRA},
  year = 2023
  author = {Tong Wu and Lin Gao and Ling-Xiao Zhang and Yu-Kun Lai and Hao Zhang},
  journal = {IEEE Trans. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (PAMI)},
  title = {{STAR-TM}: STructure Aware Reconstruction of Textured Mesh from Single Image},
  volume = ,
  number = ,
  pages = {},
  year = 2023
  author = {Zhiqin Chen and Andrea Tagliasacchi and Hao Zhang},
  journal = {IEEE Trans. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (PAMI)},
  title = {Learning Mesh Representations via Binary Space Partitioning Tree Networks},
  volume = 45,
  number = 4,
  pages = {4870-4881},
  year = 2023
  author = {Liqiang Lin and Pengdi Huang and Chi-Wing Fu and Kai Xu and Hao Zhang and Hui Huang},
  journal = {Science China Information Sciences (SCIS)},
  title = {One Point is All You Need: Directional Attention Point for Feature Learning},
  volume = 66,
  number = 1,
  year = 2023
@article {liu_siga22,
  author = {Yilin Liu and Liqiang Lin and Ke Xie and Chi-Wing Fu and Hao Zhang and Hui Huang},
  title = {Learning Reconstructability for Drone Aerial Path Planning},
  journal = {ACM Transactions on Graphics (Special Issue of SIGGRAPH Asia)},
  volume = {41},
  number = {6},
  pages = {},
  year = {2022}
@article {ndc_sig22,
  author = {Zhiqin Chen and Andrea Tagliasacchi and Thomas Funkhouser and Hao Zhang},
  title = {Neural Dual Contouring},
  journal = {ACM Transactions on Graphics (Special Issue of SIGGRAPH)},
  volume = {41},
  number = {4},
  pages = {},
  year = {2022}
@article {zhou_tvcg23,
  author = {Hang Zhou and Rui Ma and Lingxiao Zhang and Lin Gao and Ali Mahdavi-Amiri and Hao Zhang},
  title = {SAC-GAN: Structure-Aware Image Composition},
  journal = {IEEE Trans. on Visualization and Computer Graphics},
  volume = {},
  number = {},
  pages = {},
  year = {2023}
  author = {Fenggen Yu and Zhiqin Chen and Manyi Li and Aditya Sanghi and Hooman Shayani and Ali Mahdavi-Amiri and Hao Zhang},
  title = {CAPRI-Net: Learning Compact CAD Shapes with Adaptive Primitive Assembly},
  booktitle = {Proc. of CVPR},
  year = 2022
  author = {Qimin Chen and Johannes Merz and Aditya Sanghi and Hooman Shayani and Ali Mahdavi-Amiri and Hao Zhang},
  title = {UNIST: Unpaired Neural Implicit Shape Translation Network},
  booktitle = {Proc. of CVPR},
  year = 2022
  author = {Chengjie Niu and Manyi Li and Kai Xu and Hao Zhang},
  title = {RIM-Net: Recursive Implicit Fields for Unsupervised Learning of Hierarchical Shape Structures},
  booktitle = {Proc. of CVPR},
  year = 2022
@article {chen_zhang_siga21,
  author = {Zhiqin Chen and Hao Zhang},
  title = {Neural Marching Cubes},
  journal = {ACM Transactions on Graphics (Special Issue of SIGGRAPH Asia)},
  volume = {40},
  number = {6},
  pages = {},
  year = {2021}
@article {gao_siga21,
  author = {Lin Gao and Tong Wu and Yu-Jie Yuan and Ming-Xian Lin and Yu-Kun Lai and Hao Zhang},
  title = {TM-NET: Deep Generative Networks for Textured Meshes},
  journal = {ACM Transactions on Graphics (Special Issue of SIGGRAPH Asia)},
  volume = {40},
  number = {6},
  pages = {},
  year = {2021}
@article {zhang_siga21,
  author = {Han Zhang and Yusong Yao and Ke Xie and Chi-Wing Fu and Hao Zhang and Hui Huang},
  title = {Continuous Aerial Path Planning for 3D Urban Scene Reconstruction},
  journal = {ACM Transactions on Graphics (Special Issue of SIGGRAPH Asia)},
  volume = {40},
  number = {6},
  pages = {},
  year = {2021}
  author = {Huan Fu and Bowen Cai and Lin Gao and Lingxiao Zhang and Cao Li and Zengqi Xun and Chengyue Sun and Yiyun Fei and Yu Zheng and Ying Li and Yi Liu and Peng Liu and Lin Ma and Le Weng and Xiaohang Hu and Xin Ma and Qian Qian and Rongfei Jia and Binqiang Zhao and Hao Zhang},
  title = {{3D-FRONT}: Multi-Rooted 3D Shape Generation with Unsupervised Part Disentanglement}, 
  booktitle = {ICCV},
  year = 2021.
  author = {Jiongchao Jin and Arezou Fatemi and Wallace Lira and Fenggen Yu and Biao Leng and Rui Ma and Ali Mahdavi-Amiri and Hao Zhang},
  title = {{RaidaR}: A Rich Annotated Image Dataset of Rainy Street Scenes},
  booktitle = {Second ICCV Workshop on Autonomous Vehicle Vision (AVVision)},
  year = 2021.
  author = {Rinon Gal and Amit Bermano and Hao Zhang and Daniel Cohen-Or},
  title = {{MRGAN}: Multi-Rooted 3D Shape Generation with Unsupervised Part Disentanglement}, 
  booktitle = {ICCV Workshop on Structural and Compositional Learning on 3D Data (StruCo3D)}, 
  year = 2021.
