Publications of Ashish Sinha at Hamarneh Lab
Articles in journal, book chapters
  1. Ashish Sinha, Jeremy Kawahara, Arezou Pakzad, Kumar Abhishek, Matthieu Ruthven, Enjie Ghorbel, Anis Kacem, Djamila Aouada, and Ghassan Hamarneh. DermSynth3D: Synthesis of in-the-wild Annotated Dermatology Images (Sinha, Kawahara, Pakzad: Joint first authors). Medical Image Analysis (MedIA), 000(103145):000, 2024. Keyword(s): Dermatology, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Segmentation, Synthesis/Simulation/Augmentation, Datasets. [bibtex-key = media2024]

Conference articles
  1. Ashish Sinha and Ghassan Hamarneh. TrIND: Representing Anatomical Trees by Denoising Diffusion of Implicit Neural Fields. In , volume 000, pages 000-000, 2024. Keyword(s): Deep Learning, Diffusion Models, Anatomical Trees and Tubular Structures, Neural Fields, Synthesis/Simulation/Augmentation. [bibtex-key = miccai2024b]

Internal reports
  1. Ashish Sinha and Ghassan Hamarneh. TrIND: Representing Anatomical Trees by Denoising Diffusion of Implicit Neural Fields. Technical report arxiv.2403.08974, 3 2024. Keyword(s): Deep Learning, Diffusion Models, Anatomical Trees and Tubular Structures, Neural Fields, Synthesis/Simulation/Augmentation. [bibtex-key = arxiv:2403.08974]

  2. Ashish Sinha, Jeremy Kawahara, Arezou Pakzad, Kumar Abhishek, Matthieu Ruthven, Enjie Ghorbel, Anis Kacem, Djamila Aouada, and Ghassan Hamarneh. DermSynth3D: Synthesis of in-the-wild Annotated Dermatology Images (Sinha, Kawahara, Pakzad: Joint first authors). Technical report arxiv.2305.12621, 5 2023. Keyword(s): Dermatology, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Segmentation, Synthesis/Simulation/Augmentation, Datasets. [bibtex-key = arxiv:2305.12621]



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Last modified: Thu Aug 1 12:06:05 2024
Author: hamarneh.

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