Publications of Ching-Wei Wang at Hamarneh Lab
Articles in journal, book chapters
  1. Ching-Wei Wang, Cheng-Ta Huang, Meng-Che Hsieh, Chung-Hsing Li, Sheng-Wei Chang, Wei-Cheng Li, Remy Vandaele, Raphael Maree, Sebastien Jodogne, Pierre Geurts, Cheng Chen, Guoyan Zheng, Chengwen Chu, Hengameh Mirzaalian, Ghassan Hamarneh, Tomaz Vrtovec, and Bulat Ibragimov. Evaluation and Comparison of Anatomical Landmark Detection Methods for Cephalometric X-Ray Images: A Grand Challenge. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging (IEEE TMI), 34(9):1890-900, 2015. Keyword(s): Challenge, Graph based, Optimization, Machine Learning, Registration and Matching. [bibtex-key = tmi2015b]



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Last modified: Thu Aug 1 12:06:05 2024
Author: hamarneh.

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