  author = {Manyi Li and Hao Zhang},
  title = {{D^2IM-Net}: Learning Detail Disentangled Implicit Fields from Single Images},
  booktitle = {Proc. of CVPR},
  year = 2021
  author = {Zhiqin Chen and Vladimir Kim and Matthew Fisher and Noam Aigerman and Hao Zhang and Siddhartha Chaudhuri,},
  title = {{DecorGAN}: 3D Shape Detailization by Conditional Refinement},
  booktitle = {Proc. of CVPR},
  year = 2021
  author = {Akshay Gadi Patil and Manyi Li and Matthew Fisher and Manolis Savva and Hao Zhang},
  title = {{LayoutGMN}: Neural Graph Matching for Structural Layout Similarity},
  booktitle = {Proc. of CVPR}, 
  year = 2021
  author = {Yimin Qian and Hao Zhang and Yasutaka Furukawa},
  title = {{Roof-GAN}: Learning to Generate Roof Geometry and Relations for Residential Houses},
  booktitle = {Proc. of CVPR},
  year = 2021
  author = {Or Patashnik and Dov Danon and Hao Zhang and Daniel Cohen-Or},
  title = {{BalaGAN}: Image Translation Between Imbalanced Domains via Cross-Modal Transfer},
  booktitle = {CVPR Workshop on Learning from Limited and Imperfect Data (L2ID)},
  year = 2021
  author = {Xiaogang Wang and Yuelang Xu and Kai Xu and Andrea Tagliasacchi and Bin Zhou and Ali Mahdavi-Amiri and Hao Zhang},
  title = {{PIE-NET}: Parametric Inference of Point Cloud Edges},
  booktitle = {Proc. of NeurIPS},
  year = 2020
  author = {Kangxue Yin and Zhiqin Chen and Siddhartha Chaudhuri and Matthew Fisher and Vladimir Kim and Hao Zhang},
  title = {{COALESCE}: Component Assembly by Learning to Synthesize Connections},
  booktitle = {Proc. of 3DV},
  year = 2020
@article {amiri_siga20,
  author = {Ali Mahdavi-Amiri and Fenggen Yu and Haisen Zhao and Adriana Schulz and Hao Zhang},
  title = {{VDAC}: Volume Decompose-and-Carve for Subtractive Manufacturing},
  journal = {ACM Transactions on Graphics (Special Issue of SIGGRAPH Asia)},
  volume = 39,
  number = 6,
  pages = {},
  year = {2020}
@article {hu_siga20,
  author = {Ruizhen Hu and Juzhan Xu and Bin Chen and Minglun Gong and Hao Zhang and Hui Huang},
  title = {{TAP-Net}: Transport-and-Pack using Reinforcement Learning},
  journal = {ACM Transactions on Graphics (Special Issue of SIGGRAPH Asia)},
  volume = 39,
  number = 6,
  pages = {},
  year = {2020}
@article {yin_tip20,
  author = {Zili Yi and Zhiqin Chen and Hao Cai and Wendong Mao and Minglun Gong and Hao Zhang},
  title = {{BSD-GAN}: Branched Generative Adversarial Networks for Scale-Disentangled Learning and Synthesis of Images},
  journal = {IEEE Trans. on Image Processing},
  volume = {},
  number = {},
  pages = {},
  year = {2020}
@article {guan_tvcg22,
  author = {Yanran Guans and Han Liu and Kun Liu and Kangxue Yin and Ruizhen Hu and Oliver van Kaick and Yan Zhang and Ersin Yumer and Nathan Carr and Radomir Mech and Hao Zhang},
  title = {{FAME}: 3D Shape Generation via Functionality-Aware Model Evolution},
  journal = {IEEE Trans. on Visualization and Computer Graphics},
  volume = {28},
  number = {4},
  pages = {1758-1772},
  year = {2022}
  author = {Wallace Lira and Johannes Merz and Daniel Ritchies and Daniel Cohen-Or and Hao Zhang},
  title = {{GANHopper}: Multi-Hop GAN for Unsupervised Image-to-Image Translation},
  booktitle = {Proc. of ECCV},
  year = 2020
  author = {Jiongchao Jin and Akshay Gadi Patil and Zhang Xiong and Hao Zhang},
  title = {{DR-KFS}: A Differentiable Visual Similarity Metric for 3D Shape Reconstruction},
  booktitle = {Proc. of ECCV},
  year = 2020
@article {xu_sig20,
  author = {Hao Xu and Ka Hei Hui and Chi-Wing Fu and Hao Zhang},
  title = {{TilinGNN}: Learning to Tile with Self-Supervised Graph Neural Network},
  journal = {ACM Transactions on Graphics (Special Issue of SIGGRAPH)},
  volume = 39,
  number = 4,
  pages = {},
  year = {2020}
@article {hu_sig20,
  author = {Ruizhen Hu and Zeyu Huang and Yuhan Tang and Oliver van Kaick and Hao Zhang and Hui Huang},
  title = {{Graph2Plan}: Learning Floorplan Generation from Layout Graphs},
  journal = {ACM Transactions on Graphics (Special Issue of SIGGRAPH)},
  volume = 39,
  number = 4,
  pages = {},
  year = {2020}
@inproceedings {chen_cvpr20,
  author = {Zhiqin Chen and Andrea Tagliasacchi and Hao Zhang},
  title = {{BSP-NET}: Generating Compact Meshes via Binary Space Partitioning},
  booktitle = {IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
  pages = {},
  year = {2020}
@inproceedings {wu_cvpr20,
  author = {Ruidi Wu and Yixin Zhuang and Kai Xu and Hao Zhang and Baoquan Chen},
  title = {{PQ-NET}: A Generative Part {Seq2Seq} Network for {3D} Shapes},
  booktitle = {IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
  pages = {},
  year = {2020}
@inproceedings {zhu_cvpr20,
  author = {Chenyang Zhu and Kai Xu and Siddhartha Chaudhuri and Li Yi and Leonidas J. Guibas and Hao Zhang},
  title = {{AdaCoSeg}: Adaptive Shape Co-Segmentation with Group Consistency Loss},
  booktitle = {IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
  pages = {},
  year = {2020}
  author = {Siddhartha Chaudhuri and Daniel Ritchie and Jiajun Wu and Kai Xu and Hao Zhang},
  title = {Learning Generative Models of 3D Structures},
  journal = {Computer Graphics Forum (Eurographics STAR)},
  year = 2020
@article {yin_siga19,
  author = {Kangxue Yin and Zhiqin Chen and Hui Huang and Daniel Cohen-Or and Hao Zhang},
  title = {{LOGAN}: Unpaired Shape Transform in Latent Overcomplete Space},
  journal = {ACM Transactions on Graphics (Special Issue of SIGGRAPH Asia)},
  volume = 38,
  number = 6,
  pages = {Article 198},
  year = {2019}
@article {gao_siga19,
  author = {Lin Gao and Jie Yang and Tong Wu and Hongbo Fu and Yu-Kun Lai and Hao Zhang},
  title = {{SDM-NET}: Deep Generative Network for Structured Deformable Mesh},
  journal = {ACM Transactions on Graphics (Special Issue of SIGGRAPH Asia)},
  volume = 38,
  number = 6,
  pages = {Article 243},
  year = {2019}
@article {xu_siga19,
  author = {Hao Xu and Ka Hei Hui and Chi-Wing Fu and Hao Zhang},
  title = {Computational LEGO Technic Design},
