Publications of Yuqing Zhou at Hamarneh Lab
Conference articles
  1. Josette Chen, Lee Adamson, Leila Baghdadi, Jonathan Bishop, Nick Bock, John Cargill, Lori Davidson, Jun Dazai, Stuart Foster, Ghassan Hamarneh, Natasha Kovacevic, Nir Lifshitz, Brian Nieman, Janet Rossant, John Sled, Yuqing Zhou, and Mark Henkelman. Current Progress of Imaging Screens at the Mouse Imaging Centre. In Integrated Functional Genomics of the Mouse (IFGM), 10 2003. Keyword(s): Imaging, Processing, Segmentation, Registration and Matching. [bibtex-key = ifgm2003]

  2. Mark Henkelman, Josette Chen, John Sled, John Cargill, Ghassan Hamarneh, Natasha Kovacevic, Leila Baghdadi, Stuart Foster, Yuqing Zhou, Jonathan Bishop, Nick Bock, Brian Nieman, Johnathon Walls, Lori Davidson, Jun Dazai, Nir Lifshitz, Colin McKerlie, Lee Adamson, and Janet Rossant. Imaging for Mouse Phenotyping. In 17th International Mouse Genome Conference (IMGC), 11 2003. Keyword(s): Imaging. [bibtex-key = imgc2003]



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Last modified: Thu Aug 1 12:06:05 2024
Author: hamarneh.

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