Publications of Zahra Mirikharaji at Hamarneh Lab
  1. Zahra Mirikharaji. Deep Learning for Skin Lesion Segmentation. Doctoral Thesis, School of Computing Science, Faculty of Applied Sciences, Simon Fraser University, April 2022. [bibtex-key = phd2022mirikharaji]

Articles in journal, book chapters
  1. Zahra Mirikharaji, Kumar Abhishek, Alceu Bissoto, Catarina Barata, Sandra Avila, Eduardo Valle, M. Emre Celebi, and Ghassan Hamarneh. A Survey on Deep Learning for Skin Lesion Segmentation (Mirikharaji and Abhishek: Joint first authors; Celebi and Hamarneh: Joint senior authors). Medical Image Analysis (MedIA), pp 1-55, 2023. Keyword(s): Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Segmentation, Survey/Review, Dermatology. [bibtex-key = media2023]

  2. Arafat Hussain, Zahra Mirikharaji, Mohammad Momeny, Mahmoud Marhamati, Ali Asghar Neshat, Rafeef Garbi, and Ghassan Hamarneh. Active Deep Learning from a Noisy Teacher for Semi-supervised 3D Image Segmentation: Application to COVID-19 Pneumonia Infection in CT. Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics (CMIG), 102(102127):1-11, 2022. Keyword(s): Segmentation, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, COVID19, SARS-CoV-2. [bibtex-key = cmig2022]

Conference articles
  1. Zahra Mirikharaji, Kumar Abhishek, Saeed Izadi, and Ghassan Hamarneh. D-LEMA: Deep Learning Ensembles from Multiple Annotations. In Biomedical Imaging and Artificial Intelligence (BMIAI) cluster Fall Research Showcase, Vancouver, Canada, pages 1, 2021. Keyword(s): Dermatology, Color/Multichannel/Vector-valued, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Segmentation. [bibtex-key = bmiai2021b]

  2. Zahra Mirikharaji, Kumar Abhishek, Saeed Izadi, and Ghassan Hamarneh. D-LEMA: Deep Learning Ensembles from Multiple Annotations - Application to Skin Lesion Segmentation. In IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (IEEE CVPR) ISIC Skin Image Analysis Workshop (CVPR ISIC), pages 1837-1846, 2021. Keyword(s): Dermatology, Color/Multichannel/Vector-valued, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Segmentation. [bibtex-key = cvpr_isic2021]

  3. Saeedeh Afshari, Aicha BenTaieb, Zahra Mirikharaji, and Ghassan Hamarneh. Weakly Supervised Fully Convolutional Network for PET Lesion Segmentation. In SPIE Medical Imaging, volume 10949, pages 1-7, 2019. Keyword(s): Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Functional/Molecular/Dynamic Imaging, Localization. [bibtex-key = spiemi2019]

  4. Saeed Izadi, Zahra Mirikharaji, Mengliu Zhao, and Ghassan Hamarneh. WhiteNNer - Blind Image Denoising via Noise Whiteness Priors. In International Conference on Computer Vision workshop on Visual Recognition for Medical Images (ICCV VRMI), pages 476-484, 2019. Keyword(s): Microscopy, Enhancement/Restoration/Denoising, Machine Learning, Deep Learning. [bibtex-key = iccv_vrmi2019b]

  5. Zahra Mirikharaji, Yiqi Yan, and Ghassan Hamarneh. Learning to Segment Skin Lesions from Noisy Annotations. In Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention Workshop on Medical Image Learning with Less Labels and Imperfect Data (MICCAI MIL3ID), volume 11795, pages 207-215, 2019. Keyword(s): Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Segmentation, Dermatology. [bibtex-key = miccai_mil3id2019]

  6. Saeed Izadi, Zahra Mirikharaji, Jeremy Kawahara, and Ghassan Hamarneh. Generative Adversarial Networks to Segment Skin Lesions. In IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (IEEE ISBI), pages 881-884, 2018. Keyword(s): Machine Learning, Dermatology, Color/Multichannel/Vector-valued, Deep Learning, Generative Adversarial Network, Segmentation. [bibtex-key = isbi2018b]

  7. Zahra Mirikharaji and Ghassan Hamarneh. Star Shape Prior in Fully Convolutional Networks for Skin Lesion Segmentation. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI), volume 11073, pages 737-745, 2018. Keyword(s): Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Segmentation, Dermatology, Color/Multichannel/Vector-valued, Shape Modelling and Analysis. [bibtex-key = miccai2018a]

  8. Zahra Mirikharaji, Saeed Izadi, Jeremy Kawahara, and Ghassan Hamarneh. Deep Auto-context Fully Convolutional Neural Network for Skin Lesion Segmentation. In IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (IEEE ISBI), pages 877-880, 2018. Keyword(s): Machine Learning, Dermatology, Color/Multichannel/Vector-valued, Deep Learning, Segmentation. [bibtex-key = isbi2018a]

  9. Zahra Mirikharaji, Mengliu Zhao, and Ghassan Hamarneh. Globally-Optimal Anatomical Tree Extraction from 3D Medical Images using Pictorial Structures and Minimal Paths. In 2nd Annual Health Technology Symposium, Vancouver, Canada, pages 1, 2017. Keyword(s): Anatomical Trees and Tubular Structures, Optimization, Bifurcation/Junction. [bibtex-key = healthtech2017e]

  10. Zahra Mirikharaji, Mengliu Zhao, and Ghassan Hamarneh. Globally-Optimal Anatomical Tree Extraction from 3D Medical Images using Pictorial Structures and Minimal Paths (Mirikharaji and Zhao: Joint first authors). In Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI), volume 10434, pages 242-250, 2017. Keyword(s): Anatomical Trees and Tubular Structures, Optimization, Bifurcation/Junction. [bibtex-key = miccai2017a]

Internal reports
  1. Zahra Mirikharaji, Kumar Abhishek, Alceu Bissoto, Catarina Barata, Sandra Avila, Eduardo Valle, M. Emre Celebi, and Ghassan Hamarneh. A Survey on Deep Learning for Skin Lesion Segmentation (Mirikharaji and Abhishek: Joint first authors; Celebi and Hamarneh: Joint senior authors). Technical report arXiv:2206.00356, 6 2022. Keyword(s): Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Segmentation, Survey/Review, Dermatology. [bibtex-key = arxiv:2206.00356]

  2. Zahra Mirikharaji, Kumar Abhishek, Saeed Izadi, and Ghassan Hamarneh. D-LEMA: Deep Learning Ensembles from Multiple Annotations - Application to Skin Lesion Segmentation. Technical report arXiv:2012.07206, 12 2020. Keyword(s): Dermatology, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Segmentation. [bibtex-key = arxiv:2012.07206]

  3. Zahra Mirikharaji, Yiqi Yan, and Ghassan Hamarneh. Learning to Segment Skin Lesions from Noisy Annotations. Technical report arxiv:1906.03815, 6 2019. Keyword(s): Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Segmentation. [bibtex-key = arxiv:1906.03815]



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Last modified: Thu Aug 1 12:06:05 2024
Author: hamarneh.

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