  journal = {ACM Transactions on Graphics (Special Issue of SIGGRAPH Asia)},
  volume = 38,
  number = 6,
  pages = {Article 196},
  year = {2019}
@article {yan_siga19,
  author = {Zhihao Yan and Ruizhen Hu and Xingguang Yan and Luanmin Chen and Oliver van Kaick and Hao Zhang and Hui Huang},
  title = {{RPM-NET}: Recurrent Prediction of Motion and Parts from Point Cloud},
  journal = {ACM Transactions on Graphics (Special Issue of SIGGRAPH Asia)},
  volume = 38,
  number = 6,
  pages = {Article 240},
  year = {2019}
@inproceedings {chen_iccv19,
  author = {Zhiqin Chen and Kangxue Yin and Matt Fisher and Siddhartha Chaudhuri and Hao Zhang},
  title = {{BAE-NET}: Branched Autoencoder for Shape Co-Segmentation},
  booktitle = {IEEE Int. Conf. on Computer Vision (ICCV)},
  pages = {},
  year = {2019}
@inproceedings {schor_iccv19,
  author = {Nadav Schor and Oren Katzier and Hao Zhang and Daniel Cohen-Or},
  title = {Learning to Generate the "Unseen" via Part Synthesis and Composition},
  booktitle = {IEEE Int. Conf. on Computer Vision (ICCV)},
  pages = {},
  year = {2019}
@inproceedings {chen_cvpr19,
  author = {Zhiqin Chen and Hao Zhang},
  title = {Learning Implicit Fields for Generative Shape Modeling},
  booktitle = {IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
  pages = {},
  year = {2019}
@article {xu_cvm19,
  author = {Pengfei Xu and Jiangqiang Ding and Hao Zhang and Hui Huang},
  title = {Discernible image mosaic with edge-Aware adaptive tiles},
  booktitle = {Computational Visual Media (CVM)},
  pages = {},
  year = {2019}
@article {li_tog19,
  author = {Manyi Li and Akshay Gadi Patil and Kai Xu and Siddhartha Chaudhuri and Owais Khan and Ariel Shamir and Changhe Tu and Baoquan Chen and Daniel Cohen Or and Hao Zhang},
  title = {{GRAINS}: Generative Recursive Autoencoders for INdoor Scenes},
  journal = {ACM Transactions on Graphics},
  volume = {38},
  number = {2},
  pages = {Article 12},
  year = {2019}
@article {zhu_siga18,
  author = {Chenyang Zhu and Kai Xu and Siddhartha Chaudhuri and Renjiao Yi and Hao Zhang},
  title = {{SCORES}: Shape Composition with Recursive Substructure Priors},
  journal = {ACM Transactions on Graphics (Special Issue of SIGGRAPH Asia)},
  volume = {37},
  number = {6},
  pages = {Article 211},
  year = {2018}
@article {lira_siga18,
  author = {Wallace Lira and Chi-Wing Fu and Hao Zhang},
  title = {Fabricable Eulerian Wires for 3D Shape Abstraction},
  journal = {ACM Transactions on Graphics (Special Issue of SIGGRAPH Asia)},
  volume = {37},
  number = {6},
  pages = {Article 240},
  year = {2018}
@article {li_siga18,
  author = {Shuhua Li and Ali Mahdavi-Amiri and Ruizhen Hu and Han Liu and Changqing Zou and Oliver van Kaick and Xiuping Liu and Hui Huang and Hao Zhang},
  title = {Construction and Fabrication of Reversible Shape Transforms},
  journal = {ACM Transactions on Graphics (Special Issue of SIGGRAPH Asia)},
  volume = {37},
  number = {6},
  pages = {Article 190},
  year = {2018}
@article {ma_siga18,
  author = {Rui Ma and Akshay Gadi Patil and  Matt Fisher and Manyi Li and Soren Pirk and Binh-Son Hua and Sai-Kit Yeung and Xin Tong and Leonidas J. Guibas and Hao Zhang},
  title = {Language-Driven Synthesis of 3D Scenes Using Scene Databases},
  journal = {ACM Transactions on Graphics (Special Issue of SIGGRAPH Asia)},
  volume = {37},
  number = {6},
  pages = {Article 212},
  year = {2018}
@article {chen_siga18,
  author = {Xuelin Chen and Honghua Li and Chi-Wing Fu and Hao Zhang and Daniel Cohen-Or and Baoquan Chen},
  title = {3D Fabrication with Universal Building Blocks and Pyramidal Shells},
  journal = {ACM Transactions on Graphics (Special Issue of SIGGRAPH Asia)},
  volume = {37},
  number = {6},
  pages = {Article 189},
  year = {2018}
  author = {Changqing Zou and Qian Yu and Ruofei Du and Haoran Mo and Yi-Zhe Song and Tao Xiang and Chengyi Gao and Baoquan Chen and Hao Zhang},
  title = {{SketchyScene:} Richly-Annotated Scene Sketches},
  booktitle = {Proc. of ECCV},
  year = 2018
@article {yin_sig18,
  author = {Kangxue Yin and Hui Huang and Daniel Cohen-Or and Hao Zhang},
  title = {P2P-NET: Bidirectional Point Displacement Net for Shape Transform},
  journal = {ACM Transactions on Graphics (Special Issue of SIGGRAPH)},
  volume = {37},
  number = {4},
  pages = {Article 152},
  year = {2018}
@article {hu_sig18,
  author = {Ruizhen Hu and Zhihao Yan and Jingwen Zhang and Oliver van Kaick and Ariel Shamir and Hao Zhang and Hui Huang},
  title = {Predictive and Generative Neural Networks for Object Functionality},
  journal = {ACM Transactions on Graphics (Special Issue of SIGGRAPH)},
  volume = {37},
  number = {4},
  pages = {Article 151},
  year = {2018}
@article {zhao_sig18,
  author = {Haishen Zhao and Hao Zhang and Shiqin Xin and Yuanmin Duan and Changhe Tu and Wenping Wang and Daniel Cohen-Or and Baoquan Chen},
  title = {{DSCarver: Decompose-and-Spiral-Carve for Subtractive Manufacturing}},
  journal = {ACM Transactions on Graphics (Special Issue of SIGGRAPH)},
  volume = {37},
  number = {4},
  pages = {Article 137},
  year = {2018}
@article {yin_tvcg18,
  author = {Kangxue Yin and Hui Huang and Edmond S. L. Ho and Hao Wang and Taku Komura and Daniel Cohen-Or and Hao Zhang},
  title = {A Sampling Approach to Generating Closely Interacting 3D Pose-pairs from 2D Annotations},
  journal = {IEEE Trans. on Visualization and Computer Graphics},
  volume = {},
  number = {},
  pages = {},
  year = {2018}
@article {yu_tog18,
  author = {Fenggen Yu and Yan Zhang and Kai Xu and Hao Zhang},
  title = {Semi-Supervised Co-Analysis of 3D Shape Styles from Projected Lines},
  journal = {ACM Transactions on Graphics},
  volume = {37},
  number = {2},
  pages = {Article 21},
  year = {2018}
@article {hu_siga17,
  author = {Ruizhen Hu and Wehchao Li and Oliver van Kaick and Ariel Shamir and Hao Zhang and Hui Huang},
  title = {Learning to Predict Part Mobility from a Single Static Snapshot},
  journal = {ACM Transactions on Graphics (Special Issue of SIGGRAPH Asia)},
  volume = {36},
  number = {6},
  pages = {Article 227},
  year = {2017}
@article {luozou_siga17,
  author = {Zhaoliang Lun and Changqing Zou and Haibin Huang and Evangelos Kalogerakis and Ping Tan and Marie-Paule Cani and Hao Zhang},
  title = {Learning to Group Discrete Graphical Patterns},
  journal = {ACM Transactions on Graphics (Special Issue of SIGGRAPH Asia)},
  volume = {36},
  number = {6},
  pages = {Article 225},
  year = {2017}
  author = {Zili Yi and Hao Zhang and Ping Tan and Minglun Gong},
  title = {{DualGAN: Unsupervised Dual Learning for Image-to-Image Translation}},
  booktitle = {IEEE Int. Conf. on Computer Vision (ICCV)},
  yea = 2017
  author = {Warunika Ranaweera and Parmit Chilana and Daniel Cohen-Or and Hao Zhang},
  title = {{ExquiMo}: An Exquisite Corpse Tool for Co-creative 3D Shape Modeling},
  booktitle = {International Conference on Computer-Aided Design and Computer Graphics (CAD/Graphics)},
  yea = 2017
@article {li_sig17,
  author = {Jun Li and Kai Xu and Siddhartha Chaudhuri and Ersin Yumer and Hao Zhang and Leonidas Guibas},
  title = {{GRASS}: Generative Recursive Autoencoders for Shape Structures},
  journal = {ACM Transactions on Graphics (Special Issue of SIGGRAPH)},
  volume = {36},
  number = {4},
  pages = {Article 52},
  year = {2017}
@article {zhu_sig17,
  author = {Chenyang Zhu and Renjiao Yi and Wallace Lira and Ibraheem Alhashim and Kai Xu and Hao Zhang},
  title = {Deformation-Driven Shape Correspondence via Shape Recognition},
  journal = {ACM Transactions on Graphics (Special Issue of SIGGRAPH)},
  volume = {36},
  number = {4},
  pages = {Article 51},
  year = {2017}
@article {hu_tog17,
  author = {Ruizhen Hu and Wenchao Li and Oliver van Kaick and Hui Huang and Melinos Averkiou and Daniel Cohen-Or and Hao Zhang},
  title = {Co-Locating Style-Defining Elements on 3D Shapes},
  journal = {ACM Transactions on Graphics},
  volume = {36},
  number = {3},
  pages = {33:1--33:15},
  year = {2017}
@article {ma_siga16,
  author = {Rui Ma and Honghua Li and Changqing Zou and Zicheng Liao and Xin Tong and Hao Zhang},
  title = {Action-Driven 3D Indoor Scene Evolution},
  journal = {ACM Transactions on Graphics (Special Issue of SIGGRAPH Asia)},
  volume = {35},
  number = {6},
  pages = {Article 173},
  year = {2016}
  author = {Lei Li and Zhe Huang and Changqing Zou and Chiew-Lan Tai and Rynson W.H. Lau and Hao Zhang and Ping Tan and Hongbo Fu},
  title = {Model-driven Sketch Reconstruction with Structure-oriented Retrieval},
  year = 2016,
  booktitle = {SIGGRAPH Asia Technical Brief}
@article {wan_tvc16,
  title = {Full and Partial Shape Similarity through Sparse Descriptor Reconstruction},
  author = {Lili Wan and Changqing Zou and Hao Zhang},
  journal = {The Visual Computer},
  volume = {},
  number = {},
  pages = {1--8},
  year = {2016}
  author = {Zeinab Sadeghipour and Zicheng Liao and Ping Tan and Hao Zhang},
  title = {Learning {3D} Scene Synthesis from Annotated {RGB-D} Images},
  journal = {Computer Graphics Forum (Special Issue of Symposium on Geometry Processing)},
  pages = {197--206},
  volume = 35,
  number = 5,
  year = 2016
@article {zou_sig16,
  author = {Changqing Zou and Junjie Cao and Warunika Ranaweera and Ibraheem Alhashim and Ping Tan and Alla Sheffer and Hao Zhang},
  title = {Legible Compact Calligrams},
  journal = {ACM Transactions on Graphics (Special Issue of SIGGRAPH)},
  volume = {35},
  number = {4},
  pages = {Article ???},
  year = {2016}
@article {hu_sig16,
  author = {Ruizhen Hu and Oliver van Kaick and Bojian Wu and Hui Huang and Ariel Shamir and Hao Zhang},
  title = {Learning How Objects Function via Co-Analysis of Interactions},
  journal = {ACM Transactions on Graphics (Special Issue of SIGGRAPH)},
  volume = {35},
  number = {4},
  pages = {Article ???},
  year = {2016}
@article {zhao_sig16,
  author = {Haisen Zhao and Fanglin Gu and Qi-Xing Huang and Jorge Garcia and Yong Chen and Changhe Tu and Bedrich Benes and Hao Zhang and Daniel Cohen-Or and Baoquan Chen},
  title = {Connected Fermat Spirals for Layered Fabrication},
  journal = {ACM Transactions on Graphics (Special Issue of SIGGRAPH)},
  volume = {35},
  number = {4},
  pages = {Article ???},
  year = {2016}
@article {cohenor_tvc16,
  title = {From inspired modeling to creative modeling},
  author = {Daniel Cohen-Or and Hao Zhang},
  journal = {The Visual Computer},
  volume = {32},
  number = {1},
  pages = {1--8},
  year = {2016}
@article {ib_siga15,
  author = {Ibraheem Alhashim and Kai Xu and Yixin Zhuang and Junjie Cao and Patricio Simari and Hao Zhang},
  title = {Deformation-Driven Topology-Varying 3D Shape Correspondence},
  journal = {ACM Transactions on Graphics (Special Issue of SIGGRAPH Asia)},
  volume = {34},
  number = {6},
  pages = {Article 236},
  year = {2015}
@article {chen_siga15,
  author = {Xuelin Chen and Hao Zhang and Jinjie Lin and Ruizhen Hu and Lin Lu and Qi-xing Huang and Bedrich Benes and Daniel Cohen-Or and Baoquan Chen},
  title = {Dapper: Decompose-and-Pack for 3D Printing},
  journal = {ACM Transactions on Graphics (Special Issue of SIGGRAPH Asia)},
  volume = {34},
  number = {6},
  pages = {Article 213},
  year = {2015}
@article {zhou_siga15,
  author = {Yang Zhou and Kangxue Yin and Hui Huang and Hao Zhang and Minglun Gong and Daniel Cohen-Or},
  title = {Generalized Cylinder Decomposition},
  journal = {ACM Transactions on Graphics (Special Issue of SIGGRAPH Asia)},
  volume = {34},
  number = {6},
  pages = {Article 171},
  year = {2015}
@article {hu_sig15,
  author = {Ruizhen Hu and Chenyang Zhu and Oliver van Kaick and Ligang Liu and Ariel Shamir and Hao Zhang},
  title = {Interaction Context (ICON): Towards a Geometric Functionality Descriptor},
  journal = {ACM Transactions on Graphics (Special Issue of SIGGRAPH)},
  volume = {34},
  number = {4},
  pages = {Article 83},
  year = {2015}
@article {li_sig15,
  author = {Honghua Li and Ruizhen Hu and Ibraheem Alhashim and Hao Zhang},
  title = {Foldabilizing Furniture},
  journal = {ACM Transactions on Graphics (Special Issue of SIGGRAPH)},
  volume = {34},
  number = {4},
  pages = {Article 90},
  year = {2015}
@article {zheng_eg15,
  author = {Qian Zheng and Zhuming Hao and Hui Huang and Kai Xu and Hao Zhang and Daniel Cohen-Or and Baoquan Chen},
  title = {Skeleton-Intrinsic Symmetrization of Shapes},
  journal = {Computer Graphics Forum (Special Issue of Eurographics 2015)},
  volume = {34},
  number = {2},
  pages = {275--286},
  year = {2015}
@article {elor_eg15,
  author = {Hadar Averbuch-Elor and Yunhai Wang and Yiming Qian and Minglun Gong and Johannes Kopf and Hao Zhang and Daniel Cohen-Or},
  title = {Distilled Collections from Textual Image Queries},
  journal = {Computer Graphics Forum (Special Issue of Eurographics 2015)},
  volume = {34},
  number = {2},
  pages = {131--142},
  year = {2015}
@article {liu_smi14,
  author = {Zhenbao Liu and Caili Xie and Shuhui Bu and Xiao Wang and Hao Zhang},
  title = {Indirect Shape Analysis for 3D Shape Retrieval},
  journal = {Computer & Graphics (Special Issue of SMI 2014)},
  volume = {46},
  pages = {110-116},
  year = {2015}
@article {hu_siga14,
  author = {Ruizhen Hu and Honghua Li and Hao Zhang and Daniel Cohen-Or},
  title = {Approximate Pyramidal Shape Decomposition},
  journal = {ACM Transactions on Graphics (Special Issue of SIGGRAPH Asia)},
  volume = {33},
  number = {6},
  pages = {Article 213},
  year = {2014}
@article {yin_siga14,
  author = {Kangxue Yin and Hui Huang and Hao Zhang and Minglun Gong and Daniel Cohen-Or and Baoquan Chen},
  title = {Morfit: Interactive Surface Reconstruction from Incomplete Point Clouds with Curve-Driven Topology and Geometry Control},
  journal = {ACM Transactions on Graphics (Special Issue of SIGGRAPH Asia)},
  volume = {33},
  number = {6},
  pages = {Article 202},
  year = {2014}
@article {alhashim_sig14,
  author = {Ibraheem Alhashim and Honghua Li and Kai Xu and Junjie Cao and Rui Ma and Hao Zhang},
  title = {Topology-Varying 3D Shape Creation via Structural Blending},
  journal = {ACM Transactions on Graphics (Special Issue of SIGGRAPH)},
  volume = {33},
  number = {4},
  pages = {Article 158},
  year = {2014}
@article {xu_sig14,
  author = {Kai Xu and Rui Ma and Hao Zhang and Chenyang Zhu and Ariel Shamir and Daniel Cohen-Or and Hui Huang},
  title = {Organizing Heterogeneous Scene Collection through Contextual Focal Points},
  journal = {ACM Transactions on Graphics (Special Issue of SIGGRAPH)},
  volume = {33},
  number = {4},
  pages = {Article 35},
  year = {2014}
@inproceedings {zou_cvpr14,
  author = {Xiaowu Chen and Dongqing Zou and Jianwei Li and Xiaochun Cao and Qinping Zhou and Hao Zhang},
  title = {Sparse Dictionary Learning for Edit Propagation of High-resolution Images},
  booktitle = {IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
  pages = {2854--2861},
  year = {2014}
@article {wang_gi14,
  author = {Hui Wang and Patricio Simari and Zhixun Su and Hao Zhang},
  title = {Spectral Global Intrinsic Symmetry Invariant Functions},
  journal = {Proc. of Graphics Interface},
  pages = {209--215},
  year = {2014}
@article {wang_siga13,
  author = {Yunhai Wang and Minglun Gong and Tianhua Wang and Daniel Cohen-Or and Hao Zhang and Baoquan Chen},
  title = {Projective Analysis for 3D Shape Segmentation},
  journal = {ACM Transactions on Graphics (Special Issue of SIGGRAPH Asia)},
  volume = {32},
  number = {6},
  pages = {Article 192},
  year = {2013}
  author = {Zhenbao Liu and Sicong Tang and Shuhui Bu and Hao Zhang},
  title = {New Evaluation Metrics for Mesh Segmentation},
  journal = {Computers and Graphics (Special Issue of Shape Modeling International)},
  volume = {37},
  number = {6},
  pages = {553--564},
  year = 2013
@article {symax_sig13,
  author = {Hao Zhang and Kai Xu and Wei Jiang and Jinjie Lin and Daniel Cohen-Or and Baoquan Chen},
  title = {Layered Analysis of Irregular Facades via Symmetry Maximization},
  journal = {ACM Transactions on Graphics (Special Issue of SIGGRAPH)},
  volume = {32},
  number = {4},
  pages = {??},
  year = {2013}
@article {conshier_sig13,
  author = {Oliver van Kaick and Kai Xu and Hao Zhang and Yanzhen Wang and Shuyang Sun and Ariel Shamir and Daniel Cohen-Or},
  title = {Co-Hierarchical Analysis of Shape Structures},
  journal = {ACM Transactions on Graphics (Special Issue of SIGGRAPH)},
  volume = {32},
  number = {4},
  pages = {Article 69},
  year = {2013}
@article {quartet_sig13,
  author = {Shi-Sheng Huang and Ariel Shamir and Chao-Hui Shen and Hao Zhang and Alla Sheffer and Shi-Min Hu and Daniel Cohen-Or},
  title = {Qualitative Organization of Collections of Shapes via Quartet Analysis},
  journal = {ACM Transactions on Graphics (Special Issue of SIGGRAPH)},
  volume = {32},
  number = {4},
  pages = {71:1-10},
  year = {2013}
@article {huang_sig13,
  author = {Hui Huang and Shihao Wu and Daniel Cohen-Or and Minglun Gong and Hao Zhang and Guiqing Li and Baoquan Chen},
  title = {$L_1$-Medial Skeleton of Point Cloud},
  journal = {ACM Transactions on Graphics (Special Issue of SIGGRAPH)},
  volume = {32},
  number = {4},
  pages = {Article 65},
  year = {2013}
@inproceedings {mitra_star13,
  title = {Structure-aware shape processing},
  author = {Niloy Mitra and Michael Wand and Hao Zhang and Daniel Cohen-Or and Martin Bokeloh},
  booktitle = {Eurographics State-of-the-art Report (STAR)},
  pages = {???--???},
  year = {2013}
@article {jiang_gmod13,
  title = {Skeleton-Based Intrinsic Symmetry Detection on Point Clouds},
  author = {Wei Jiang and Kai Xu and Zhiquan Cheng and Hao Zhang},
  journal = {Graphical Models},
  volume = {75},
  number = {4},
  pages = {177--188},
  year = {2013}
@article {xu_siga12,
  title = {Multi-Scale Partial Intrinsic Symmetry Detection},
  author = {Kai Xu and Hao Zhang and Wei Jiang and Ramsay Dyer and Zhiquan Cheng and Ligang Liu and Baoquan Chen},
  journal = {ACM Transactions on Graphics (Special Issue of SIGGRAPH Asia)},
  volume = {31},
  number = {6},
  pages = {181:1--181:10},
  year = {2012}
@article {huang_siga12,
  title = {Field-Guided Registration for Feature-Conforming Shape Composition},
  author = {Hui Huang and Minglun Gong and Daniel Cohen-Or and Yaobin Ouyang and Fuwen Tao and Hao Zhang},
  journal = {ACM Transactions on Graphics (Special Issue of SIGGRAPH Asia)},
  volume = {31},
  number = {6},
  pages = {Article 179},
  year = {2012}
@article {li_siga12,
  title = {Stackabilization},
  author = {Honghua Li and Ibraheem Alhashim and Hao Zhang and Ariel Shamir and Daniel Cohen-Or},
  journal = {ACM Transactions on Graphics (Special Issue of SIGGRAPH Asia)},
  volume = {31},
  number = {6},
  pages = {Article 158},
  year = {2012}
@article {wang_siga12,
  title = {Active Co-Analysis of a Set of Shapes},
  author = {Yunhai Wang and Shmulik Asafi and Oliver van Kaick and Hao Zhang and Daniel Cohen-Or and Baoquan Chen},
  journal = {ACM Transactions on Graphics (Special Issue of SIGGRAPH Asia)},
  volume = {31},
  number = {6},
  pages = {Article 165},
  year = {2012}
@article {xu_sig12,
  title = {Fit and Diverse: Set Evolution for Inspiring 3D Shape Galleries},
  author = {Kai Xu and Hao Zhang and Daniel Cohen-Or and Baoquan Chen},
  journal = {ACM Transactions on Graphics (Special Issue of SIGGRAPH)},
  volume = {31},
  number = {4},
  pages = {57:1--57:10},
  year = {2012}
  author = {Oliver van Kaick and Hao Zhang and Ghassan Hamarneh},
  title = {Bilateral Maps for Partial Matching},
  journal = {Computer Graphics Forum},
  pages = {189--200},
  volume = 32,
  number = 6,
  year = 2013
  author = {Honghua Li and Hao Zhang and Yanzhen Wang and Junjie Cao and Ariel Shamir and Daniel Cohen-Or},
  title = {Curve Style Analysis in a Set of Shapes},
  journal = {Computer Graphics Forum},
  pages = {77--88},
  volume = 32,
  number = 6,
  year = 2013
  author = {Andrea Tagliasacchi and Ibraheem Alhashim and Matt Olson and Hao Zhang},
  title = {Mean Curvature Skeletons},
  journal = {Computer Graphics Forum (Special Issue of Symposium on Geometry Processing)},
  pages = {1735--1744},
  volume = 31,
  number = 5,
  year = 2012
@article {huang_tog13,
  title = {Edge-Aware Point Set Resampling},
  author = {Hui Huang and Shihao Wu and Minglun Gong and Daniel Cohen-Or and Uri Ascher and Hao Zhang},
  journal = {ACM Transactions on Graphics},
  volume = {32},
  number = {1},
  pages = {Article 9},
  year = {2013}
  titile = {{5-6-7 Meshes: Remeshing and Analysis}},
  author = {Nima Aghdaii and Hamid Younesy and Hao Zhang},
  journal = {Computer and Graphics (Extended version from GI'12)},
  volume = 36,
  number = 8,
  pages = {1072--1083},
  year = 2012
  titile = {{5-6-7 Meshes}},
  author = {Nima Aghdaii and Hamid Younesy and Hao Zhang},
  booktitle = {Proc. of Graphics Interface},
  pages = {27--34},
  year = 2012
@article {wang_gmod12,
  title = {Empirical Mode Decomposition on Surfaces},
  author = {Hui Wang and Zhixun Su and Jinjie Cao and Ye Wang and Hao Zhang},
  journal = {Graphical Models (Special Issue of Geometric Modeling and Processing)},
  volume = {74},
  number = {4},
  pages = {173--183},
  year = {2012}
@article {alhashim_tvc12,
  title = {Detail-Replicating Shape Stretching},
  author = {Ibraheem Alhashim and Hao Zhang and Ligang Liu},
  journal = {The Visual Computer},
  volume = {28},
  number = {12},
  pages = {1153--1166},
  year = {2012}
@article {sidi_siga11,
  title = {Unsupervised Co-Segmentation of a Set of Shapes via Descriptor-Space Spectral Clustering},
  author = {Oana Sidi and Oliver van Kaick and Yanir Kleiman and Hao Zhang and Daniel Cohen-Or},
  journal = {ACM Transactions on Graphics (Special Issue of SIGGRAPH Asia)},
  volume = {30},
  number = {6},
  pages = {126:1--126:9},
  year = {2011}
@article {lin_siga11,
  title = {Structure-Preserving Retargeting of Irregular 3D Architecture},
  author = {Jinjie Lin and Daniel Cohen-Or and Hao Zhang and Cheng Liang and Andrei Sharf and Oliver Deussen, and Baoquan Chen},
  journal = {ACM Transactions on Graphics (Special Issue of SIGGRAPH Asia)},
  volume = {30},
  number = {6},
  pages = {183:1--183:10},
  year = {2011}
@article {xu_sig11,
  title = {Photo-Inspired Model-Driven 3D Object Modeling},
  author = {Kai Xu and Hanlin Zheng and Hao Zhang and Daniel Cohen-Or and Ligang Liu and Yueshan Xiong},
  journal = {ACM Transactions on Graphics (Special Issue of SIGGRAPH)},
  volume = {30},
  number = {4},
  pages = {80:1--80:10},
  year = {2011}
  author = {Andrea Tagliasacchi and Matt Olson and Hao Zhang and Ghassan Hamarneh and Daniel Cohen-Or},
  title = {VASE: Volume-Aware Surface Evolution for Surface Reconstruction from Incomplete Point Clouds},
  journal = {Computer Graphics Forum (Special Issue of Symposium on Geometry Processing)},
  pages = {1563--1571},
  volume = 30,
  number = 5,
  year = 2011
  author = {Matt Olson and Ramsay Dyer and Hao Zhang and Alla Sheffer},
  title = {Point set silhouettes via local reconstruction},
  journal = {Computers and Graphics (Special Issue of Shape Modeling International)},
  volume = {35},
  number = {3},
  pages = {500--509},
  year = 2011
  author = {Oliver van Kaick and Andrea Tagliasacchi and Oana Sidi and Hao Zhang and Daniel Cohen-Or and Lior Wolf and 
Ghassan Hamarneh},
  title = {Prior Knowledge for Shape Correspondence},
  journal = {Computer Graphics Forum (Special Issue of Eurographics)},
  volume = 30,
  number = 2,
  pages = {553--562},
  year = 2011
  author = {Yanzhen Wang and Kai Xu and Jun Li and Hao Zhang and Ariel Shamir and Ligang Liu and Zhiquan Cheng and Yueshan Xiong},
  title = {Symmetry Hierarchy of Man-Made Objects},
  journal = {Computer Graphics Forum (Special Issue of Eurographics)},
  volume = 30,
  number = 2,
  pages = {287--296},
  year = 2011
  author = {Oliver van Kaick and Hao Zhang and Ghassan Hamarneh and Danial Cohen-Or},
  title = {A Survey on Shape Correspondence},
  journal = {Computer Graphics Forum},
  volume = 30,
  number = 6,
  year = 2011
  pages = {1681--1707},
@article {xu_siga10,
  title = {Style-Content Separation by Anisotropic Part Scales},
  author = {Kai Xu and Honghua Li and Hao Zhang and Daniel Cohen-Or and Yueshan Xiong and Zhiquan Cheng},
  journal = {ACM Transactions on Graphics (Special Issue of SIGGRAPH Asia)},  
  volume = {29},
  number = {5}, 
  pages = {184:1--184:10},   
  year = {2010} 
@article {shalom_siga10,
  title = {Cone Carving for Surface Reconstruction},
  author = {Shy Shalom and Ariel Shamir and Hao Zhang and Daniel 
  journal = {ACM Transactions on Graphics (Special Issue of SIGGRAPH Asia)},  
  volume = {29},
  number = {5}, 
  pages = {150:1--150:10},   
  year = {2010} 
@article {livny_siga10,
  title = {Automatic Reconstruction of Tree Skeletal Structures from Point Clouds},
  author = {Yotam Livny and Feilong Yan and Matt Olson and Baoquan Chen and Hao Zhang and Jihad El-Sana},
  journal = {ACM Transactions on Graphics (Special Issue of SIGGRAPH Asia)},
  volume = {29},
  number = {5},
  pages = {151:1-151:8},
  year = {2010}
@article {nan_sig10,
  title = {SmartBoxes for Interactive Urban Reconstruction},
  author = {Liangliang Nan and Andrei Sharf and Hao Zhang and Daniel 
Cohen-Or and Baoquan Chen},
  journal = {ACM Transactions on Graphics (Special Issue of SIGGRAPH)},
  volume = {29},
  number = {4},
  pages = {Article 93},
  year = {2010}
  title = {Width-Bounded Geodesic Strips for Surface Tiling},
  author = {Joe Kahlert and Matt Olson and Hao Zhang},
  journal = {The Visual Computer},
  volume = 27,
  number = 1,
  pages = {45--56},
  year = 2011
  title = {Point Cloud Skeletons via Laplacian-Based Contraction},
  author = {Junjie Cao and Andrea Tagliasacchi and Matt Olson and Hao 
Zhang and Zhixun Su},
  booktitle = {Proc. of IEEE Conf. on Shape Modeling and Applications},
  pages = {187--197},
  year = 2010
  title = {Consensus Skeleton for Non-Rigid Space-Time Registration},
  author = {Qian Zheng and Andrei Sharf and Andrea Tagliasacchi and Baoquan Chen and Hao Zhang and Alla Sheffer and Daniel Cohen-Or},
  journal = {Computer Graphcis Forum (Special Issue of Eurographics)},
  volume = {29},
  number = 2,
  pages = {635--644},
  year = 2010
@article {xu_siga09_1,
  title = {Partial Intrinsic Reflectional Symmetry of 3D Shapes},
  author = {Kai Xu and Hao Zhang and Andrea Tagliasacchi and Ligang Liu and Guo Li and Min Meng and Yueshan Xiong},
  journal = {ACM Transactions on Graphics (Special Issue of SIGGRAPH Asia)},
  volume = {28},
  number = {5},
  pages = {Article 138},
  year = {2009}
@article {xu_siga09_2,
  title = {Feature-Aligned Shape Texturing},
  author = {Kai Xu and Daniel Cohne-Or and Tao Ju and Ligang Liu and Hao Zhang and Shizhe Zhou and 
Yueshan Xiong}
  journal = {ACM Transactions on Graphics (Special Issue of SIGGRAPH Asia)},
  volume = {28},
  number = {5},
  pages = {Article 108},
  year = {2009}
@article {huang_siga09,
  title = {Consolidation of Unorganized Point Clouds for Surface Reconstruction},
  author = {Hui Huang and Dan Li and Hao Zhang and Uri Ascher and Daniel Cohen-Or},
  journal = {ACM Transactions on Graphics (Special Issue of SIGGRAPH Asia)},
  volume = {28},
  number = {5},
  pages = {Article 176},
  year = {2009}
  title = {Contextual Part Analogies in 3D Objects},
  author = {Lior Shapira and Shy Shalom and Ariel Shamir and Daniel Cohen-Or and Hao Zhang},
  journal = {International Journal on Computer Vision},
  volume = {89},
  number = {1-2},
  pages = {309--326},
  year = 2010
@article {tag_sig09,
  title = {Curve Skeleton Extraction from Incomplete Point Cloud},
  author = {Andrea Tagliasacchi and Hao Zhang and Daniel Cohen-Or},
  journal = {ACM Transactions on Graphics (Special Issue of SIGGRAPH)},
  volume = {28},
  number = {3},
  pages = {Article 71, 9 pages},
  year = {2009}
  author = {Andrew Clements and Hao Zhang},
  title = {Minimum Ratio Contours on Surface Meshes},
  booktitle = {Proc. of Shape Modeling International},
  pages = {26--37},
  year = 2006
  author = {Ramsay Dyer and Hao Zhang and T. M\"{o}ller}, 
  title = {{V}oronoi-{D}elaunay Duality and {D}elaunay Meshes}, 
  booktitle = {ACM Symposium on Solid and Physical Modeling},
  year = 2007,
  pages = {415-420}
  author = {Ramsay Dyer and Hao Zhang and T. M\"{o}ller},
  title = {Gabriel Meshes and {D}elaunay edge flips},
  booktitle = {Proc. of SIAM/ACM Joint Conference on Geometric and Physical Modeling},
  year = 2009,
  pages = {295-300}
  author = {Ramsay Dyer and Hao Zhang and T. M\"{o}ller},
  title = {Delaunay Mesh Construction},
  booktitle = {Proc. of Eurographics Symposium on Geometry Processing},
  pages = {273-282},
  year = 2007
  author = {Ramsay Dyer and Hao Zhang and T. M\"{o}ller},
  title = {Surface sampling and the intrinsic {V}oronoi diagram},
  journal = {Computer Graphics Forum (Special Issue of Symposium on
             Geometry Processing)},
  year = 2008,
  volume = 27,
  number = 5,
  pages = {1393-1402}
  author = {Varun Jain and Hao Zhang},
  title = {A Spectral Approach to Shape-Based Retrieval of Articulated 3D Models},
  journal = {Computer Aided Design}, 
  volume = {39},
  pages = {398--407},
  year = {2007}
  author = {Andrew Clements and Hao Zhang},
  title = {Robust 3D Shape Correspondence in the Spectral Domain},
  booktitle = {Proc. of Shape Modeling International},
  pages = {118--129},
  year = 2006
  author = {Varun Jain and Hao Zhang},
  title = {Robust 2{D} Shape Correspondence using Geodesic Shape Context},
  booktitle = {Proc. of Pacific Graphics},
  year = {2005},
  pages = {121--124},
  author = {Varun Jain and Hao Zhang},
  title = {Shape-Based Retrieval of Articulated 3D Models Using Spectral Embedding},
  booktitle = {Proc. IEEE Geometric Modeling and Processing (GMP)}
  pages = {295--308},
  year = 2006
  author = {Varun Jain and Hao Zhang and Oliver van Kaick},
  title = {Non-Rigid Spectral Correspondence of Triangle Meshes},
  journal = {International Journal on Shape Modeling},
  year = 2007,
  volume = 13,
  number = 1,
  pages = {101--124}
  author = {Xiaoxing Li and Greg Mori and Hao Zhang},
  title = {Expression-Invariant Face Recognition with Expression Classification},
  booktitle = {Proc. of Canadian Conference on Computer and Robot Vision (CRV)},
  pages = {77--83},
  year = 2006
  author = {Xiaoxing Li and Hao Zhang},
  title = {Adapting Geometric Attributes for Expression-Invariant 3{D} Face Recognitio}
  booktitle = {Proc. of Shape Modeling International},
  pages = {21--32},
  year = 2007
  author = {Xiaoxing Li and Tao Jia and Hao Zhang},
  title = {Expression-Insensitive 3D Face Recognition using Sparse Representation},
  booktitle = {Proc. of IEEE Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
  pages = {2575--2582},
  year = 2009
  author = {J. Li and H. Zhang},
  title = {Nonobtuse Remeshing and Decimation},
  booktitle = {Proc. of Eurographics Symposium on Geometry Processing},
  pages = {235--238}
  year = 2006 
  author = {Rong Liu and Hao Zhang},
  title = {Segmentation of 3{D} meshes through spectral clustering},
  booktitle = {Proc. of Pacific Graphics},
  year = {2004},
  pages = {298--305},
  author = {Rong Liu and Hao Zhang and Oliver van Kaick},
  title = {Spectral Sequencing based on Graph Distance},
  booktitle = {Proc. of IEEE Geometric Modeling and Processing (GMP)}
  pages = {632--638},
  year = 2006
  author = {Rong Liu and Hao Zhang},
  title = {Mesh Segmentation via Spectral Embedding and Contour Analysis},
  journal = {Computer Graphics Forum (Special Issue of Eurographics)},
  volume = 26,
  number = 3,
  pages = {385--394},
  year = 2007
  author = {Rong Liu and Hao Zhang and Ariel Shamir and Daniel Cohen-Or},
  title = {A Part-Aware Surface Metric for Shape Analysis},
  journal = {Computer Graphics Forum (Special Issue of Eurographics)},
  volume = 28,
  number = 2,
  pages = {397--406},
  year = 2009
  author = {Rong Liu and Varun Jain and Hao Zhang},
  title = {Subsampling for Efficient Spectral Mesh Processing},
  booktitle = {Proc. of Computer Graphics International},
  year = {2006},
  pages = {172-184}
  author = {Rong Liu and Hao Zhang and James Busby},
  title = {Convex Hull Covering of Polygonal Scenes for Accurate Collision in Games},
  booktitle = {Proc. of Graphics Interface},
  year = {2008},
  pages = {203--210},
  author = {Matt Olson and Hao Zhang},
  title = {Silhouette Extraction in Hough Space},
  journal = {Computer Graphics Forum (Special Issue on Eurographics)},
  volume = 25,
  number = 3,
  pages = {273--282},
  year = 2006
  author = {Matt Olson and Hao Zhang},
  title = {Tangential Distance Fields for Mesh Silhouette Problems},
  journal = {Computer Graphics Forum},
  volume = 28,
  number = 1,
  pages = {84-100},
  year = 2009
  author = {Oliver van Kaick and Hao Zhang and Ghassan Hamarneh and Danial Cohen-Or},
  title = {A Survey on Shape Correspondence},
  booktitle = {Proc. of Eurographics State-of-the-art Report},
  year = 2010
  pages = {1--22},
  author = {Oliver van Kaick and Aaron Ward and Ghassan Hamarneh and Mark Schweitzer and Hao Zhang},
  title = {Learning Fourier Descriptors for Computer-Aided Diagnosis of the Supraspinatus},
  journal = {Academic Radiology},
  volume = 17,
  number = 8,
  pages = {1040--1049},
  year = 2010
  author = {Oliver van Kaick and Ghassan Hamarneh and Hao Zhang and Paul Wighton},
  title = {Contour Correspondence via Ant Colony Optimization},
  booktitle = {Proc. of Pacific Graphics},
  pages = {271--280},
  year = 2007
  author = {Kai Xu and Hao Zhang and Daniel Cohen-Or and Yueshan Xiong},
  title = {Dynamic Harmonic Fields for Surface Processing},
  journal = {Computers and Graphics (Special Issue of Shape Modeling International)},
  volume = {33},
  pages = {391--398},
  year = 2009
  author = {Kai Xu and Zhiquan Cheng and Yanzhen Wang and Yueshan Xiong and Hao Zhang},
  title = {Quality Encoding for Tetrahedral Mesh Optimization},
  journal = {Computers and Graphics (Special Issue of Shape Modeling International)},
  volume = {33},
  pages = {250--261},
  year = 2009
  author = {Hao Zhang and Eugene Fiume},
  title = {Butterworth Filtering and Implicit Fairing of Irregular Meshes},
  booktitle = {Proc. of Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications},
  year = {2003},
  pages = {502--506}
  author = {Hao Zhang},
  title = {Discrete Combinatorial Laplacian Operators for Digital Geometry Processing},
  booktitle = {Proc. of SIAM Conference on Geometric Design and Computing},
  publisher = {Nashboro Press},
  year = {2004},
  pages = {575--592}
  author = {Hao Zhang and Rong Liu},
  title = {Mesh segmentation via recursive and visually salient spectral cuts},
  booktitle = {Proc. of Vision, Modeling, and Visualization},
  year = {2005},
  pages = {429-436}
  author = {Hao Zhang and Eugene Fiume},
  title = {Shape Matching of 3-D Contours using Normalized Fourier Descriptors},
  booktitle = {Proc. of Shape Modeling International},
  pages = {261--268},
  year = 2002
  author = {Hao Zhang and Hendrik Blok},
  title = {Optimal Mesh Signal Transforms},
  booktitle = {Proc. IEEE Geometric Modeling and Processing (GMP)},
  pages = {373--379},
  year = 2004
  author = {Hao Zhang and Oliver van Kaick and Ramsay Dyer},
  title = {Spectral Methods for Mesh Processing and Analysis},
  booktitle = {Proc. of Eurographics State-of-the-art Report},
  pages = {1--22},
  year = 2007
  author = {Hao Zhang and Oliver van Kaick and Ramsay Dyer},
  title = {Spectral Mesh Processing},
  journal = {Computer Graphics Forum},
  volume = 29,
  number = 6,
  pages = {1865--1894},
  year = 2010
  author = {Hao Zhang and Alla Sheffer and Daniel Cohen-Or and Qingnan 
Zhou and Oliver van Kaick and Andrea Tagliasacchi},
  title = {Deformation-Drive Shape Correspondence},
  journal = {Computer Graphics Forum (Special Issue of Symposium on
             Geometry Processing)},
  year = 2008,
  volume = 27,
  number = 5,
  pages = {1431-1439}
  author = {Brzozowski, J. A. and Zhang, H.},
  title = {Delay-Insensitivity and Semi-Modularity},
  journal = {Form. Methods Syst. Des.},
  volume = {16},
  number = {2},
  year = {2000},
  pages = {191--218},